Chapter 11

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He moved his arm out to block me and shook his head before he rolled up his sleeves and turned to face one of the bodyguards. I’m pretty sure it was the boss or main bodyguard. He watched Troy roll up his sleeves and laughed, "Don’t be stupid man. Just walk away now, and you won't get hurt." Troy smirked and suddenly started to grow a foot as his ears elongated. What the hell! I thought the stories of Fae or Fairies existing were myths… then again, we all thought werewolves were. "That’s funny! How do you know I’m about to get hurt and not the other way around? If you want to take her, you will have to go through me first." The boss got over his shock pretty quickly, as from his size and characteristics, I am pretty sure he was a wolf. Wolves would know about the Fae, wouldn’t they? They must as he doesn’t seem worried. The boss smiled at Troy, "Have it your way but don't say that you weren't warned. We are going to f**k you up, and then we are going to walk away with Milly as if none of this even happened. And if you are lucky, we will call you an ambulance on our way out." "You talk too much," Troy almost yawned as he spoke in a bored tone. He then smirked as he punched the boss in the nose making an audible CRACK. Is it sadistic to enjoy seeing this man bleed for what he wanted to do to me? "You little fucker!" The boss growled as he brought his hands to his face to stem the steady flow of blood. Seems he isn’t as scary as he made out especially when he then turned to his men and told them to attack Troy. Coward. I wasn’t sure if it was because Troy was an amazing fighter, light on his feet and so quick or the fact that these men were all brawn and no brain for wolves but he had no problem taking the 5 of them down quickly. I was wondering if I should jump in and help him but he had them nearly all sorted before I could move from my spot. Then I suddenly realised one was getting back up with a knife in his hand. "Troy! Watch out--" I shouted as I tried to jump in front of him to protect him. He looked at me in surprise before moving me out of the way and doing some amazing footwork where he kicked the knife out of the man’s hand. He then pushed me back against the wall. "Stay there! I don’t want you getting hurt and I seriously haven't had this much fun in ages!" He smiled and turned back around to continue. I couldn’t help but laugh. I never expected this from him. He had a point though; I was missing out and was seriously over the damsel in distress thing. "No fair!" I grumbled and quickly turned to hit another man stumbling back towards us in the throat before doing an uppercut to knock his nose into his head sending him flying backwards. "That did feel good." I nodded and turned to see Troy had just taken care of the last one that was trying to get back up again. “You amaze me dear damsel not in distress.” He laughed and nodded before he quickly did a once over with his eyes. “Are you hurt?” “No.” I shook my head. In my previous life I was the good daughter and sister. I did as I was told and would never have thought about learning to do self-defence let alone fight. Within 2 days of landing in Europe I was finding the nearest place to help me learn to fight, and fight dirty. It felt good to put some of it to practice, although Troy really did do 99% of it. I thought all werewolves were amazing fighters? I knew at least the boss was a werewolf but the others I doubted it by their sizes. Still the boss hardly lifted a finger, was upset about a broken nose and was happy for everyone else to do all the work. It was not at all what I expected. Troy’s eyebrow raised but he seemed to let it go as he shrank back to his human size and his ears went back to normal. Or is it normal the other way? "Let's go," He motioned toward the elevator. I nodded and grabbed my handbag again when I saw a phone next to one of the bodyguards. The screen was on, and I could see a photo of me. I was frozen, it was the proof I needed. Stupid me wasn’t concentrating on my surroundings though as I bent down to pick it up. I suddenly felt a sharp sting to my other wrist. I jumped back to see Troy had the boss’s hand under his foot on the ground below me with a knife in his hand. "Still not giving up?" Troy sighed before pressing his foot hard into the hand. The sickening sounds of the bones crushing were drowned out by the mans screams. Troy then grabbed the knife while I remembered my wrist. It didn’t seem that deep but I still put pressure on it as Troy took me to hospital. He refusing to just get some bandages from the chemist or see if any local doctors were open. When we arrived at the hospital, I was pretty happy that they seemed to be having a slow day so we were seen to within 20 minutes by the doctor. He confirmed exactly what I thought, it wasn’t that bad and didn’t need stiches. The doctor bandaged it up and sent us on our way. "Alright miss damsel not in distress, where do you live? I’ll drive you home." Troy spoke as we walked out. I was worried that Ryan would misunderstand Troy and my relationship if he saw us together. Even if he has a girlfriend and doesn’t want to see reason, I will not betray him. Also, I didn’t want to lead Troy on, even if he did just save my ass. "Thank you but no need. But really, I can’t thank you enough for today my white knight." He stopped and studied me. "White knight doesn’t work. How about just Troy Casey. Can I at least give you my number and you text me when your home safe." I tried to not let my jaw hit the pavement. "Your name is Casey? You’re not a member of the famous Casey family?" The four major families in Bendigo were the Brown family, the King family, the Alvarez family, and the Casey family. But I couldn’t remember a Troy in the Casey family. Also, like all the families they made sure they were seen, heard and was at every event so I should have heard or seen him before. Before he almost became her stalker, I was pretty sure I had never heard or seen him. And wait! That means the Casey family are all Fae? Or do you say Fairies? Interestingly Troy didn't answer the question, he just held his phone waiting to put her number in it. “Alright, Troy Casey, I'm Milly Brown,” and I gave him my number as we continued to walk to his car. I sent him a text to confirm I didn’t give him the wrong number like he asked. He smiled and nodded before opening his passenger car door, picking me up and putting me in the seat. Luckily, I didn’t drop my phone. “Hey! What are you doing?” I called as he closed the door quickly behind me and smirked before walking around to the other side. I tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. The bastard must have put the child lock on or something. "Troy, what are you doing? Let me out!"
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