
2548 Words

The next ten days were excruciating. Arkin was merciless in his punishments. He did not feel an ounce of sympathy for me knowing I was confined to my chambers and would feel suffocated. However, my only saving grace were the few minutes Arkin chose to set aside for me, where he would come and exchange a few words with me. And by a few words, I literally mean a few words only as he was always in a hurry to get away from me. Which was understandable, and once my prison sentence was over I would do my best not to seek an audience with him and live my own life. Once he knew I would no longer bother him, he’d be happy, which would make me happy. Since Arkin did not wish for me to search for the new bride, I decided that once I was free to venture out of the Palace I would hunt for my sister

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