The Torturer and the Assassin Part 7

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[One year later]   The cab dropped me off at the entrance to Limb Torn. I paid the fare and hoisted my duffle onto my shoulder. I didn’t mind the walk. Not since I knew what was waiting for me at the end of it. As I walked through the property, I saw a few unfamiliar faces. Those people were quickly pulled aside by people who knew me. They whispered into their ears and the looks of curiosity were changed to looks of terror. Others averted their gaze when they saw me. It was good to be home. I opened the front door to the main house and went in. I could smell more new people. We could afford it after all the gifts I sent back to the collective, so it wasn’t a concern. The sound of little feet pounding down the stairs caught my attention. Kyle grinned and flung himself at me. I just had time to drop my bag before catching him and tossing him in the air. “Did you bring me a present?” He asked. “Of course I did. I promised you I would when I left.” I chuckled. Setting him on the ground, I dug around in my bag before pulling out an action figure I’d picked up in Europe. It was just like one you could find in America, but with foreign print. That was enough for any kid. I didn’t think he’d want some souvenir he couldn’t play with. He squealed and ran off calling for his nanny. I shook my head and zipped up my bag. When I stood and hefted it up again, I saw Kingston standing in the doorway across from me. Kingston crossed the entryway and stuck out his hand. I shook it firmly. “Welcome home, Sy.” He smiled. “It’s good to be home, King Fuller.” I replied. “I received all of your updates and packages. Good work.” “That collective is no more. I used a fake name and a fake collective name, so no one can trace it back to Limb Torn. I killed everyone that mattered and scattered the others to the four winds.” I reported. He nodded and patted my shoulder. “We are grateful for your hard work. I’m sure you don’t want to be standing around here talking to me, though. Leave your bag here. You can grab it on your way back to your house. Tim is in his dungeon. His assistants can take care of his guests, if he wants to take the rest of the day off.” “Thank you, sir.” I said and put my bag down before heading toward the dungeon.  When I reached the entrance to the dungeon, I took a moment to straighten up before entering. The smell of fear and pain mixed with blood and other fluids. Underneath it all, I could smell flowers. Two men were chained to the wall, while two people worked them over. I couldn’t see what they were using, but the men were pleading for their lives. Everything seemed to be going well. I saw Tim facing the workbench. His headphones were on and he was dancing a little to whatever he was listening to. It reminded me of the first day I came to work with him. With a smile, I crossed the room and stopped a couple inches away from him. I sniffed him and growled with pleasure. Wolf and I had missed the scent of our mate. Tim froze for a moment, then leaned back against me. He sighed with contentment and took off his headphones. His hair was even shorter than last time. He’d probably had to shave. Torture could be a messy business. “Welcome home, Mr. Greene.” He said, turning to look up into my eyes. “Thank you, Mr. Scarlet. Did you enjoy the postcards I sent?” I asked. His eyes lit up and he nodded with a grin. Every time I killed someone, I sent him a postcard with a droplet of their blood on it. I knew that would cement it for him more than me just telling him that I killed them all. “King Fuller said you can take the rest of the day off, if you want.” I told him. Tim licked his lips and glanced over at his guests. I leaned in and licked the curve of his ear. He hummed a little. “That’s cheating, Mr. Greene.” Tim chuckled. “If I have to compete with your work, I’m going to lose unless I use my charms.” I murmured in his ear, making him shiver. “You’re filling out your clothes better than when I left. Have you been doing the training exercises I left for you?” “Of course. I’ve been working hard so you’d be proud of me when you came home.” He admitted quietly. “Come home with me. Let me mark you as mine. I missed you so much while I was gone. All I thought of was the taste of your skin, the feeling of your breath, the texture of your lips. I ache for you, Mr. Scarlet.” I purred. “I’m taking the rest of the day off. When I come back tomorrow, I want a full report. Understood?” Tim ordered his assistants. “Yes, Mr. Scarlet.” They replied in unison. “Don’t disappoint me or you’ll be joining our guests.” He growled before grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the door. Goddess, I loved it when he was like that. Tim was a frightening commander. Kingston had talked to me over the phone a few times and given me updates. I couldn’t call home whenever I wanted, because I was trying to keep my connection to Limb Torn secret. Tim took me upstairs and I laced my fingers with his as we headed toward the entry to get my bag. We walked out the door and toward my house. Our house. He had given up the house Kingston put him in and moved into my house while I was gone. I wanted to be sure Tim wouldn’t have nightmares while I was gone. When the door opened, I took in a deep breath. The house smelled like both of us. Wolf danced in my head. This what he wanted. Our territory was this little house, and anyone who came in knew who it belonged to. I pulled Tim to me after I dropped my bag and kissed him deeply. His arms wrapped around me and he moaned softly into my mouth. The feeling of my mate in my arms took away the last of my tension. He pushed me back a little. “Did you bring me a present?” “Only a lonely wolf who’s missed his sexy mate.” I replied. “Sounds pretty cheap.” Tim chuckled. “It may be cheap, but it’s rare. That has to be worth something.” “I’ve heard that one before.” He snorted. “And you’ll never hear it again. I made sure of that.” I grinned. “I love you, Sy.” Tim said softly. “I love you, too, Timothy Randolph.” “You remembered my real name.” He smiled. “I remembered every single thing I could about you. I carried it in my heart until I could come back and hold you in my arms.” “Goddess it turns me on when you talk like that.” Tim growled. I swept him into my arms. “I know.” I winked. He put his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. I carried him into our room. I was going to take my time getting reacquainted with him and every inch of his body.  >>>End<<<
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