2946 Words

“You hungry?” Aki asked. They have been driving for quite a while; they should be close to their destination. “I don’t know,” Kelsi said uncertainly, with a weak smile. It was true. She knew that it was late, past the time she usually had her dinner. But after the adrenaline rush that she had felt during the heist and the chase that followed had left her veins, she didn’t know what she was feeling now. She was feeling a little tired but also alert at the same time. She wasn’t hungry but her stomach was grumbling. It was confusing. “Maybe we should just go to the apartment for now and stash that?” he said, motioning to the bag on her lap. “And maybe we can figure out dinner afterward.” “Sure. Sounds good,” she replied. It was a good idea. The sooner they got rid of the incriminating

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