Council Meeting

1302 Words
Valen's POV The council chamber was already buzzing with activity when we arrived. The council members stood as I entered, bowing in respect. I took my seat at the head of the table, nodding for them to be seated as well. Edric stood behind me with an official leather folder open in his hands, although I knew he didn’t need to take notes to remember everything that we would discuss today. “Let’s get started,” I said, my tone brisk. “We have much to discuss and little time to waste. Lord Thaler, your report.” Lord Thaler Lykos, a rugged-looking wolf shifter with black hair, striking blue eyes and a stern expression stood to give his report. His steel armor gleamed in the sunlight shining in through the windows. During my childhood, Lord Thaler was one of my father’s trusted generals, and he even taught me how to use my sword. Since I took the throne at an unprecedentedly young age, I promoted him to my council as my Military Strategist. I needed someone seasoned who I could trust, and he has stood unwavering by my side since. “Your Majesties, our forces at the western border remain vigilant. Minor skirmishes with human raiders have been successfully repelled. However, on the eastern border, I have received reports of an increased frequency of raids. I propose allocating additional forces to the east to prevent further escalation.” Lord Thaler sat after his report, knowing I would not respond until all members of the council reported. 'That woman’s village is in the east.' Vehiron commented. 'We should maybe send Cassian to investigate.' Vehiron hummed in agreement, knowing our younger brother always enjoyed a good puzzle to solve. I nodded to Sir Elros Brooks, the treasurer and Livia’s father, to begin his report next. He was an older Caelorian, who also served on my father’s council. His brown hair, always meticulously groomed and slicked back, was starting to show gray streaks. He unraveled a scroll while standing. “Your Majesties, the treasury remains stable. There is nothing new to report regarding inflows and outflows of finance. However, if there is an increase in conflict occurring at the borders again, we may need to consider reinstating a war tax to ensure we are able to reasonably afford future increases in military expenditure.” “Lastly, I have…” He paused and looked up at me, took a deep breath, and looked back down to continue speaking. “I have taken it upon myself to prepare a preliminary budget for this year’s Bonding celebrations.” I kept an impassive expression. Edric held out his hand to receive the open scroll from Sir Elros. Edric pursued the document before rolling it back up and tucking it under his arm. “High Priest Arin,” I moved on to the next council member, a slender Caelorian with long white hair, always tied back in a simple, yet elegant manner. My mother studied to become a priestess under High Priest Arin before she became queen, and still consulted with him often on matters of faith. “Your Majesties,” he nodded and looked me in the eyes, something that few dared do. I felt his sorrow for me as his grey-green eyes bore straight into my soul. He is the man who is to bond my mate's soul to mine and I knew he understood my turmoil more than most. He gave his report: a section in the Grand Library, that was maintained by the Crown but staffed by the Citadel, was in dire need of renovation. I had known of this for a couple of years, but we had to keep reallocating the repair budgets to more urgent matters. “…and lastly," High Priest Arin continued his report, "we will soon select those who will conduct the bonding ceremonies this year. Once the priests and priestesses are chosen, we will provide a list for the crown.” 'Is everyone going to bring up the Bonding?’ I asked Vehiron, annoyance evident in my tone. 'It is understandable, it is only seven months away.' He retorted, ‘You are the only one who is sensitive about it.' I didn’t respond, illogically upset at Vehiron for not taking my side. 'It won’t be like this forever.' Vehiron said earnestly, attempting to comfort me. 'I feel like something important will happen this year.' 'I hope so.' I nodded towards Master Gorrom, who made his report on the merchants and traders, handing an updated ledger to Edric outlining the names, locations, and trade of all Guild-approved tradesmen in our country. Lastly, Lord Faylan, a new bald eagle shifter, who held the newest seat on the council, made his report to represent the common people. “The majority of citizens are content at this time. However, there are some who are still skeptical about allowing free humans to live in the capital. I worry that the rise in conflicts at the borders, mentioned by Lord Thalor, will incite this prejudice further.” The other council members nodded, agreeing that his concerns could be valid. Lord Faylan sat to indicate he was done with his report as I stood from my chair, all members of the council standing as I did, including Lord Faylan who jumped right back up. I was impatient to get this meeting over with and go to training. “During open court this morning, it was brought to my attention that a village was attacked near the eastern border. There is a chance this could be related to the increased raids reported by Lord Thaler. I had already determined to send Prince Cassian to investigate the attacks on the village. Due to your reports of increased activity at the border, I will also have Prince Lucian accompany him to provide support to the troops on the border.” Lord Thalor nodded and brought his fist to his chest in a salute, acknowledging my decision. Two dragons in the area would provide more support than hundreds of troops, even smaller dragons like my brothers. We all knew how important it was for this conflict to be resolved before the start of the Bonding. “Sir Elros and Master Gorrim, together draft a proposal regarding the proposed increase in taxes and what level of burden this will place on the economy and my people. Submit the report to Edric in one week, so I may review it before it is discussed in our council meeting two weeks hence.” Both men bowed their heads in acknowledgment. I continued on to the topic that I was not particularly fond of. “The Dowager Queen has already begun planning for the Bonding. We must ensure all events are planned to perfection,” I continued, “High Priest Arin, contact my mother’s secretary for any needs the Citadel has regarding the blessing ceremonies. The budget for the Bonding, I will review and give to my mother. We have a meeting scheduled for later this afternoon. She will contact Sir Elros directly if she has any questions.” “Lastly, free humans have the same rights as any Caelorian, particularly within my own city walls. Each of you will come to our next council meeting with ideas on how we can better integrate humans into our society and how we can better influence people to let go of their prejudices.” I looked around the table, more than ready to be done with the meeting, “You are all dismissed.” Each council member bowed before leaving, except for Lord Thaler, who saluted, as was appropriate for his station as a retired military commander. Once they were all gone, I sat back down in my chair and sighed deeply, glad to be done with the meeting.
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