Not Mates Pt. 2

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I told Keith, “Being away has made me see we didn’t have what I thought we did.” Keith snorted, “You mean all I had to do this whole time was get you away from her for a couple of weeks? Damn. I wish I would’ve known that. You deserve better.” I shrugged, “I used to think you didn’t get it because you don’t do the relationship thing.” Keith said, “I don’t get my heart broken. I’m also not out there banging every girl. I have friends with benefits. We end before feelings come into play.” I asked, “Are you still friends with Justin?” They had been close when we were growing up. Keith answered, “No, of course not. The first time Lisa cheated with him we were no longer friends. You can’t f**k over my twin and be my friend. That he consistently does it shows both their characters in my opinion. Had they turned out to be mates that would’ve been one thing, but they aren’t. If anyone should be chosen mates it’s them. They deserve each other.” Maybe he was right. Justin and Lisa were better together than she and I were. She didn’t question every little thing he did. She’d even tell me about the things he would do for her and how they were so much better than things I would do. I asked Channing, “What did we see in her?” Channing seemed stumped. Finally he offered, “Lady is nice. She’s a pretty color too.” Great. Her wolf was nice. She wasn’t. Well, at least she wasn’t to me when I really thought about it. She was loving and caring with her family. Even Justin and his friends. I never measured up though. What were we doing together for so long? Why would she want to be my mate? I only ever disappointed her. Out loud I said, “Let’s get back to Gray Stone. Maybe I can keep my head on straight.” Keith snorted, “Your head is on straight. The question is will it still be on straight when we go home.” I didn’t have the answer to that question. We decided to shift and run back to Gray Stone instead of being popped. The next day, we were in the gym when the call came in. Black Mountain was under attack. WHAT? Who in their right mind would attack them? We ran in wolf form with several Gray Stone warriors to help them. We ended up finding several Black Mountain wolves tracking something. I linked Keith, “Let’s stick with them.” The wolf leading the trackers stiffened. We split up and ambushed those he’d sniffed out. I linked Keith, “Weretigers are real?” Keith replied, “Evidently.” One engaged with me and Channing trying to get past us. Channing ripped him to pieces. These guys were not surrendering. They were dying for some cause. I shifted back once we’d taken them down. I asked, “Who the hell were the Tigers?” They all shifted back. Their leader said, “Our Luna adorably pointed out there are Bengal Tigers.” I asked, “Is there a difference?” They guy nodded. I asked, “Which Luna?” Their leader answered, “The muffin Luna, Melanie Conners.” I nodded. I told Keith, “We’ve got to get ahold of these muffins. He’s the fifth guy I’ve heard talking about them.” Keith agreed. I held out my hand. I said, “I’m Keaton Daniels.” The guy paled. He answered, “I’m Bradford. You should…umm go see your brother.” Keith and I stiffened. I asked, “Did something happen to Emmett?” Bradford said, “No, not Emmett.” Keith asked, “Who? Our mom? Dad? Allison and Arden are too young to fight. Oh s**t! Don’t tell me Carter and Colin got out there!” Carter and Colin were older than Allison and Arden but at thirteen years old they shouldn’t be fighting.” Bradford said, “No, they weren’t there.” I asked, “Well then….wait.” Keith asked, “Was Blue Moon there? Did something happen to Emma?” Bradford said, “You really should talk to….” I growled at him, “TELL US WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SISTER!” Bradford cringed then said, “She was hurt. I don’t know what happened. We split off to find their backup. The link only said Emma and Dylan Frost were injured. I’m sure they are fine now, but I know you guys are close.” I shifted and took off for my home. Keith was right beside me. I could see our patrol was running our borders. They let us pass without saying anything. I heard Lisa yell my name, but I ignored her. I shifted and grabbed a pair of shorts and ran into the house. I yelled, “EMMA!” I heard a snort, “No need to shout. I’m right here.” I walked in and found Emmett, Finn, Emma, Colin, Carter, Allison, Arden, and our parents. I ran to Emma and hugged her. I looked her up and down. I said, “You look good. You’re ok?” Emma nodded, “Yup. Nothing a MelAshley serum and a little Haley healing couldn’t fix.” I asked, “You call her MelAshley?” Emma nodded to Finn. She said, “I hear it all day every day. It’s second nature to me now.” Finn smiled at her. I could see the worry in his eyes though. I asked, “What happened?” Emmett said, “She was poisoned.” I growled, “With what?” Emma sighed, “Mintor and Silver poisoning.” My eyes went wide. Keith asked, “How? They were tigers.” Emma shrugged, “Their claws were dipped in it.” Finn said, “It was very dramatic. No one could get to her because she was in that blasted dome. I’m going to need MelAshley to dedicate all her time she’s not having s*x to getting the rest of us inside that darn thing. I’d say all her time, but who wants Alexander to return to his moody state. Not me. Jay Jay surrounded me in water. I tried to swim through it, but alas my doggy paddle could not get me out of it.” I asked, “How would the werewolf serum help you with mintor poisoning, Emma?” Emmett said, “She didn’t get the werewolf serum.” My uncle Heath and Aunt Allie sped into the house. I asked, “Then what serum is it?” Emmett said, “Well, it doesn’t have a name, but it’s to combat mintor poisoning.” I asked, “How smart is this woman?” Emmett said, “Extremely. Apparently. I thought the McAlister’s saying she was a genius was just them bragging. It’s actually a fact. She is a genius.” I studied Emmett. He was shaken. My mom was holding Emma’s hand. Finn said, “Well, we need some life in this party. To the bar! Let’s go people. Emma is alive and she has been thoroughly chastised with some pizazz and told she’s not allowed to leave me. We are celebrating life!” He ran off to get drinks. Emma said, “He just needs something to do. We are staying here tonight.” I said, “Then Keith and I will stay too.” We needed to be together. Emmett said, “I’ll call Gray Stone and let them know you’ll return tomorrow. They will understand.” He walked away. I caught the slight shaking of his left hand. I linked my sister, “He needs you, Emma.” She nodded and took off after Emmett. I asked, “How bad?” My dad said, “Bad. Haley couldn’t get to her. If Dylan Frost hadn’t dove in front of her…..They would’ve ripped her throat out.” Uncle Heath punched a wall. My mom said, “Don’t do that. Don’t think our daughter didn’t have something up her sleeve. No weretiger would’ve killed my daughter. The poisoning would’ve been a problem since we couldn’t get to her. Our daughter can handle a freaking tiger, Chase Daniels.” My Aunt Regan said, “Heck yes she can.” My Uncle Cameron squeezed her waist. Finn came back in. He said, “What we all need is resistance members mated to our pack members. Black Mountain and Red Run are having all the fun with the resistance members. It’s not fair.” Keith said, “I’m pretty sure the Hackura got in on that fun too.” We all turned to him. He said, “What? I saw Melanie talking to Prince Hastein. He portaled away from her. Then the Hackura were practically throwing a celebratory party in addition to the party that was already happening. Their future queen was found, and it just happened to be after I saw Melanie and Prince Hastein talking…It’s obvious to me she had a friend in the resistance who is his mate. She told him where to find her.” Finn clapped. He said, “That’s my influence, people. I’ve been around young Keith so much a little bit of Beta logic flowed into him. You’re welcome.” I asked, “Where’s Alexandria?” My mom answered, “She will be back any minute. She was at a charity event.” I nodded. Finn sighed, “Don’t worry everyone. I will stalk MelAshley until I have found resistance members for our pack. That way we can be in the know. Their watches have codes. I SHALL discover what they are and the meaning behind them. I just need someone to study in my own pack. I’ll make it happen.” I didn’t doubt that he would. We talked a little longer. My Grandpa and grandma came and joined us. I asked, “Where is Uncle Ollie?” My dad’s youngest brother was the lead warrior for my Uncle Cameron’s pack. He didn’t like all the paperwork that came with being an alpha so he decided to take that role. My Grandpa answered, “He went with Alexandria as a guard because your older brother has no chill about your sister in law being out of our borders.” My dad snorted, “As if you have the smallest amount of room to talk. You didn’t let Susie leave the house for five years.” My grandpa muttered, “She left the house. Heavily guarded…but she left.” We talked for a little bit longer. Emma and Emmett came back out. Finn instantly had her in his arms. Alexandria burst in with Uncle Ollie and ran to Emmett. He held her tightly. I watched my siblings then looked away. I wanted that too. Keith linked, “We will find out mates when the time is right.” I smiled at him. I went upstairs to my room. It felt nice being home. I laid down on my pillow. Thirty seconds later rocks were hitting my window. I went over and saw Lisa below. I opened my window and jumped out. I asked, “What?” She frowned, “I haven’t seen you in weeks and that’s how you greet me?” I shrugged. She said, “There’s a dance coming up at school. I’m wearing a green dress.” I said, “Ok. And?” She said, “You’re taking me.” I said, “I’m not.” Lisa looked shocked. She said, “Of course you are.” I told her, “I’m done with school stuff for the year. The school thinks I’m out of town. I can’t go to a dance.” Lisa crossed her arms and tears filled her eyes. She asked, “So I just don’t get to go?” I told her, “I’m sure Justin will take you.” She cried, “I want to go with you. I love you.” I asked, “Do you? Because I don’t think we fit together, Lisa. Clearly the goddess doesn’t either.” She stared up at me astonished. She wiped her tears and angrily spat out, “So you spend a few weeks away with nothing but Keith in your ear about me and suddenly we don’t fit?” I told her, “Do not speak about my brother that way, Lisa. We haven’t talked about you much. It’s not sudden either. We aren’t mates.” Lisa took my hand. She said, “I’ve been thinking about that a lot. I’ve missed you. I don’t want to imagine my life without you. I really want you to consider being chosen mates.” I told her, “I honestly don’t see why you would want that. You’re with Justin from what I hear. You like everything Justin does for you as opposed to me.” Lisa hissed, “Is this still about that stupid cabin you took me to? I forgave you for that!” I told her, “I know you did. I thought it was a nice place though. I should’ve known then we didn’t match then. It’s not a bad thing we just don’t line up in our likes and dislikes. We don’t really have anything in common.” Lisa cried, “So everyone finally got to you.” I groaned, “Lisa, it’s not about everyone else. It’s about us.” Lisa asked, “And if we’d been mated? Would you say any of this?” I pointed out, “We weren’t so…” Lisa asked, “But what if it was me.” I said, “Then we’d be marked and mated.” Lisa begged, “Then just give us a chance. If I was your mate you would’ve looked past our lack of shared interest.” I pointed out again, “But we aren’t mates, Lisa. Clearly because we are not two pieces of a puzzle that fit together.” Lisa snorted, “That sounds like something Keith would say. You’re turning into him.” I growled at her. It startled both of us. I’d never growled at her. I closed my eyes. I hissed, “That’s my brother and twin you are talking about. Keith said nothing of the sort. Those are my words. I care about you Lisa, I do.” She snorted, “Don’t you dare say let’s just be friends. Don’t you give me that speech.” I told her, “I wasn’t going to.” Lisa said, “Good. Then when you come home we will sort this silliness. You go have your space, and I’ll have mine. You’ll see I’m what’s best for you. I make you a better man and Alpha. I point out your flaws and help you fix them. We’ll be together in the end, Keaton. You’ll see. It’s you and me.” I was too stunned to reply. She said, “So, we are still dating.” She walked away. I stood there with my jaw dropped. Channing growled, “Points out our flaws and changes them! What flaw was she changing? Because we didn’t get a five star hotel reservation for our first time together?! The cabin was perfect! She was the one who ruined it.” I actually agreed with him. It wasn’t her first time having s*x, but it was mine. She’d handed me a three page paper on how to improve the next day. I was crushed. Channing said, “I told you then and I’ll tell you now. It was good, Keaton. She came five times before you did. Despite what that paper said you don’t have to get her off ten times before you can come. She wrote awful things in that paper that just aren’t true” Whether they were or not, that’s what I did now. Ever since that first time, I was practically the master of putting off my own orgasm. Some of my friends talked about their highlight reels to finish. I had one to keep me from finishing. Lisa always had notes after we were done anyway. Honestly, I hadn’t been very into s*x lately. I was literally tired of getting a paper on my performance. I’m not kidding when I say she’d give me one after every time we had s*x. I wondered if Justin got one. Maybe he liked getting critiqued. Or maybe he had s*x the way she liked. I shook my head and went inside. I walked into my room, and found my grandpa. He was red faced and angry. I asked, “What’s wrong Grandpa?” He said, “I’ll start by saying I came in here to find that book you borrowed on pack history. So I looked for it on your bookshelf. I found it, but when I pulled it off a folder fell and I picked up the contents to put them back. What the f**k is this Keaton?” I sighed when I saw the papers in his hands. They were Lisa’s s*x reports. Embarrassment filled me. I said, “Umm….” My grandpa said, “This is unacceptable. This is the most degrading thing I have ever read, and I only read one of them. There are open and honest conversations to have about the bedroom and what your partner dislikes and likes. That should be an open line of communion, but this s**t?” He waved the paper around. He continued, “Makes me want to throw and break s**t. Do you actually believe any of this Keaton?” Moon goddess let the earth swallow me whole. My Grandpa sighed. He said, “This is…..degrading and rude as f**k Keaton. I can’t believe she did this. More than once too. This…the things written in here are verbally abusive. You know that, right?” I frowned, “She was just giving….pointers. I guess.” My grandpa threw the papers. He said, “No, telling someone they are a selfish asshole because his girlfriend only came seven times before he did which means he has a lack of stamina is not a pointer. She told you to run more to build your stamina to please her. She told you that you only had a six pack instead of an eight pack which made you lazy and ugly. She said your muscles weren’t defined enough and she barely got through having s*x with you. This is not healthy. This is not right. This is not what a healthy s*x life looks like. This is….I’m honestly out of words. It’s wrong. This is so far from ok. From what I read, you’re good at having s*x. God, this girl is making me have the weirdest conversation with my grandson. Where is a Hackura man when you need one? They would be better at this.” I told him, “I’m obviously not good at it, Grandpa. My girlfriend writes me ways to improve after every time.” My grandpa shouted, “EVERY f*****g TIME?! Are you kidding me? You’re joking. Be joking. This has been going on for years?!” A knock sounded on my door. I sighed, “Come in.” My dad and Emmett walked in. I groaned. My dad asked, “What’s going on?” I said, “Please god, no. Just…” My grandpa said, “Son, I’m having a talk with my grandson. Both of you, out.” My dad frowned. I asked, “Please, can we all not talk about this?” Emmett asked, “Talk about what?” Keith was hovering outside the door. We locked eyes. His eyes narrowed on the pages. It was a secret I’d kept even from him. I asked, “Please, it’s humiliating enough grandpa knows.” Emmett asked, “Do you have a secret porn stash grandpa found? Don’t worry little bro. I can pass you there. Mom found mine when I was fifteen. That was way worse than grandpa finding yours. Trust me.” I snorted. I actually wished that’s what my grandpa found. That would be less awkward. Grandpa said, “He’s fine. We are having a grandpa to grandson chat.” Emmett said, “We had those. Come on, old man.” My dad looked worriedly at me then left. Keith gave me a look. He wasn’t going to let this go, but for now he left. Grandpa sighed, “Your mom would have Haley do some god awful s**t to Lisa for this. Keaton, you’re an attractive young man. You don’t owe her anything. I’m starting to think she’s got some spell on you. Why would you put up with this?” I sat down on my bed. I said, “I thought she was my mate. I just wanted to make her happy. I also didn’t want it to spread around the pack how bad I was. Everyone hears how pleased Alexandria is; we've heard her more than once. Same with mom and dad as much as I try not to hear it. No one complains about Keith. Quite the opposite. Even you and grandma.” I cringed saying it. I whispered, “It’s embarrassing. Alpha’s have a reputation for being good at s*x, and I’m not.” My grandpa slapped the back of my head. He told me, “If Lisa told a single girl in this pack you were not good at s*x and gave these details, which they would ask for, they would call her insane. She might actually be insane. To put someone down like this that you claim to love is awful. That’s not love. You know that. I know you do. I don’t know how she has you in her clutches, but….” he trailed off. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He told me, “Rumors are running that you might take her as a chosen mate. I know you, and I know that’s not true. I swore after I messed up big time with your mom I would not get involved in love lives again. I would counsel but take a serious step back; however, I’m breaking that damn promise to myself. Keaton, if you so much as think about marking this girl I’ll kidnap you and tie you up until you come to your senses. She is not a good person. Anyone who could do this…Say these things. She isolated you from your friends. She pitted you against them. She’s the only thing you and Keith have ever fought about. She has this family stepping on eggshells to keep you from defending her. She’s an abuser. I don’t even need a therapist degree to tell me that. She cheats on you and let me guess she blames you. Doesn’t she? She gives you these…god for lack of a better word, reports.” I sighed, “The first time she cheated on me, I didn’t defend her when Clara said she cheated off her test. I told her Clara wouldn’t lie. I know Clara. So she cheated on me. It was my fault. I didn't have her side publicly. Dad would always have mom’s side.” My grandpa said, “Keaton, three people, one of whom was human, saw her cheat on that test. Lisa is not your mate. You can’t compare your dad’s actions with your mother to yours. Your mother isn’t an abusive pathological liar either. I hate to see you being brought down by the likes of her. I can’t do nothing anymore. God, I tried. I did.” I asked, “What are you going to do?” My grandpa said, “if I tell you, you’d know then you could try and stop me. No one gets away with hurting my grandkids. It might take me time, but I’m going to help you with this. You deserve so much better than this Keaton. I don’t know how she dug her claws in so deep and I missed the signs of her abuse. I’m sorry.” I shrugged, “I didn’t want anyone to know. It’s embarrassing.” My grandpa said, “Not for you. This is on her. Plenty of girls in this pack would love to be with you. They’d tell you this was all bullshit.” I told him, “Lisa said she’s honest, and they’d lie because I was an Alpha.” My grandpa said, “Of course she did. She was being the controlling, manipulative b***h she is. She is far more cunning than I thought. If she had a name that started with C, Haley would’ve watched her sooner. Hell, I would’ve too.” I frowned. My grandpa groaned, “What?” I said, “Well, she changed her name to Lisa. It was Carissa Lisa. She liked Lisa Carissa better so her mom legally changed it when she was ten right before they moved to our pack.” My grandpa groaned. He sighed, “Why is it always the C names? We have so many normal ones. I really thought Haley naming Cassie would make this generation of C names normal. I was actually starting to think L’s would replace C with your generation. Then we had Charlene and Claire. Now we have Clarissa.” I told him, “It’s Lisa.” My grandpa said, “Nope. She’s a crazy C named wolf. For god’s sake. This s**t is getting ridiculous. Just know these papers are bullshit. There is nothing wrong with having conversations about what your partner likes in bed. Nothing. That is normal. This though? This is god awful. Burn those, Keaton.” He gave me a hug and walked out of my room. His eyes were flickering black. His wolf was angry too. A pop sounded in my room. I looked up startled. I was stunned when I saw who was in my room. I asked, “Aria?” She said, “Hello Keaton Daniels.” I said, “Isn’t it past your bedtime?” She nodded, “Yup. No one knows I’m gone.” I asked, “Why are you here?” Aria kicked her foot on the ground. She said, “Sometimes I know things. Like when a soul needs encouragement. I know that your soul is in danger. Your mate isn’t so far away. I think she’ll be around here soon, but there are souls that want to keep you both apart. There are dangerous souls around you both. Your soul won’t be happy without her, and she won’t be happy without you. I don’t know who she is yet, but she needs you. You need her too.” I growled, “What do you mean there are dark souls around her? Someone wants to take her from me?” She nodded, “Yes. There is a very dark soul around her. I’m sorry I don’t know more. I just know that if the dark souls win, it won’t be good for anyone. She’s not the only one surrounded by darkness.”
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