The New CEO

1939 Words
Mallory dropped the kids off at school before proceeding to her place of work. The whole time she spent in the local cab, she couldn't stop herself from reminiscing over her grandmother's hurtful words. She felt humiliated, insulted. 'You showed up with those fatherless babies.' 'Where's their father, then?' The old woman's words haunted her. That wasn't the first time she was saying such words in front of Mallory, and each time she did, it reopened her scars. Mallory forced herself not to wet her cheeks as her mind drifted to the painful memories - to the father of her kids. Seven years ago, she had been so happy, married to her bestfriend and heartbeat. At that time, she was still living in Duskwood. Although, they married at a very tender age - she was eighteen, while he was nineteen - they were still happy and lived in the best way they could. His name was Wilder - Wilder Pemberton - and back then, his family was one of the richest in the country. His parents hated the fact that their only son had fallen for someone as low as Mallory. They kicked against their relationship, but Wilder had been stubborn enough to marry Mallory in secret. It had been just them in the church with the priest. And despite how unserious it had seemed, it meant the world to them. They attempted getting a court wedding, but Wilder's parents made use of their connecting and ensured no court agreed to wed them. So, they decided to wait. Wait until they were old enough to find their way around it They were so young, yet courageous. Mallory recalled how his parents had punished him for getting married to her. They'd frozen his accounts and restricted him from all the benefits he enjoyed from the family. Wilder had to endure a lot, and at a point, depended on Mallory's family for his daily meal. His parents did all these with expectations that he would leave Mallory and come back to them, but Wilder had been stubborn and didn't. However, three months later, Wilder strangely went missing. That was the day her torment started. She had nearly lost her lucidity looking for him. She ran to the police, but being so poor, she couldn't even afford a proper investigation. She had ran to Wilder's family as well, pleading with them to assist in the search, but the family had refused and acted non-challantly to the fact that their only son was missing. This made Mallory believe they might have had a hand in his disappearance. She spent weeks, crying and hoping Wilder would return. Every voice had sounded like his. Every approaching footstep made her alert, hoping he'd be the one. She began to lose her mind, her mother was the only comfort she had. A week later, Mallory discovered she was pregnant. It took her a lot to go through the whole process alone, and when she put to bed, it turned out to be her cute set of twins. Unfortunately, her mother passed away not long after, and things became even more terrible for them. Their mother's debtors began threatening them. So, they had to move out of the city - moved to Havencrest to live with their impossible grandmother. Mallory's life has been hell since then. For seven years, there was never a day she stopped thinking about Wilder. Never a night she didn't stay up late, wishing he'd return. Where could he be? Did his parents really take him away? How come he never made any attempt to find her? Was he still alive? Memories of the beautiful times they'd spent together was still inscribed in her head. How they'd play around and spend every night in each other's arms. It had been so good, so amazing. Mallory sniffed and noticed a lone tear was trickling down her cheek. She glanced at the passengers beside her to be sure they hadn't seen her. Then, quickly, she wiped the tear off. She rose her hand to the hidden necklace in her blouse. It was too long. Hence, the pendant always got lost in her shirt. That was the only thing Mallory had of Wilder - his necklace. He had left it behind on the day he went missing. And since then, she's had it on herself, promising to never let go. The cab pulled up at the gate of the company, and settling the cabby, Mallory got off. For a second, Mallory stood to admire the modern glass building that towered high in the sky. She was always so proud of working in such an enterprise that ranked first in the country. She had been really lucky getting the job, and she'd never forget her excitement when she'd gotten it six months ago. Drawing a deep breath, she headed for the gate, passed the security measures by showing them her staff ID, then proceeded into the company. Her heels clicked on the pavement as she strode purposefully towards the revolving doors. Entering the first floor, she was greeted with busy activities of people rushing around in suits and business attires, their faces serious and focused. It was a very big company with about thirty floors. So, Mallory could barely know all her colleagues. She smiled at the few she recognized while heading for the elevator. Her floor was the fifteenth floor and was the most organized. That was because it only had high ranking staff, including the CEO's office. Mallory walked into the large open-plan office where a lot of her colleagues were. The room was filled with desks, files, computers and the chatters of her colleagues. Seeing Mallory, they stopped talking to welcome her. "Miss pretty is finally here," one of them teased. Mallory's face turned crimson at once. "Please! Not again. Good morning, guys." "Good morning, beautiful. Your beauty is just like always, radiating!" "And your smile is the comfort I need." "I wish I could have your eyes for a minute." Mallory's hand rose up to her face at once, covering it up in embarrassment. Her colleagues were always fond of teasing her. But it wasn't just them. A lot of people were actually obsessed with her beauty. They said her face was like a work of art, with her high cheekbones, a perfectly straight nose and cherry lips that were always perfectly tainted. Her eyes were a perfect shade of green, they sparkled like jewels in the sunlight. Her voice was soft and melodic, with a hint of accent that's hard to place. When Mallory speaks, its more like she's casting a spell, and everyone within earshot can't help but listen intently. She was a wonder in human form. Even when Mallory was with Wilder, he always revered in her beauty. "Come on and have a seat, Mallory; you can go to your desk later. Besides, we all have to be here when the CEO arrives," One out of the six ladies said, tapping at the empty seat beside her. "Yes. I heard he'll be here soon," Another giggled with excitement. Mallory nodded and proceeded to take a seat. They were right - they all needed to be there when the CEO arrived 'cause he'd be addressing them as the staff closest to him. His office was just a few steps away. "I really can't wait to meet this new man," Chloe cooed, cupping her cheeks with her hands. "Same here! I've heard a lot about him! Urgh, he's so lucky - having so much wealth in his name!" Kaida added. "What do you mean so much wealth in his name? He isn't the permanent CEO yet. He's only acting for now. The company doesn't exactly belong to anyone yet." "Yeah, but we all know he's the favourite grandson. Isn't it obvious, considering the fact that Mr. Arlo had to step down for him to take over? I heard their grandmother adores him more." "I heard the same. There's a high possibility she'll be willing everything to him." Mallory felt lost in the conversation. Well, they'd been working in the company much longer and had more knowledge than her. "Hey! You punks need to work hard so your children can be this lucky. Learn from your boss," Chloe pointed at the four men in the room. This made Mallory laugh so hard. "Hey, watch it. My unborn babies are already luckier than you are. Moreover, Mallory would be the mother of my babies. Right, Mallory?" Silas teased. Mallory covered her lips and laughed. It was always fun being around them. Always fun. Her phone suddenly beeped from her bag. Bringing it out, she discovered she had a good morning text from Ronan - as always. She sighed and put it away. Thinking about it, Ronan was a pretty nice guy. He was handsome, very rich, and had been really good to her and the kids. The only problem he had was his anger issues. He tends to get a little violent when angry, although he's been trying so hard to work on it. He even had a therapist he visited on a regular basis. He was trying so hard to work on it and had been pleading with Mallory for her understanding. Aside that, he was really good. What if it was time to move on? Ronan was ready to settle down with her. Wouldn't it be wise to finally accept his feelings and get married to him? She was in the middle of her thoughts when suddenly, one of their colleagues came running in like she was being chased by death. "Freya! What is..." "He's here! He's here!" The lady said in deep breaths, sweats trickling down her forehead. It was apparent she had been running from the first floor. The other females in the room gasped with their eyes growing wider. "Huh?! T... The CEO?" "He's here?!" "Where's he?" "Are you sure it's him?" "Everyone, look around! Is everything arranged?" The room dived into a scene of unsettlement. Mallory just rolled her eyes and remained calm. Yes, she was equally curious to meet this new CEO, but her colleagues were really being over-dramatic. He's still human. They maundered on, straightening their dresses and fixing their desks. They were all so nervous, very nervous. Finally, they heard approaching footsteps and sprang to their feet in a swift move. Their breaths got suspended as three men walked in - two being managers of the company, and one being new. Instantly, they knew the unfamiliar face was their new CEO. He was a young man, tall and well-built with broad shoulders and a muscular physique. His hair was thick and lustrous, his eyes having a deep shade of blue and long thick lashes that any woman would envy. He was too perfect, too gorgeous. The lips of the females were parted open in bedazzlement. Even the males venerated his handsome features. Their new CEO looked just like a demi-god! Everyone had their hearts in their palms, revering in his beauty. But as for Mallory, she had her eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she stared at the man before her. She felt she'd been struck by lightening, rooted to the spot and unable to move. Her mouth hung open in a silent gasp, and her hands trembled beside her. How was this possible? How was it possible? Her mind raced with questions and emotions, all jumbled in a chaotic mess. It was a moment frozen in time, the world around her seeming to fade. How was it possible? The man before her was Wilder!
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