Chapter 10

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I was informed by General Wiltone that we must spend the night in the barracks as he had an urgent meeting in the morning. The attendants brought my change of clothes inside the room where I was allowed to sleep. I didn't mind staying. I had been bored at the mansion, and this place was like going back to a special place for me. It must have been faith that led me here. I wanted to be strong, and after I held that sword in my hand, I knew this place was the solution. I walked into General Wiltone’s office to ask him a question. He said I should come to him whenever I needed anything. "Sorry to bother you, Father." He was still working on his paperwork, though his eyes looked a bit tired. "I'm almost done. Do you need anything?" I stepped into the room and stood close to his desk. "Do you remember when you said I was great at sword training?" I asked, fidgeting with my hands behind my back. "I was thinking, wouldn't it be great if I could actually train for sword fighting?" He looked at me with troubled eyes and said, “No.” “Hear me out. It’s for my own good. After what happened, I realized I needed to be strong to protect myself in case something happened.” "If you just listen to me, nothing bad will happen to you." "Please, Father, just this once. I will be careful, I swear." He gave a deep sigh. I could tell he was exhausted, and I knew I was asking for something women don’t usually ask for. I knew that must be why he didn’t want me to train. "You said the palace might consider me for marriage. I should learn how to use a sword properly to protect myself and the prince." I know it's a long shot, the palace has many guards, and the Prince is better at swordplay. "I guess bringing you here fired back at me," he said, dismayed. "Three days of training and no more objection." His approval brought a genuine smile to my face. "I will assign someone to train you personally starting tomorrow. You can go to bed now." "Thank you, Father." I was thrilled the moment I woke up. The attendant brought me my training gear and told me to wait outside in the training area after I had my breakfast. The trainees were shocked when they saw me in my training outfit. It's pretty unheard of for a woman to be training, especially coming from a well-to-do family. I was soon approached by the training soldier in full gear who had been assigned to me. He told the trainee on the field to head to the lockup for practice. The trainees were confused but they had to obey. He wanted me to run around the field to test my endurance, which I was willing to do. I ran like I was supposed to, but he wasn't even looking. He turned around from the field. It was strange, but I didn't think anything of it. After completing one round, he stopped me with a whistle. I was about to protest because I felt he was being lenient with me, but he ordered me to stretch. He was still facing away from me. I agreed, but didn't act on it. I just stood there, waiting for him to cut me off again. In about a minute, he whistled again. He is really going easy on me! He turned around to look at me. I was just crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows when he spotted me. "General Wilthone instructed you to be lenient with me?" He was unable to respond. I am confident that he was provided with specific instructions regarding the training he intends to require of me. I should have known better. "I understand that this situation is not your fault, but I just want you to know you need to take me seriously." I turned away and started walking around. I noticed some swords on the ground that the trainees must have left behind. I grabbed one of them and went back to him. I pulled the sword out of my hand and said, "I challenge you to a battle!" He was so shocked by what he heard that he didn’t know how to respond. I know he doesn’t want to do this, but it’s the only way for him to take me seriously. Somehow, that got everyone's attention in the lockup, and soon everyone was looking at us. I took advantage of this to show everyone that I wasn't just some damsel in distress - I am Alfred Varnham's daughter! My sudden attack must have loosened up the war-hardened soldier in him. I narrowly avoided the blade slicing through the air toward my face. I lunged at him in a determined counterattack. He continued thrusting his sword forward in quick movements as he danced around me. A rush of adrenaline coursed through my body. This was the training I was looking for! The experienced swordsman skillfully avoided any incoming blows. However, I have acquired knowledge through observing my father's training at home and intend to utilize this knowledge to end the match. I started by feinting a high attack, then quickly switched to a low strike that took him off guard, leaving him lying on the ground. As I aimed my sword at his chest, the crowd began to cheer. He took his helmet off and started laughing. I was shaking as I held the sword away from him. "It's embarrassing to lose in front of my men, young miss, but that was splendid!" he said as he rose. I didn't think the training guard would be so young. I think he was a little bit older than myself. "Pardon my actions, young miss. I, Lieutenant Philip Hall, shall honor our agreement." As he had promised, he provided me with training with the other trainees and instructed me on the manner of their work. I value the fact that he did not take anything into account. At a young age, I was aware that my father would not permit me to receive this type of training. Consequently, I would practice at home using his training materials when he was away. By the afternoon, my training was over. My body ached so much I couldn’t even stand up. This is to be expected. It's my first day after all. "We're heading out, Maud. See you tomorrow." Most trainees are casually talking to me now. I find it refreshing that they only call me by my name. As I started to take off the bandage on my feet, I felt a jolt of electricity go through my legs. My pale skin got bright red and it swelled up a lot. "Ooh, that looks painful." Lieutenant Philip Hall stood at the door, arms crossed. "If you think I'm going to quit because of this, you're wrong," I said. "You should put them in warm water. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get out of bed in the morning." "Thanks for your concern. I'll be fine. Expect me tomorrow for training." I tried to get up, but the pain started again in my legs. I could hear him chuckle a bit. A few minutes later, an attendant walked into the room carrying a bucket of hot water. "The general will probably ask you how your day went, so it's best to just pretend nothing out of the ordinary happened. Good night, Lady Maud."
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