Chapter 3: I Accept It

1210 Words
Vel's POV Flashback… I breathed out heavily as I knocked at my mom’s room. This is it. I have decided already and there will be no turning back once I accept this. “Come in,” Mom said from the inside. I turned the doorknob and opened the door wide so I can enter. “Vel, what brings you here?” Mom said. It was a usual Sunday morning and mom has no work that day. “Mom,” I said and stared at him for a few seconds before speaking again. “What is it?” She said. “I have decided already,” I said. “What do you mean?” She said. “A-About the scholarship,” I said. I saw how she stopped from folding the clothes and turned to me. She gave me her full attention. “I am going to accept it,” I said without hesitation. I know that she wanted me to take it so I will. I am going to make her proud of me and I will end the financial struggles in our lives in the near future. “Are you sure about that?” She said. “Yes,” I said. “I know that even if I go to a public school we still have to pay for other fees and I don’t want you to worry about that that’s why I am going to take the full scholarship so I can help you.” “That’s really good to hear,” She said. “I mean, I know this would be good for you,” “I hope so too, mom,” I said. “And who doesn’t want a scholarship anyway?” “That’s my girl,” She said. “I knew you’d make the right choice. I am proud of you,” “Thanks, mom,” I said. “I promise to do my best there and graduate on time. I can’t wait to find a job and help you out.” “You’ll get there, there is no need to rush things,” She said. “Now, give me a hug, come here,” I smiled and came over to her for a hug. “What is going on here?” Nikki said. “Why are you hugging?” Oh, my twelve-year-old sister just walked into my mom’s room. “Come here, Niks,” I said and she ran over to us. “What is going on, mom?” She said. “Vel is going to study at Northville International School,” Mom said. “Isn’t that great?” “Really? You are?” She said and I nodded. She looked happy and excited for me. “Wow, that is like the most expensive school. Can I go there too, Mom?” “When you are old enough, you will, you have to finish your junior and senior high first,” I said. “So you better study hard, okay?” “I will, I will,” She chanted and I smiled. “Good girl,” I said. “Now, go to our room and finish your homework.” She and I have been sharing the same room since we were kids and because there were only two rooms in our house. “Aye, aye, captain,” She said and stormed out of there. I can only laugh at her. She has been very vocal about her dream to go to the school where I was going and I can feel how ecstatic she was for me. “Mom, I’ll just go back to our room and check if my requirement for the enrolment is complete already,” I said. “Alright,” She said. “And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me, okay?” “Of course,” I said and hugged her one last time before getting out of there. ~~~ “Mom, what did you say?” I said. We were having dinner and mom said something that caught my attention. “They want to see you before classes start,” Mom said referring to her employers. “Why?” I said. “I mean, did I do something wrong?” “No, no,” Mom said. “I called them earlier saying that you accepted the scholarship and they were glad you did. They just want to meet you in person, that’s all.” “Oh,” I said. “That does make sense though, maybe they just want to make sure that they are spending money for the right girl. I mean, it’s a huge amount of money after all.” “Yeah, so you better come with me tomorrow and make sure that you’ll be on your best behavior.” Mom said. “What do you mean, mom? I am always on my best behavior.” I teased her. “Of course,” Mom said and laughed. “Anyway, we have to be early tomorrow, okay? They can only give you time during breakfast so you better wake up early.” “Yes mom, I got it,” I said as I put down my spoon. I was done with my dinner and so are Mom and Nikki. I noticed that my sister has been silent all throughout the dinner which kind of sounds odd since she has always been the talkative one. “Are you alright?” I asked her. “Yeah,” She said in a normal tone. Mom and I threw stares at each other since we knew already that something was wrong. We just have to dig it from her. “Come on now; I know something is wrong. What is it, Niks?” I said. She sighed and then turned to me and then to mom, “I just feel sad about this whole thing. You know, your scholarship to Northville, it kinda makes me feel sad.” “Why?” I said. “If you go there then it means that you’ll be leaving us, right?” She said. “And that means that I’ll be alone in my room. I’ll miss you when you leave,” I smiled and walked over to her and so did mom. “I’ll miss you too but we can call each other when we do, right?” “And your sister will come home every now and then so you won’t miss her that much,” Mom said. “What do you think? Would that be fine with you?” “Really?” Nikki said. “Will you come home when I miss you?” “Yes, of course,” I said. “And it will be just for four years, okay?” “Alright,” She said and then hugged me and Mom. “I LOVE YOU GUYS,” I said. I was touched by her honesty and the way she cares for me that she would be sad if I go. As much as I didn’t want to leave her, this is the only way for our family to survive and I need to sacrifice so she can have a better future. I know my family isn’t perfect but I love us this way and I wouldn’t ask for more.    
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