Going places

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Haley's point of view You had to hand it to him, Rufus always knew what he was doing. He was a man with a plan, a very well-laid plan. I guess it shouldn't have surprised me – one didn't get as far in politics as he had without one. I still hadn't seen it coming though. Still hadn't seen this coming. It was one of the many council meetings he had forced me along to. I was almost recovered but officially hadn't returned to service yet. But I was well enough to stand, and my arm had healed up nicely with only little scaring too. I stood behind him, while the meeting played out. They were discussing the improvement of defenses again, a heated topic around here. "Look, all I am saying is that if the dhampir women did their duty, we would have the double amount of security around!"  Lord Gregor De grey argued. I didn't like him, he was an insensitive asshole. "They are doing their duty! Raising their children! How do you suppose we would get new warriors and guards if we forced the women into duty!" Helena Serpentio snapped.  I didn't like this discussion: They talked about us as if we were simply a resource: Something to produce and use as it pleased them. Dhampirs cooperated with the fairy court, but we weren't bound by them. At least that is what they tell us. The way this bunch talked tho, one could become in doubt.  The discussion went on till lastly, Rufus put both hands on the table, effectively taking the word. "There are other ways. I have seen some - hell I have done it!"  There seemed to be a collective sigh among the table. "Rufus if this about using magic as an offense again, then I believe we have discussed it plenty of times," Princess Paulina Baldino said tiredly, but it seemed Rufus had only just gotten started. "Not just magic your highness, other ways too. Why don't we ask the people, who are doing the protecting?" There were some frowns among the table but Paulina seemed intrigued. As of the moment, she was head of the council and the government. Her word went. The Baldinos had a higher standing than the rest of the councilmembers, aside from Voda and Daray. They weren't lordships, they were royalty. Of what no one really seemed to care anymore, it was the blood that held power. "What do you propose?"  He smiled like a cat that had just eaten a bird. "Miss Wright, would you please step forward," he asked me, and I felt all eyes land on me. "This is absurd!" Lord De Grey protested but was quickly silenced by the princess. "No, let her talk. If Rufus thinks miss Wright can contribute positively to this discussion, then we should hear her out. Please speak up." She gave a nod towards me, allowing me to speak. "Thank you, your highness," I curtsied politely, sensing my manners was quite important right now. Then I cleared my voice and looked down at the small model of the court that stood on the table. "Well, if you look at it there are plenty of ways in which we could improve our defense without using force. It is the system that is broken. Most dhampir women know how to fight, and many of them want to pursue a career too, but… there is a taboo that is hard to shake. We, unfortunately, need to mate with vampires to have children, which in itself is quite a challenge and more often than not a tragic event, yet if we do, we are labeled as something dirty, whores even. That makes it hard to return to duty after having a kid. And then there is another dilemma: Raising the kids. You can't blame dhampirs for wanting to stay close to their children, and not risking dying while they are young. You want the same thing. So if you could not only turn the stigma around, so dhampir women generally aren't frowned upon and provide ways for them to stay close to their children and stay in contact with their career, then you would have doubled the defenses, no force needed." Lady Kingsly snorted mockingly. "And how do you suppose we'd do that?"  I looked back at the table. "Well, you could start with creating other options than one-night stands for starters. Sperm banks, for example - they use that in the human world to give single mothers the option of choosing. I know for a fact dhampirs can conceive with fairies as well, so if you put some research into that you may have a viable solution. Then you could redesign the system, making it more flexible. The academies are under-protected currently, right?" There was a collective nod. "Well, then there you have the perfect opening. If you reserve the positions at the academies for women with children, then mothers would get to stay with their children. Of course, there would be more guardians than demand, but then those who work there permanently could switch out with those who are assigned elsewhere during the holidays, and you could match fairy families and guards with children in the same age group, so they could spend holidays together." I smiled a little to myself, proud at how well planned it sounded. "But then those families would have to compromise their lives around those of their guards!" Lord Arrent, Tristan's uncle, exclaimed and I shot him a glare. "Because guards don't compromise their entire lives around you?"  He opened his mouth, probably to scold me but Paulina shushed him. "Enough. If it can up our numbers, then it is worth a try, do you not think so? I suggest a vote immediately, all those in favor of looking into starting such program."  The vote wasn't even close. With only three against it, the proposal had all the support it needed. "Do you have any more ideas, Miss Wright?" She asked me with a sharp look, yet I spotted a twinkle in there too. "Plenty your highness."  She nodded satisfied. "Then I'd suggest we'd find a solution. Rufus is right, we need to ask those who defend us, instead of assuming we know better." The entire room fell quiet. The princess had spoken. Jack's point of view "Jack!" A high-pitched voice yelled after us and I turned to see my sister Mia running across the courtyard. "Jack!" She yelled again, although she already had my attention. A big smile was plastered on her face. "Mia, I am on duty," I scolded her quietly, so Kian and the princess wouldn't hear.  She just shook her head, still smiling brightly. "You have to see this, all of you, come on!" She waved at the other two as well, and we hurriedly followed her. A big crowd had gathered outside the government building, all looking towards the big balcony where monarchs usually made big announcements. "What is it? And why are you even here, didn't you go back home last week?" I asked her when we gathered with the rest.  She shook her head, eyes glued to the balcony. "I came back for this. They are starting up a new program, one that allows dhampirs to stay at the academies with their children," she told me, truly catching my interest. "Really?" She nodded eagerly. "Princess Baldino is about to announce it." Then she shushed me. My little sister actually shushed me.  I didn't have time to scold her again, Princess Baldino appeared just then. "Good evening everyone!" She started, voice embracing the entire square, making me look around for speakers. "I have gathered you here, to present a plan. A plan that will lead us into a new era!" She announced stretching out both arms and people around us yelled excitedly. "For too long we have discussed, without getting any conclusion. Until today I hadn't realized, it is because we simply don't ask the right people," mumbling was heard around, and I felt my own nerves starting to wake. The princess was unpredictable, this could be an improvement, but it could also mean disaster. "Therefore, I have decided to invite the strongest powers of our defense to our table, to help us reinvent the entire system." A few cheers sounded while others simply grew more anxious. "I ask you to welcome Haley Wright and Head of security Lucas Richards to our table. They will each be holding a chair on the council until they chose to resign."  First, a few mumbles broke out, then the guardians that stood longest away started to cheer as Haley came forward on the balcony to stand beside Paulina. More cheering broke out and I felt my hands move on their own, as I watched her stand there. She looked so strong, it was hard to believe how scared she had been only a few days ago, on a very different balcony. Now, as she stood there proud, she looked like a warrior. Ready to take upon the world. I think that was the first time I realized, just how strong this woman was. It only made it that more terrible to think she was scared of me.
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