Chapter 56

998 Words

Stupidly I could help but check the comments under Lavinia's Twitter post when I got to work. I really shouldn’t have. I don’t know why, but something in me made me call dear old dad, Montgomery. Maybe I thought if I spoke to him, being my father, he would understand my side. AS IF! Before I could say a word, he began to scream down the phone. "Milly! You haven't changed a bit, have you? Lavinia is your sister! Why would you set her up like that?!?!?" What was I thinking? "Don't give me that," I scoffed. "You know how things actually are, so cut the crap. We both know that Lavinia isn't the goodie-two-shoes she's making herself out to be. That girl if pure evil, vile, and disingenuous!" "That's nonsense!" He exclaimed. "Take responsibility for what you did for once in your life. Do y

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