Chapter 33

1104 Words

Troy frowned as he studied my face before pulling me towards his car. Not this again! "Troy! I have my car here and I really just want to drive home like a normal person." I tried and I knew I was going up against a brick wall of understanding, not. So yes, Troy drove me home once again but of course stopped by a restaurant. I figured, in for a penny, in for a pound, so didn’t complain and just enjoyed the meal. After dinner, he drove me home. "Troy, you do realise that a girl doesn’t like being smothered or having to continue getting taxi’s to work when she has a perfectly good car that is currently waiting for her at work.” I tried to be nice about it. I did enjoy his company… if I admit it, but I needed to deal with Ryan first. It’s one thing saying to Linley that I’m ready for a

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