Chapter 17

937 Words

BROOKS Crystal has been home for 4 days now and she is getting restless not being able to get up and help around the house. I called her doctor and asked if she was able to sit outside for a little while and he said she should be ok doing it just to make sure she didn't try to walk. After I made Crystal's breakfast, I cleaned up our dishes and went into the room and picked her up off the bed. "Brooks, what are you doing?" "I'm taking you outside to sit in the sun for a little while." "I don't think I am supposed to be outside, Brooks." "I called the doctor and asked. You can sit outside but you can't get up and try to walk." "This sucks!" "I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could heal your leg for you." I sat her on the back porch and decided to go ahead and clean the yard up. Crystal thin

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