Chapter 4

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We were sent off the following day, and I never saw Sir Slyfield again after that night, and nothing about what happened came up during our meeting with Prince Ivo before we took our leave. I was still trying to figure out what Sir Slyfield was getting at. He's being a bit of a mystery to me, and I'm not happy about it. How do I find out who he is? General Wilthone called me in his office a few days later. "What's this, Father?" I asked, after he took the envelope with the royal seal from his desk. "A marriage date invitation from the palace," he said in what I supposed a defeated tone. "Prince Ivo suggested this. Even if I wanted to decline, I can't speak for you, Maud." I took the letter but before I could open it he stopped me. "Are you going?" Going back to the palace is what I intend, most especially now that I'm interested in what Sir Slyfield know about my intentions. "Your old man wouldn't even bring you to the palace before. I'm not sure if what I'm doing is right." I laughed a little. "He was just looking after me before. I was young and carefree. But I'm older now, father. Although I didn't expect this to come up this early, the marriage proposal would eventually come. In my knowledge, it's best not to decline a prince's request." "I guess you're right. But will it really be okay? I mean, you're just seventeen and—" "Father, most ladies of my age are already married and got engaged years earlier. I don't think I've mentioned this before, but my father received lots of marriage proposals for me when I was just fifteen." That just added more weight to him because he slumped back in his seat. "Well then, I guess it's settled then. We will prepare for that day." Looking at the letter in my hand excites me. Things are going my way so far. Even though I keep thinking about Sir Slyfield telling me to back off, I can't get him into my head. I need to know what happened to my mother. I went back to my room to read the letter. Nothing seems special in its content, just like the other I got before, only it's from the palace. I took out the box where I stashed all the letters I received. An old letter that I only read once caught my attention. This is the only letter in the box that isn't mine— it was my father's. He never got the chance to read it though. It came to our mansion the day he left for the war. I know I wasn't supposed to open it but when news about his death reached me, I read the letter. It didn't indicate where it came from or who sent it. It only included my father's name and the matter concerning the death of my mother. The letter is my only knowledge regarding my mother's death. Father never talks about it and would dismiss me if I asked questions. Reading it again brought a heavy weight on my heart. "Lady Laura's death wasn't accidental. It was murder. A royal murder." The supposed marriage is my only key to knowing who killed my mother. They have to be accountable for what they did, whoever they are. It doesn't matter if their royals. The most exquisite dress was bought by General Wiltone and was presented to on the day of the marriage date. The day has arrived and all is as it should be. He sent me away in a carriage and said goodbye to me. He treats me as if I were his own daughter, so I know that sending me away breaks his heart. But this has to be done. I'm sorry, father, but this is important for me. Upon arrival at the Palace, I was met with the customary greeting by Prince Ivo, who was accompanied by his royal guards. Prince Luke was not present. "Lady Maud, you are looking radiant."Prince Ivo greeted me with a smile. "Thank you, your highness," I smiled. "Prince Luke is still in preparation. Let me lead you to the garden." As we made our way to the palace gardens, I had the opportunity to speak with him. "I heard from father you suggested this marriage date. It's truly an honor, your highness." "Oh it's nothing. You're originally on our list, Lady Maud. You caught my eye at the ball," he laughed a little. I was embarrassed to recall my action back then. "I didn't mean to bring trouble to that poor server. Was he okay?" "No need to worry about him. He didn't receive any punishment." "That's good to hear." At the time, both of us were smiling. Before arriving at the garden palace, I asked him one more question. "I know it's rude to ask, but how did Prince Luke react to this marriage date of ours?" "He's not surprised at all. He mentioned you asked him to marry you." I was so surprised at how casually he said it that I couldn't respond. I just blushed in surprise. "P-Prince Luke is the next popular bachelor and you are the first your highness. I am aware that you already have someone, so I decided to take the initiative and invite him. It wasn't very polite, I apologize." "No need to apologize, Lady Maud. You actually impressed me," he said, smiling. "And no, I don't have anyone yet but thank you for making me your number one bachelor." He gave a charming smile and inclined his head towards me. "Y-You don't? But—" I am aware of the gossip circulating, however, I have used it to my advantage and you need not be concerned." If I had known, I would have asked him instead of the other prince! Between the two of them, Prince Ivo is clearly the better one. I was barely able to keep my head above water. It was embarrassing and regrettable, but what choice did I have but to proceed with what's at hand? But the sight of the blooming flowers around the garden brought me back to the present. The vibrant blooms glistening in the sunlight, swaying in the breeze, and the greens calling my attention. For a brief moment, I felt as if I had never been here before. The day-time view is incomparable to the night-time view. "It's beautiful!" I cried out in astonishment. "Luke was right after all," he whispered. "Well, then Lady Maud, I will take my leave. Prince Luke will be here in a while." I gave him a bow as he departed. I still do not understand why he has not chosen a bride. He should have been the first to marry. I guess he will soon have to choose. But unlike what he said, Prince Luke is taking a while. Maybe he isn't interested. Not that I care. I decided to take a look around to kill some time. There are all sorts of pretty, healthy-looking flowers scattered around the garden. A lot of mansions have gardens, but not Varnham's. I always wondered why, but I never asked. I saw an old lady who was helping out with some planters. She started to walk away but then saw me and waved. I smiled and said hi. "The flowers are pretty," I said, going to her. "Thank you, young miss," she said, smiling. "I lived all my life in this garden. It's rewarding yet sad I must leave." I gave her a questioning look. "I'm retiring due to age," she smiled. "You remind me of Lady Lau—" "Lady Maud." As Prince Luke approaches us, the old woman lowers her head. The old lady was going to mention a name. Am I right? Was she going to mention Lady Laura? "What are you doing here?" Prince Luke didn't look pleased. "I was just talking to..." I looked back to where the old lady was but she was gone. "She went away. Anyway, let's go." Prince Luke pulled my hand firmly. "Was I not allowed to wander around the garden?" "No you're not." I didn't even think of asking him why he was mad. If he was mad, then so was I. We sat in the designated area of the garden, over endless cups of tea and biscuits. He would not speak and would not even look at me. I figured he didn't care about this date at all, but I had to do it. It's not a game to me. I rose to my feet, which attracted his attention, and stated, "I am leaving. It is clear that you are not interested." "You finally noticed," he laughed. "We'll see if you can still laugh after I talk to Prince Ivo." I heard the metal chair move. "Wait. Can we just be civil here?" "I'm trying to be nice, but your attitude towards the date isn't great, Prince Luke." I stopped and confronted him. "I'm really embarrassed that Prince Ivo knows I asked for your hand in marriage. You should have just said no." From the look on his face, I could tell he was displeased. Dragging Prince Ivo into our conversation simply burst his bubble. And I intend to use it anytime convenient. "If you want to start over, I'm willing to listen." He sighed deeply. "Just this once. Let's go some place else." He walked passed me and I quietly followed. One wrong move from him and I'm out. "Reed, prepare the horses." I looked around, but there was no one else there besides us. "Um.. who are you talking to?" This guy just lost it. A man in a black robe jumps out of the trees near us and runs to the next one. "Oh! That's Sir Slyfield!" I exclaimed. Confused, Prince Luke looked at me. "You know him?" I bit my tongue. I forgot. I shouldn't mention him. No one knew I sneaked into the palace last time I was here. "Yes, just once a long time ago. Anyway," I quickly changed the topic. "He always jumps on trees, huh?" "As expected from an assassin." "Oh, I see." Never thought that of him. Thinking back, he was sneaky at the garden. I didn't think they would hire an assassin for a royal guard. "Where are we going, Prince Luke?" He asks for horses, so we must be going somewhere far. "The forest." I froze upon hearing him. "Will Sir Slyfield come with us?" I smiled worriedly. I wasn't thinking of anything. It's just that it would be best if we weren't alone. "Are you scared of me, Lady Maud?" He leaned forward, getting quite close to my face. "N-Not at all. Just to remind you, Prince Luke. My father is General Varnhame. You should be worrying about you, your highness," I smiled teasingly.
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