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A day with the ladies of the courtyard was enough to cure my depression that had built up for weeks, we talked all morning and afternoon long, Lorelei had many stories to tell about her romantic expeditions, from that topic I found out I was the only woman who had never been romantically involved, while everyone had a story to tell, I sat listening and enjoying every moment of it. I enjoyed myself so much I didn’t want the night to come, yet it did. As I was on my way back to my chambers, I caught Priscilla as she was leaving hers, I wanted to ignore her but my maturity wouldn’t let me; “I was just about to look for you” “No need, I’m right here, did you have a good day?” “It went well, thank you, and yours? I heard from Brigitte you made some new acquaintances” “Yes, they are quite interesting, I like them” “I am glad you have found women your age to talk to, I will be more at ease when I leave” Although my mature side was pushing to discuss the problem so we could put it behind us, much of me just wanted to be furious at her, perhaps it wasn’t even her, perhaps I was finding an outlet for my anger and she was it “Astrid, come, let’s talk in my chambers” Priscilla and I have years worth of friendship, it wasn’t worth throwing away because of a petty argument “Alright” *** Her room was just as beautiful as my own, it was pleasing to know she too was living in comfort after years of living in the village, we sat down next to a big window which gave a view of a small pond. “First off, I would like to apologize, I was wrong for not telling you the entire truth, I hope you can forgive me” “It would’ve proven hard to do so but I do see where you were coming from, explaining such an issue to a child is vulgar” “Even if that is true, given your situation, you were supposed to know everything in detail, but now that you do I wish to know where you stand” “If it is my obligation to do so and my ancestors have done so as well, I will do it, I am no longer a child, at some point I knew I would be exposed to such issues, though I didn’t wish for them to be in such a manner I will do what I must for my village” If I were to complain every time a mere inconvenience happens all the years I spent growing up would be for nothing, maturity is how you deal with difficult situations. “I am pleased with the woman you have become Astrid; you bring pride to my years of teachings” “Thank you” “Now that our issue has been resolved I wish to discuss a delicate conversation with you” “Is it urgent?” “It has to do with what started our problem; we must discuss the process in which you will become Nikolai Vastara’s blood bride” A heavy sigh escaped my lips, I had just come to terms with the recent development and Priscilla is already jumping into explanations and expectations “Are you sure it cannot wait?” “You don’t have enough time, very soon you will meet lord Nikolai and then you will become his blood bride” “Alright, Priscilla, I’m listening” “Good girl, now, as for what is required of you that night I do not know, Atlas will have to guide you on how to prepare for it in terms of appearance” “That makes me most uncomfortable” “You don’t have to worry child; he will only give instructions and the ladies will help you get ready” “Alright, if you’re absolutely sure” “Of course, I am, moving on, what I want to discuss with you is what the process will be like” “Isn’t that a little inappropriate?” “You want to know how to proceed, don’t you?” “Well, yes, but…” “You will be the one experiencing it, I am just here to tell you what to expect” “Then make it hasty, this conversation is most uncomfortable for me” “First off, although I am still repulsed by the indecent question you asked Atlas, I will humor you and answer it, you are right to be confused about how a creature of the night such as Nikolai would engage in such actions, it’s a rather…interesting concept” “Which is?” “The reason they take blood is not only because they are hungry, but it is also because blood is warm and they seek warmth, the cold might not bother them but they do feel the need for it sometimes. This, in term, is the same concept with s****l activities, your body will give to him warmth and restore much of his youth, after all, he was a man before he became a vampire” As disturbing as the conversation was, it was very informative as well, to think that such creatures had more layer’s underneath them was fascinating “I see, but that still does not explain how he will perform” “I’m shocked, are you looking for a good performance? I have raised you till this point; I know enough about you to say you have never been touched by a man so why now are you worried about such things” “Because I haven’t been touched does not mean I have not craved it, it is established that I am a grown woman and such things should be expected, besides, I have heard tales from my new acquaintances and I would now like to know what it feels like” “Beware of your peers, they may lead you into a dark hole” “It is my own experimentation that will lead me there, the women of the courtyard have nothing to do with it, in any case, you’re supposed to be informing me but I am yet to be informed” “Quite the mouth you have there, I will proceed nevertheless; as for performance you will have to judge it yourself, but if I could allow my mind to be soiled with such thoughts, I would think it depends on how warm he gets, that will probably be his drive, how good he feels” “I think I’m now starting to regret my decision in wanting to know about this” Priscilla suddenly burst into laughter; she purposefully made her explanation explicit to make me uncomfortable “It seems you have had your fair share of laughter for tonight, goodnight Priscilla” I quickly exited her chamber and found Willow standing outside of mine “I’m sorry, how long have you been there?” “Not long my lady, there’s no need to apologize” She was a dedicated young woman, I really liked her “Right, let’s get going, shall we?” *** In the early hours of the morning, I had been awoken by several sounds, from footsteps to metals clashing and low chatters, all sounds worked in harmony to have me up before my regular time. Since no one came to my chambers yet to help me get ready for the day, they may have assumed I was still asleep. Seeing as which I still had quite some time on my hands, I let my imagination wander to the infamous dark lord Nikolai. Priscilla had only told me about his family and reputation but not much about him personally, from the ladies of the courtyard, I learned, in their eyes, he is a saint, a man after their hearts because of the way he took care of them. A man is different in many people’s eyes, the way a person behaves with different individuals brings out different stories of him, you have to be careful of which story you believe. As I am in a different relationship with the dark lord, he may treat me entirely different from the women of the courtyard, who knows, he might even despise me, but could he hate the woman he is sworn to till death, considering it is my blood that he craves, would he hold me up on a pedestal? I had just gotten up from bed when Brigitte and Talulla arrived right on schedule to prepare me for the day, they seemed a little exhausted, as if they had been on their toes since morning. “You girls look out of breath, are you alright?” “We’re fine my lady, we just had preparations prior to assisting you” “And what preparations are those?” “It is for the grand ball” Talulla responded with much enthusiasm “A ball? What is the occasion?” “The return of the master” So, the man finally returns, Atlas did not keep to his promise of informing Priscilla and me when he would send word, although, it could just be the girls’ excitement that got the news here first “He must be an excellent master for you to be this excited of his arrival” “We hardly see him, but when we do, we are overwhelmed by his authority, there is much to look up to about him” “With all the stories I have heard of him I am now anxious to meet him” “I am sure it will a memorable encounter” “That could be good or bad, you know” “You are right, may we help you so you can see the beginnings of the preparations” “Yes please” *** Once again, wearing one of the new gowns tailored for me, I left my chambers and was escorted around the castle where preparations began. Since they had only just begun, there wasn’t much to look at, most of the decorations were still being brought out of their trunks. “As you can see my lady, not much has been done, we just finished removing all the decorations” “And when do you expect to be done?” “We have to finish everything today” “What? Do you expect to decorate this entire castle from top to bottom in just one day?” “The master is coming back quickly; everything must be prepared” “I admire the dedication you have for your work but isn’t it a bit too much for all of you to handle?” “When we first started working in the castle it was too much to handle, attending to the guests, cleaning up messes, and serving food, it was hell for us as we were not even young adults yet…” “But with time and patience we grew into our roles and began to excel, we are also rewarded by the master after every ball, it is something to look forward to” I admired Brigitte and Talulla so much, not only did they do their tasks with the at most efficiency, but they also enjoyed what they did, so much so that the workload did not bother them. “By the way, I have not seen Micaela around, is she okay?” “She’s alright, as madam Odette’s right hand she must be by her sides at all times” “I see, and madam Odette must have quite the workload as well” “She and Atlas have been working nonstop since word came back from the dark lord” In the sky I could see silhouettes randomly appear, one after the other until they were three, at first, they looked like birds, but as they approached the castle, I could see human bodies. Fear possessed my body and I was ready to flee with the girls when Talulla held me back gently; “There’s no need to be frightened my lady, we know them” “Who or what exactly are they?” “Please don’t be frightened, I urge you to wait until they settle down for us to explain” Although my legs were still ready to run, I put trust Brigitte and Talulla’s words and waited. A moment passed and the bodies descended from the sky and onto the ground before us, I could not believe my eyes, yes, I saw it but I just couldn’t believe it. The three bodies belonged to men, they stood around each other as if discussing something. Something about these men made them different from all the others in the castle, I didn’t know what it was until the one with the longest hair turned around and made eye contact with me, his iris was ruby red and skin white like snow, that’s what made them different, they are vampires and I was looking one straight in the eye.
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