The Vampire's Second Chance Part 4

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The door opened behind me and I turned to see Dennis. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “You smell so frightened. I’m sorry. I only wanted to be your friend. I didn’t know you were afraid of us.” Dennis murmured. I stiffened. No. My Dennis couldn’t be a werewolf. He was like the opposite of that. He was cool and calm and charming. Not brutish and violent. I tried to push him away and he reluctantly let me go. “Billie, if I had known how you feel about supernaturals, I wouldn’t have ever let it get so far. Or maybe I would. You changed my world.” “Please, leave, Dennis. You’re not allowed back here.” I replied. “Let me explain. You probably only know stories about us. We’re not like all the legends say. They can seem terrifying, but that’s not us.” Stepping back from him, I picked up the bottom of my shirt and lifted it above my scars. His eyes widened and he put his hand out. I didn’t move. Frankly, it was half because I was scared shitless that he was going to attack if I ran away. His cool fingers brushed over the scars. I bit my lower lip and tried to keep myself from crying. Maybe he would leave me alone instead of finishing what the other wolf had started. “A werewolf attacked you…? When? Where? I’ll hunt him down and kill him. Or was it a female? It doesn’t matter. Whoever it is will die for harming you.” Dennis scowled. I lowered my shirt and gently pushed his hand away. I didn’t want him to turn his anger on me. I didn’t want to die in the back of a convenience store. “This is the reason you were scared when the power went out. You don’t have to be scared, I can protect you from them. All of the werewolves who live in town are tame and good people. You don’t have to worry about them.” “What about you, though?” I asked softly. “What about me? I don’t need any protection from werewolves. I fought them hundreds of years ago and I am even stronger today than I was when I was alive.” My eyes widened. “You’re not a werewolf?” He laughed. I blushed. I’d just assumed when he said ‘we’ that he was a werewolf too. When he was alive…. “You’re a vampire.” “Yes, Billie. I was born a dhampyr and passed on to my second life when I died. I’ve been a proper vampire for four hundred years.” Dennis moved quickly, much faster than I’d ever seen him move. I found myself pressed against the back wall. I looked up at him and realized, I couldn’t fight off a vampire if I had to, either. “In four hundred years, I have never been as eager and filled with anticipation as I am when I wake every evening and wait for your phone call. I lay there, feeling giddy at the next time I’ll be able to talk to you. I strain to pay attention in my meetings, because I know I’ll come to see you as soon as they’re over. When Francesca rejected me, I thought I would never feel this. You’ve captured me, Billie… Sybil.” He said softly, as he lowered his mouth to mine. I thought his kiss would be rough or hard, but it was tender and passionate. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue over his bottom lip. Dennis groaned and I felt his tongue touch mine tentatively. His hands held my shoulders against the wall, but I could reach his open jacket. I grasped it and pulled him closer. He moved his arms around me and held me to him. Though, I’d been kiss many times before, none of them ever felt like this. It was like I was floating on air and grounded all at the same time. He was my anchor to the world. When we pulled apart, I laid my head on his chest. I felt safer than I had in years. I didn’t want it to end. “Come with me tomorrow night. I promise, no one will harm you. If one of those werewolves even tries, I’ll rip their arms off.” Dennis promised. “Wouldn’t that make Echo mad at you?” “Yes, mostly because they’re all her family and friends, but I’ve promised to protect you and I shall. I never break my promises. I’ll keep you safe for as long as you’re with me.” “Does this mean you’re my boyfriend now?” I asked. “Absolutely. If you’ll have me, that is. I know a young woman like you has other options than an old man like me, but I will give you anything your heart desires if you’ll choose to be mine.” “Thirty-five was old even when you were alive, Dennis. I’m not some girl who is new to the world. I hope you don’t think this is going to turn me into some simpering child.” “Never. That’s not the woman I’ve fallen in love with. You’ve seen the world. Sown your wild oats. Now is the time to settle down and be pampered like you deserve.” He murmured and kissed me on top of my head. I liked that. I really was done with my wild and crazy days. Maybe this was exactly what I needed. When we pulled apart, I felt a lot better. I was safe with him. He wanted to be with me, scars and all. It didn’t matter to me that he was a vampire, or that he was older than anyone I’d ever met. “I need to go. Our time is up for this evening. I’ll come get you after the sun sets tomorrow. Stay safe until I can be with you again.” “I will. Thank you for not letting me run away. I’d hate to miss out on a man like you because of a misunderstanding.” I smiled. He put his hand over his heart and had the most joyful expression on his face. It made me giggle. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to have someone say something like that to me, Sybil. I’m glad you were willing to listen. I would have hated to lose you because of a misunderstanding.” Dennis reached out and cupped my cheek in his hand before he turned to leave. I stood there and watched him go. I really had a boyfriend. And he was amazing in so many ways. I felt like a teenager again. I managed to float through the rest of stocking and cleaning for the night. When the odd customer came in, I did my job, but felt like I was dreaming through the whole thing. At least, until Officer Martinez and his partner came in. They went straight to the coffee stand, as they usually did. I smiled cheerfully as Officer Martinez came up to pay. He started to say something, then sniffed and got an odd look on his face. “Anything the matter?” I asked. “You know, I’ve been wondering who’s been visiting you. Ever since that big storm, I’ve been getting the faintest scent of vampire when I come in. Now, it smells like you’ve been rolling around on one.” He said quietly. I looked over at his partner, who was standing a little way off, sipping from his cup. When my gaze went back to Officer Martinez, he was staring at me, as if waiting for an answer. I felt nervous. Dennis could smell things, werewolves could smell things, what other kinds of creatures were out there who had sensitive senses of smell? What was Officer Martinez? My stomach twisted and I was suddenly afraid. He’d never seemed like he was anything other than human. “Wh-what are you?” I asked. “Does it matter? Do you know that a vampire has been hanging around here? Show me your neck. I want to make sure some bloodsucker hasn’t been feeding on you and making you forget.” Officer Martinez growled. My hands shook as I pulled aside the collar of my work polo and showed him my neck. My hair was tied back, so he could see it without having to touch me. I was grateful for that. I don’t know that I would’ve been able to keep myself from squeaking or pulling away. “My boyfriend is a vampire. He checks up on me while I’m working. We got a little carried away in the back tonight. That’s all. Please, what are you?” “I’m a jaguar. I want you to be careful. Some of those bloodsuckers are just out for a good time and they’ll mess with the hearts and lives of the women who catch their eye. I’ve been coming here for a couple years. You’re a good human. I don’t want you getting hurt. You tell me if that fucker does anything to break your heart. I’ll kick his ass.” “Dennis isn’t like that, but I appreciate you being willing to fight for me.” I told him. I was holding it together remarkably well. Although, it wasn’t a jaguar who’d hurt me, and Officer Martinez had always been so nice to me. So I just couldn’t reconcile him with the monsters in my dreams. The officers left and I started thinking about supernaturals. They seemed to be everywhere. I wouldn’t even know. How many werewolves had I served? How many did I count among my friends over the years? Maybe Dennis was right and they weren’t all like that. It made me more attentive to people in the rest of my shift. I would see some who would scrunch their nose when they got close to me. One guy, who had always been something of an obnoxious jerk, went white as a sheet when he got close and didn’t try to bother me like he normally did. What was he? I had more questions than answers by the end of my shift. I didn’t really like it, but I couldn’t just ask those customers what they were. I would have to just accept not knowing. When I went home, I took a shower. I couldn’t smell what vampire smelled like, but I didn’t want to cause any problems tonight. Although, maybe that would protect me more than anything else. As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered if Dennis was about to sleep too. It would be dawn shortly. It made sense that he was in bed. I wondered if he was thinking of me, too. I hoped he was. - A nightmare woke me a half hour before my alarm was set to go off. I grumbled, but didn’t try to go back to sleep. I didn’t want to be sucked back into the dream. It was a fairly common dream for me. I was in those woods, alone. I heard a growl from the nearby bushes and backed away, but not fast enough. A giant wolf bounded out of the bushes and snarled at me. I turned and ran as fast as I could, but the woods seemed to go on forever. I couldn’t hide. I couldn’t stop. The wolf was always right on my heels until I tripped over something. I would wake up right as it started clawing and biting me. I didn’t bother changing out of my sweats and tank top. I made my bed and decided to clean my oven. I rarely used it, so it wasn’t like it needed cleaning, but I always worked on something like that after the dream. Once it was clean, cleaner, I made some coffee and took another shower while it brewed. I slipped on my terrycloth robe after my shower and padded out to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I still needed to figure out what to wear tonight. I’d forgotten to ask how formal this dinner thing was. I had one dress which would fit that sort of occasion, but I was planning to wear that for my birthday. I mulled it over while I drank my coffee and scrolled through social media. After my coffee was gone, I went back to my room and started digging through my closet and dresser. I was thinking something nice, but casual. That way I could almost fit in either setting. I settled on a silk blouse and dark skirt that I’d bought back when I was trying to be a secretary. I had some pantyhose somewhere and I was pretty sure my ‘professional’ heels were in the closet too. It was a little more than casual. It certainly wasn’t the most comfortable thing I owned, but I didn’t think going to a dinner party in a sweat suit was a great idea. Once I was dressed, I went into the bathroom to style my dark red hair. I rarely wore it down. Usually, it was tied in a tight ponytail so I could work more easily. I decided to meet in the middle and braided it. I added a little eyeshadow and some lipstick. My skin was too sensitive for foundations. With a sigh, I decided it was as good as I was going to get with this outfit. Couldn’t overdo it, or I’d just end up looking ridiculous. I’d do a lot more tomorrow for my birthday celebration. I went out to sit on the couch. It was about six in the evening. I realized the sun was still out. I’d been calling Dennis around five every day. That meant he woke up before the sun set. I picked up my phone and dialed him. “Hello, Sybil.” He answered after only one ring. “Did I disturb you while you were getting ready?” “No. I got ready after I woke up. I was just feeding Francesca and doing some paperwork. How are you feeling this evening?” “Nervous, but not as bad as before. Apparently, I smelled like vampire for the rest of the night.” I giggled. “Who told you that?” Dennis asked. “A police officer who is a regular. He told me he’s a jaguar and if you break my heart he’s going to kick your ass.” “Then I had better never break your heart.” He purred. “The sun sets just before seven-thirty tonight. I can leave as soon as it’s down. I want to kiss you again.” “Mmm. I want to kiss you, too. Are you sure we need to go to this thing tonight, because I can think of a few other things I want to do to you.” Dennis laughed. “I would love that, but I told Echo last night that I was bringing you. She’ll be very upset with me if I don’t and upsetting Echo is not good for one’s health.” “How old is she that she’s so terrifying? She must be very powerful.” “She’s eighteen, but she most definitely is powerful. And none of the men who care for her would be too happy with me if I got her hopes up and didn’t come through.” “How are you related to her exactly?” I asked. “She adopted me. Back in late April. She is the wife of the Master of the territory. A very important vampire.” He answered. “But… wasn’t this a party to celebrate her husband getting a new job? Did he just become the Master?” “No. This is to celebrate her other husband getting a new job. Victor will never have to look for work. Gray doesn’t want to have Victor pay his way, so he works.” Dennis explained. She has two husbands at eighteen and it took me all the way to thirty-five to get a decent boyfriend. I was a little jealous. Then I thought about all the things she would miss out on by settling down so early and felt a little better. We talked for another hour or so, until Dennis’ alarm went off letting him know the sun had set. He gave me a rundown on the people I’d meet and what they were. He told me the fae wouldn’t be wearing their glamour, the thing that makes them look human. As I waited, I tried to prepare myself. I would probably see some strange things tonight. I hoped the werewolves were as nice as Dennis made them out to be. Maybe getting to know some would help me with my fear of them. Only time would tell.  
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