Chapter 8 -Day Out

1339 Words
Susie POV Alan picked me up, and we quickly made our way to a place where they only serve breakfast. It was a cozy place with an assortment of bagels, eggs and even a little pancake bar. All of it at an affordable price. Alan said this was his favorite place to have breakfast when he was in a rush and I could totally see this also becoming a fave place for me. See? We are so alike that it is scary. We walked around campus, he gave me an ultimate tour, not only of the cool places but around the building where I would be having all my classes. He toured me around the library, auditoriums, and the gardens. Those were my favorite, the entire university was nestled between woods, making it the perfect place for shifters. He explained to me that several times the university hosted shifting events, and it was super fun to be around. So I was looking forward to those, especially since I love to see people shifting into their wolves. I have a wolf, and I have shifted into mine several times, but she is quite special, and I am shy about her uniqueness, so I avoid places where I have to shift publicly. It is an arrangement my wolf and I have. Adding to that, I hate to be exposed and naked in front of everyone. With an above-average body, I felt quite self-conscious about my curves, and I avoided those situations as much as possible. So I would love to watch, ut not participate… and despite that, it sounds fun. Lunchtime came by quickly, and Alan decided to show me his favorite campus cafeteria. It was another cozy place, and I was thankful to have the inside out of living on campus, and moving around. -“So what do you think?” Alan asked me and I took a bite of the burger he ordered. -“It's excellent… one of the best…” I said excitedly and he laughed. He took my hand in his and then our eyes locked. It was an electrifying moment, but also one that showed me that he was not my mate. I have known him for a while, and despite that, I am still in love with him. Alan is one of the few things my wolf and I can't meet eye to eye. I am stubborn and convinced that he is the one, while my wolf, well, she wants her mate… whoever that is. We finished our burgers… -” Where to, Mr?” I asked him and he laughed… He knew that quirky side of me, and he knew I wanted to keep going around until we were exhausted. I had missed him so much that I didn't want the day to end. -“I don't know… How about we go to the lake?” Alan suggested and I beamed. A lake nearby was the perfect spot. I loved the outside, the woods and water… -“Is there a lake nearby?” I asked surprised, and he nodded. -“Let's roll…” He said and took my hand in his. I was on cloud nine just by holding hands with him. He is the one for me, and I am sure no one will ever compare to him. We made our way to the lake, and it was a beautiful place. Alan explained to me that most parties ended up around the lake. During the weekends, this was the place to be, especially to hook up or to meet new people. Highlands Pack, had nice weather all year around, so the lake was never empty. We sat close to the bank, and I stared at the water. The shimmering waves reflecting the evening sun, sparkling gold and blue, was a sight to behold. -”This place is amazing…” I said and he nodded. We fell into comfortable silence when I suddenly blurted, -” I've missed you…” Alan looked at me, with surprise in his gaze, and then gave me a warm smile… -” I've missed you too…” He replied in a small voice. It was sincere, but somehow my wolf felt his answer was forced, and despite that, I felt butterflies in my stomach. We spent the day having fun around the lake, and by 8 pm he dropped me back home. It was the best day ever, and when I entered our apartment, everything changed. My wolf perked up, and inhaled the enticing scent of sandalwood and citrus. It was faint, but it was there, somehow it was a scent my wolf had been waiting for her entire life, and at the same time it was not strong enough to force a pull or a bond. As soon as I unlocked my door, I saw a stranger sitting on the couch, and I squinted my eyebrows. He was older and good-looking, but his scent was not the one we found around the hallway. -”Susie!” Diana stood up and greeted me, she was beaming and super excited. -”This is George, my mate… he is our next-door neighbor…” She finished and I nodded. -”Hi, George…” I extended my hand, -”Gio… call me Gio…” he winked at me, and I nodded. -”So, Gio… I just hope you know that if you f**k up with her… you not only have to answer to her, or her family… You will have to answer to me…” I threatened him playfully, but he understood that there was truth behind my words. -” It is good to finally match a face with a name… You guys are very fond of each other…” Gio said, and I nodded. Diana beamed, she was smitten, and I could see why. Gio was a hot blonde guy. He looked like a super handsome Ken, one that attracted eyes everywhere he went. -”How was your day?” Di asked me, and I smiled. -”Best day ever…” I said and she beamed… Gio looked between us, and he squinted his eyebrows. He didn't understand what was going on. -”Were you touring campus?” He asked and I nodded, -”Yeah, with a good friend of mine…” I said and Diana laughed. -”Good friend, my ass… you love him…” Di patted my back, while I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to give that kind of information to a complete stranger. Gio seemed to be a cool guy, but I didn't know him enough to confide in him. -“So, Gio… Diana said you lived next door… do you live alone?” I asked him, trying to engage in small conversation that will help me figure out a bit more about him. -”No, I share the place with my best friend… We are both in our last year…and I am sure, Ajax would like to study for a masters…” He said and I nodded. At the mention of his roommate's name, my wolf stirred a little, but nothing to worry about. He has been acting strangely, and I am sure it is because we are embarking on a new adventure. -” Nice, anyway.... I am going to sleep… Nice to meet you…” I stood up and gave Di a funny look, she blushed, certainly her mind going down the gutter with images of her and her mate being cozy. I made my way into my bedroom and, after taking a shower, I got dressed in a small tank top and a pair of pajama pants. It was comfy and cute, and I stepped out onto my balcony. I sighed, content with my life. I took a deep breath and that scent of sandalwood and citrus hit me again. What the f**k is going on? And where is that scent coming from?
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