“I don’t accept this, I can't!” The voice that always sounded beautiful to me, was now filled with rage and hurt. “You have to, there is no other choice here.” I tried to hide the pain in my voice and focused on being logical, but this was tearing me a apart. “All this chaos will end, and everyone will be safe.”
“I DON’T CARE!” She yelled out, speeding across the room running in to my arms and burying her face into my chest just like she did when she was a little girl. Being able to see her grow into a beautiful young woman has been the greatest joy of my life. I may have been a tyrant, but this woman in front of me was all the good in my life. I placed my hand on her head and as soon as I touched her, the tears started to fall from both of our eyes. I wiped mines away quickly wanting her to remember me as strong.
“Why!” She asked. “Why do you have to die, Papa!” The pain in her voice was just almost to much for me. No parent wants to be the cause of their child’s pain but it’s something I must do, even though it’s tearing me apart inside. I could prevent my death easily, but then all worlds would pay the price, which means that she will be in danger as well. If this had happened before my daughter was born, I would have never even contemplated this sacrifice. Now though, I give my life so this world can become a peaceful place where she can flourish - not even a choice.
I lifted her head, and placed a light kiss on her forehead one last time. It always made her feel safe growing up. Comforting her is the least I could do for the child that taught this monster to love again. She was the only thing in this world that I truly loved. From the moment she was born she brought nothing but joy to my life, especially after what happened to the woman that should have been my wife. I tried to repay that joy by making any wish she wanted come true, except this one time.
“Sleep!” I said using a form of magic that I had created. Her body went limp and she fell into an unconscious sleep. Even with my blood coursing through her veins she was still susceptible to my powers. I envisioned her in the new home I made for her, far away from this place. Then I covered her in my magic and right before my eyes she disappeared into someplace that I knew she would be safe.
“I see that you sent that ingrate away.” A vicious female voice said as she walked in to my room.
“Call her that again and I swear that today you will meet your end before I do, Emilia.”
“Is that anyway to talk to your wife?” She hissed with a smile.
Emilia was my wife in name only. She orchestrated a marriage through trickery by using the love of my life and my child. It was because of her that I didn’t lose my daughter also and it’s the only reason she remains alive. In return, Emilia’s only request was that I make her my wife and my queen. My daughter always knew Emilia wasn’t her actual mother but she was supposed to at least act as such. At first Emilia acted as if she cared for her, but turned on my child when she realized that I couldn’t love her like she wanted me to. She never physically tried to harm her because she knows that I would kill her before she could even think about doing anything to my child. but Emilia was never a real mother to her though.
“Once you die our marriage will be over and all of your possessions will be mine.” She smiled as if she had won. This brought a smile to my face also because know that I can get to burst her bubble now.
“You’re right our marriage will be over upon my death but you will get nothing, I’m afraid.”
“What are you talking about?” She spat in surprise.
“The empire I spent centuries building, will be under the authority of one of my trusted lieutenants until my heir has grieved enough to take over and the other half of my wealth has already been hidden and protected. Both shall be waiting for me once I return.” I said smartly
“You have no heir, I never gave you a son.” She spat out.
“True you did not but you helped my beautiful daughter come into this world and from the moment she was born, I made her my heir and if anyone tries to challenge it, well lets just say some curses last even into death.” I gave her a wicked smile. “You should have been nicer to her because she will control everything once I’m gone.” I will be leaving everything in capable hands and she will do a more noble job then I ever could.
“You can’t do this to me I earn....” I released an intense amount of dark power shutting her up in her place.
“You earn nothing, you used trickery to enter my life and gain a false marriage and you dared to plot against me. Do you think that I don’t know that you are involved in what’s coming for me?” In shock, she couldn’t believe that I knew her secret.
“It wasn't my idea.” She said afraid for her life now. I was known as the “Dark Overlord” and “Demon king” for good reasons, and not showing mercy was one of those reasons.
“I know you weren’t the brainchild behind this and once I returned, I’ll find out. ” I said smugly even though i wasn't actually sure if I will but she don’t know that.
“You keep saying once you return, what do you mean?.”
I smiled smugly again knowing that i am not willing to give up the future surprise. “You will see, but once I’m gone a lot of things will be revealed and changed so just be patient” I said ominously “ Don’t think that I forgot about you my darling wife, you committed a sin against me that I will never ever forgive or forget.”
“I’m sorry..” Emilia stammered.
I yelled out, “silence!” before she could utter another word.
“I could have let the fact that you came after me but you involved her child, by breaking the promise that you made to her.” I try to hold back my anger. “The Greek Gods were very cruel during their time, I think even they would be impressed with the curse I tailored just for you upon my death.” A smile formed on my face as a look of shock and terror came across hers. After I was finished and satisfied that I had instilled a good amount of fear in "my wife” I left the room ready to meet my fate.