Brotherly Bonding Pt. 1

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Keaton took a deep breath. I was going to say I was a nudist. Channing linked, “If she doesn’t believe that I’m shifting. I’m not losing mate over this. I won’t do it, Keaton.” I winced. That wasn’t the way I wanted her to find out, but I wasn’t going to lose her either. Channing was right. To my surprise, Odette started with a teasing tone. Ok, that was weird, but I’d take it. I linked Channing, “She thinks I went skinny dipping with Lisa, and she’s not pissed?” Channing replied, “I can’t talk to her wolf and explain this one for you, Keaton. I’ve got nothing.” Him and I both. I linked May, “Why is Katie so chill thinking I went skinny dipping with Lisa?” May snorted, “Because I am the best. That’s why. She doesn’t think you went skinny dipping with Lisa. She thinks we have a tradition for a polar bear plunge and Lisa stalked yours, stole your clothes then jumped on you. Immy asked her if the picture was live. She saw you push Lisa away. I saved the day, and you ran off before I could explain.” I told May, “I will buy you whatever you want.” May sighed, “I just want Keith to be my mate. You can’t give me that.” I snorted, “That’s handled. You two are totally mates. Everyone thinks so. Think of something I can buy you and it’s yours.” May asked, “Really? You think…wait everyone?” I snorted, “Yes. Everyone. We all think so.” Odette pulled me back to the present. I linked May, “I’ll talk to you later, but I’m serious. Whatever you want. Thank you, May. I can’t lose her. You saved me.” May snorted, “She may not understand, but she loves you already, Keaton.” My heart warmed at the thought. I linked Emmett, “You might have to get me a fake story about the rabies wolves being handled. Katie wants to call animal control.” Emmett replied with a groan, “Great. At least she’s a responsible teenager. Couldn’t she just…not be such a good, concerned citizen for five seconds?” I laughed, “No. I convinced her you were handling it.” Emmett grunted, “Good. If we need a fake article, I’ll ask the scary techy Luna of Black Mountain for one. I’ll just bet she could do it.” I barely managed to not laugh at him out loud. Somehow this clusterfuck of a day was going to lead to me skinny dipping with my mate. I had no idea how that turned this way, but I wasn’t going to question a damn thing about it. A knock interrupted us. I couldn’t believe it was Justin. After Odette slammed the door in his face I linked him, “What’s wrong?” Justin answered, “I guess Lisa is saying she’ll off herself if she doesn’t see you. I only came because as much as Isla is mad at her she’s worried. I don’t want Isla to worry about anything involving Lisa.” I linked Emmett, “Is Lisa on suicide watch?” Emmett answered, “Yes. It’s handled. Don’t worry.” I linked Justin, “Emmett is on it.” Justin groaned, “I should’ve thought of Emmett…Sorry man.” I replied, “No problem.” Odette and I were official. I couldn’t contain my happiness about that. Things were getting hot and heavy. Channing was so excited. Odette started talking about not having condoms. Supernatural’s didn’t usually have to worry about that. There were only certain times for most that they could get pregnant. The Hackura had regular cycles along with witches, but she wasn’t either of those. How did I explain we didn’t need one without sounding like an ass? Channing growled, “If you don’t link a fairy to conjure condoms in your pocket…I might not speak to you for a while.” He had a point. I was about to when Odette started talking about skinny dipping in the pool here. I linked Ken, “Unlock the pool, and then leave the area please.” Ken snorted, “You better have a fairy snap the pool clean afterwards Keaton.” I replied, “Of course.” Oscar and Jenna’s sons would do it and be delighted. I’d ask Immy, but she’d want details. Oscar’s kids would do it, have fun, and just tease me about it later. Ken had unlocked the door and was gone when we got there. Odette just dove into the water. When she surfaced, I’d swear she had a glow about her. My feet were moving to her without thought. It was as if she was calling to my very soul. I couldn’t stay out of the water. I needed to be next to her. Channing purred when Odette admitted she felt the sparks when we touched. She was at least giving more into her supernatural side. The urge to mate and mark her was literally pounding in my ears. My canines hurt. Ok, I might need Oscar's kids to conjure me condoms. Clean a pool and condoms. They would do that. I thought about which of Oscar and Jenna’s kids to link and landed on the perfect one. linked Benji. He was a warrior in our pack, and he was only a year older than me, “Hey Benji.” Benji replied, “Oh, this is going to be good. What trouble is going on that you need to get out of?” I answered, “Well, eventually say like in an hour if you could snap the pool at my grandparents and yours apartment complex clean…that would be cool. Also, can you snap condoms into my glove box.” Benji didn’t answer for several minutes. When he did, he was entirely too gleeful, “Oh yes. Condoms are in your glovebox. I’m confused as to why since my cousins have told me this girl is a supernatural. I’m assuming it’s because she thinks you need a condom which is so human and adorable of her. I want to meet this girl. You naughty Alpha wolf. I’ll snap the pool clean. I’d advise getting out of the pool because I can’t imagine the condom will work well in the water. I wouldn’t know though because I’ve never worn one. Have no fear, I conjured you all the sizes. I googled them so I found out there are in fact sizes. Enjoy.” I replied, “Thank you, Benji.” I would’ve got lost in a spiral about sizes if things hadn’t gotten so heated with Odette. Channing growled, “I want her.” So, did I. She was so tempting. I was positive if she hummed that song it was going to be over. The need to mate with her was overtaking my senses. I was going down on her. Everything was going so well until she screamed. s**t! Did I hurt her? Then I realized she looked terrified. Someone was watching us. I snarled, “Channing!” He told me, “I don’t sense anyone Keaton. We need to check this out.” I linked Ken, “Meet me at the front in five.” Ken replied, “I’m already at the front. It’s my job.” He had a point. I took Odette upstairs. I ran to the lobby. Ken said, “This is not the mood I expected you to be in after the whole unlock the pool request.” I snarled, “Someone was watching us. Odette freaked out when she saw them.” Ken winced, “Damn. You really can’t catch a break with this girl. Cockblockers everywhere. Did you see whoever was watching?” Seriously. I find my mate, and everyone becomes cockblockers. It was so unfair. I told him, “No, and Channing didn’t sense them.” We ran outside. We didn’t smell anyone near the building. We went further back. I started to smell someone in the tree line. Ken snorted, “What great eyesight she has.” I responded, “I know.” Channing was grumbling, “How was I supposed to sense someone all the way back here? It’s way too far, and we were inside.” He was right. I could see this far, but I was surprised Odette could. We shifted and continued our search. We followed the scent to an area that had a large pond. The scent disappeared into it. It didn’t come out the other side. I shifted back. Ken sighed, “We need to tell Emmett. It’s a supernatural.” I snorted, “That disappears. I can only pick up their scent on that side.” Ken smiled, “Well, you already went swimming. Down you go.” I groaned, “Fine. Link my brother.” I dove into the water. I went all the way to the bottom. It was a surprisingly clear pond. I surfaced and told Ken, “No one is here.” Ken frowned, “That’s odd. Emmett’s coming.” This should be fun. It didn’t take him long. He could’ve run, but he was popped in by Oscar. Who winked at me before leaving. My dad, grandpa, Emmett, Keith, and Isaac all stared at me. Keith linked, “You dog.” Channing growled. Emmett said, “So, to be clear you were…. skinny dipping and someone was watching you and your…date.” I immediately said, “Girlfriend and yes. That’s the gist of the story.” Emmett asked, “Girlfriend?” I nodded, “I just asked her.” Emmett raised an eyebrow. He could do that all he wanted. That’s all I was going to say. Keith joked, “You know, you’re not supposed to skinny dip by a window.” I snorted, “People aren’t supposed to sulk around and spy on people either.” Emmett asked, “And she saw them? Ken told me where you picked up their scent. She does know she shouldn’t be able to see that far away in the dark. Right?” I shrugged, “I think she was just more freaked out than anything to make that connection.” Emmett sighed, “I need that girl to know about supernatural’s.” I frowned, “I don’t want to rush her. She’s dealing with a lot.” Emmett nodded, “Alright. Let’s split up and see if we can’t find a clue.” Keith and I were together. We picked up the scent again. I shifted back when I saw a note stuck to a tree. I took it off and started to open it. Keith said, “You don’t know if that’s you.” I snorted, “I’m the wolf he saw with her, so the young wolf is probably me.” Channing huffed. I began to read. Young wolf, You are messing with something that is not yours. Leave the girl alone. She’s ours not yours. Leave this before you are involved in things you do not understand. She’s used to being alone, and we like it that way. You don’t want to upset us. End this. We are watching. A Concerned Citizen (as the girl would say since she has no idea what you are) I roared in anger. Keith grabbed the note. He told me, “Calm down.” Channing growled in my head, “MINE! SHE IS MINE! MARK HER RIGHT NOW KEATON!” I was struggling to get him under control. I linked Channing, “You’ll scare her. She doesn’t understand. Stop trying to shift and take control.” I went to my knees. Emmett touched my shoulder. I linked him, “Tell Lightning to tell Channing he needs to stop!” Emmett frowned, but I knew the second Lightning talked to Channing. He stopped trying to take control. He calmed down and was whining in my head. I linked, “Buddy, I’m sorry but we can’t scare her.” Channing told me, “I’m worried about her. They want her. They can’t have her Keaton. We need to protect mate.” I knew that too. Emmett had the note in his hand. He said, “Your wolf seems quite taken with your girlfriend to try and force a shift over this note.” I answered, “He is. He likes her.” Channing grumbled in my head, “Love her. I love her.” I replied, “I know that.” Emmett snorted, “That’s a word that I guess we are going with. Do you know what she is? Because whoever she is…. it’s one of her own that left this note.” I frowned, “I don’t know because she doesn’t know.” Emmett growled, “These assholes. Well, I’d say we needed a guard on her, but you’ll be with her. I don’t like this one bit. They’ve kept her isolated, and they are watching her. I’ll need to work with Malachi on the patrols. We can’t be having unknown supernatural’s running free terrorizing a girl who thinks she human because they let her. Jesus CHRIST does everyone have to make everything so complicated?!” I would’ve answered, but I was one of those people making things complicated for him. Everyone started to leave with marching orders from Emmett. I spoke quietly, “Emmett?” He turned, “Yes, little brother.” I asked, “Aren’t you going to tell me to stay away from her?” Emmett frowned and asked, “Why would I do that?” I nodded to the note and said, “The threat.” Emmett snorted, “I’m positive you can handle anyone who comes after you. Did you want me to assign a warrior to follow you around?” I snorted, “No, I just thought….” Emmett studied me. Eventually he asked, “Have I ever ordered you away from Lisa?” I shook my head, “No, but no one threatened me.” Emmett raised an eyebrow, “Keaton, we are all always being threatened. It comes with being the child of an Alpha. I know Lisa often convinced you we were the bad guys, but we really aren’t. It’s not Katie’s fault her kind is treating her this way. She shouldn’t be ignorant of this life. It’s honestly really sad. I don’t have any good reasons for them to knowingly keep her ignorant.” I frowned, “You’re right.” Emmett comforted, “Malachi might have an idea.” I snorted, “ Not unlike me, you know it’s because they want her for something bad.” Emmett shrugged, “Maybe, but that also doesn’t make sense. Why would she be willing to do anything for them? They’ve raised her with human sensibilities, and we’ve seen the problems it’s caused us to run into. I’m not sure how they think she will react to whatever they want, but I think that girl will surprise them. She’ll be ok, Keaton. We will protect her.” I hugged him, “Thanks, Emmett.” Emmett hugged me back. He said, “Of course. Anything else you want to share.” I almost did, but Lisa’s voice of how unsupportive they were stopped me. I looked down. I heard Emmett huff then leave. I sat down and stared at the pond. I called, “Dad, I know you’re still here.” He came back out and sat down beside me without saying anything. I broke the silence, “Can I ask you something?” My dad instantly answered, “Of course you can. You can ask me anything.” I said, “You and mom said you didn’t mark each other right away. You waited awhile.” My dad nodded, “Yes, I waited until she asked.” I asked, “How…. how did you do that?” My dad sighed, “I was older than you…” I interrupted, “I’m not saying…” My dad held up his hands, “I’ll just use you as an example. I’m not saying you’re having this problem. Though if you were, you could talk to me about it. I’m always here if you need to talk or confide in someone. For example, if you found your mate my door is open.” I nodded but didn’t say anything. My dad sighed then continued, “I had several more years with Bolt than you’ve had with Channing. You’ve only had Channing for two years. I’m not saying Bolt was happy about waiting. He wasn’t. I bit a pillow more than once during…” I snorted, “Eww dad.” My dad winked, “You exist son, your mom and I have sex.” I fake gagged. He nudged me. He said, “Bolt and I were not on the same page about it, but eventually we agreed when your mom asked, we’d mark her.” I nodded. My dad said, “Now, should I have the safe s*x talk? Because no one had it with me and…. well Emmett and Emma happened.” I yelled, “DAD!” My dad laughed, “What? How was I supposed to know once marked birth control was needed? I dated she wolves before I met your mom. If they hadn’t met their mate they didn’t go into heat. Condoms or birth control weren’t necessary.” I groaned “Dad….” He laughed, “I could get a banana and show you….” I groaned, “DAD! I think I can get the basics.” s**t! Did I need to practice with a banana? My dad laughed and we lapsed into silence again staring at the pond. I whispered, “They want her.” My dad offered, “And we won’t let them take her. They can’t have her.” I smiled weakly at him, “Thanks dad.” He nodded, “Anytime. I’m available for banana lessons. We can figure it out together.” I frowned, “You don’t know how to use one?” My dad laughed, “No, but not unlike you I’m certain we could figure it out. I actually have this scene in my head where we are trying to figure it out and your mom comes in and laughs at us. Then shows us how…. then I have to claim her…damn it! I’ll see you later, Keaton.” I snorted as he shifted into Bolt and took off. I linked mom, “It’s a complicated story, but dad’s coming to claim you.” My mom snickered, “Oh darn. What happened?” I asked, “Do you know how to use a condom?” I actually heard my mom spit out her drink. She replied, “Do you need to know how to use one?” I replied, “Yes, but that’s not the point.” My mom groaned, “I do. I got the s*x talk, Keaton.” I snorted, “I got the s*x talk too.” My mom sighed, “Not the birth control one because you were dating a she wolf. I can show you.” I snorted, “I’m good. Dad was thinking you’d know how and that led to him shifting and running for you.” My mom laughed, “Well, thanks for the heads up.” I linked my dad, “Mom does in fact know how to use a condom.” I snorted when I heard his growl. Emmett linked me, “What the hell is up with dad?” I replied, “Mom knows how to use a condom.” Emmett sighed, “Why do I ask these questions?” I snorted, “You should be grateful dad didn’t. It’s apparently why you’re around.” Emmett came back with a booming laugh. He asked, “Do you need to know about…? Never mind of course you do. Your girlfriend thinks she’s human. I’m sure we could figure it out. I can come back.” I was about to say no, but I was actually worried about it now. She would expect me to know because I’d been with Lisa. I replied, “Apparently we need a banana.” Emmett said, “I’ll be back in a flash.” I knew he would be. I had to wait seven minutes before he flashed in. I snorted, “You need to start running a mile every day. I thought you’d be here in five. You’ve gotten slow.” Emmett rolled his eyes and waved some condoms around. He said, “I had to stop at the gas station for these.” I smiled, “I’ll get you a best big brother medal.” Emmett winked, “I’ll be expecting it. Ok, so these things.” He opened the package. He studied it then opened the foil packet. It was a circle. He studied it. He sighed, “Ok, this doesn’t seem so complicated. Why is one side lubricated? It’s gotta be for her.” I frowned, “Shouldn’t she be wet?” Emmett said, “Well, yes but why would your d**k need to be lubricated on the inside?” I shrugged, “Don’t ask me! I don’t know.” Emmett sighed, “Not even my Beta can help. His mate is a wolf. God, being human is so complicated.” He studied the back of the package. He smiled, “I was right.” I nodded. He handed me the condom and he held the banana. He instructed me through getting it on. We broke one, but we got it by the second one. I was actually glad I’d had him come back; this would’ve been embarrassing with Odette. I said, “Thanks, Emmett. That would’ve been awkward and embarrassing.” Emmett snorted, “She’d probably have you go get tested.” I laughed, “Probably.” Emmett said, “It’s good to see you smile and asking me things again.” I frowned, “What do you mean? I ask you things.” Emmett snorted, “Keaton, if I’d asked you a month ago if you wanted help with something like this you would’ve shut down and said no.” He wasn’t wrong. Emmett said, “I do like her, Katie. She’s pretty, and she suits you. I can’t wait to learn more about her.” I smiled, “Thanks.” We both flashed back to Katie’s apartment. Emmett assured me, “Go get some sleep. We have a gym date tomorrow. Don’t worry though, we will keep her safe.” I nodded. I just knew what we were keeping her safe from. I went back up to the apartment and climbed into bed with Odette. She was perfect. Channing linked, “I am sorry about earlier, Keaton. I can’t let them take her though.” I agreed, “We won’t let them take her, and you have nothing to apologize for. We are a team. We both have instincts, and you were trying to follow yours. If she knew about us, I don’t know if I would’ve fought you. Because they hid everything from her, we will never know if she would’ve wanted to be marked right away. Maybe everything would’ve been different. This is our reality though. She doesn’t know, and we can’t take that choice away from here. Dad waited for mom to ask. We can do this. Once she knows, she might ask why we haven’t done it. If we do it, she’ll be pissed we didn’t explain. Her people have put us in between a rock and a hard place. That’s not your fault, buddy.” Channing sighed, “I’m still sorry. I just want her, Keaton.” I replied, “Me too.” I woke up to Clara linking me, “Because I’m the best future Beta, I’m waking you up for your gym time. I even did it in enough time for you to get here since you can’t roll out of bed and make it.” I snorted, “Yeah, I’m coming.” Clara snickered, “Yeah you are.” I rolled my eyes. I said goodbye to Odette. I got lost in kissing her. Clara linked, “I even factored in you making out with your mate. Because if you weren’t you’d be here, and you’re not. I did NOT factor in s*x so…. scoot on over here Alpha man.” I forced myself back and left. I got home and told Clara, “Whatever Emmett wants had better be good.” She shrugged, “Malachi didn’t say anything. I don’t know what we are doing.” I asked, “We?” She nodded.” Keith was there with Tony Jr. along with our toughest warriors. Emmett said, “We are having evaluations. We’ve brought in the future pack leadership for you to show off your skills.” Channing was waking up with excitement. Emmett usually asked if we wanted to do this. I always passed because Lisa said it would be embarrassing for me. We split up. I forced myself not to react. My dad had paired me with Killian Farmer. He was really good. He had Alpha blood, not as much as me he still did though. He smiled at me, and we got into the ring. After an hour we were sweating, but I was winning. Channing was jumping around in elation. I managed to pin him. Emmett called, “Good fight.” Killian smiled, “You have to come around more, Keaton. I’ll give you a better fight next time. I don’t know your fighting style.” He was right. I didn’t fight with them much. Not our elite warriors. I often fought with Keith to keep up my skills. I won all my fights. The smile was knocked off my face when Lisa linked, “They took it easy on you.” Emmett frowned when he looked at my face. Lisa stormed into the gym. She pointed at me, “You didn’t even come to see me! You don’t even care about me now!” I shrugged, “Nope.” Lisa started sobbing. Killian sighed. His brother Lee groaned, “Come on. We can’t go anywhere these days without drama, Lisa.” His twin Brian said, “The fairies have got to nickname her.” Killian offered, “Oh, I’ve heard a few the princess has. They are funny.” Lisa screeched, “Shut up! Keaton! Punish them for talking about me like that.” I asked, “Are you high?” Before she could answer Malachi cleared his throat. He said, “Keaton, your phone is ringing.” I ran over it and grabbed it smiling. It was Katie. I answered immediately on alert. She was out of breath. Channing growled furiously that someone approached her and had a picture of us. Emmett was already on his phone with Ken. She was by a gas station. Emmett linked, “Ken’s on the way.” I started to run. Lisa grabbed me. She said, “It’s dangerous. You should stay here.” I shoved her off me, my arm was slick with her tears now. I growled, “Stay away from me!” Lisa yelled, “Alpha Emmett! That girl is putting him in danger.” I snarled, “When I have time, I’ll explain again how you’re not supposed to talk about her. She’s more important than arguing with you.” I took off. I let Channing sniff the air. There were three gas stations she could be at. Ken linked, “West side. I’ve caught her scent.” He beat me by a few seconds. She was in a tree. Without thinking I flashed to her. She was terrified and in shock. Channing was vibrating with anger. I linked Emmett, “She didn’t call the police.” Emmett linked, “Thank god since we’ve got a rogue attack. I don’t want to deal with cops.” I snarled, “Her ex is the one sending these people to stalk her. THEY ARE STALKING HER!” Emmett replied, “Well, he’s very dead if that makes you feel better. We found him. The rogue didn’t try to hide him.” I didn’t care much about that.
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