Drink me

1335 Words
Alishia's point of view "I told you it was a bad idea to push her," I scolded Aurora quietly, but she didn't seem to take notice. She went on about how terrible it was what Rufus did to Rose. "Honestly, if she is fine about it, why can't you let it go?" Kian asked which made her cringe as he had just slapped her. "Because! What he does is wrong, she is just blinded by the benefits he gives her! What happens when she wants to call the government out on their bullshit? Will he fire her?" I honestly couldn't take any more of her idealistic talk, so I excused myself and went in the direction Haley had left. I found her just about to knock on the door to Tristan's house when she spotted me. "Oh Lisa, sorry I ran out on you back there," she told me, but I was pretty sure she didn't mean it. It didn't matter to me, I was there for peace. She used to be my best friend and I was done sitting around and wait for her to come back to me. "Hi, I am not interrupting, am I?" I threw my head lightly in direction of the door she was about to knock on.  She seemed to realize she still had her hand raised and lowered it sheepishly while offering me a small smile. "No, not really, I just thought since I was up anyway I would see if he was too, but I'd probably just wake up his parents." Her smile got a bit wicked, telling me she wouldn't mind waking up his parents. "Right, well if you aren't going back to bed would you want to spend some time?" Her smile fell, as she wrapped her arms around herself and I readied myself for rejection. "I don't know Lisa. I kind of just wanted to hang with Tristan and do nothing." I noticed her attire then. I hadn't paid much attention to it when she talked to Aurora, but I noticed now, she was in her pajamas. It was the cute kind with long patterned pants and a white cotton shirt with Snoopy on it. "We don't have to do anything!" I hasted to tell her, "We can just sit around and watch television or something."  She pursed her lips in consideration but then shrugged. "Sure, but only if there is going to be snacks involved."  I smiled and nodded. "There is ice cream in the freezer." She smiled and walked down the stairs to meet me. We started walking towards my building, and she crossed her arms around her torso again. "So, how have you been? With Rufus I mean." I hurried, trying not to make her think of the last three years. "Good, I mean, you know-" She was lost for words, but I understood. Under the circumstances, she was happy. It wasn't how she thought her life would be, but she was somewhat happy. "I do," I confirmed and we both laughed a little. "How about you?" I laughed a little, thinking about how she probably already knew. Being me, there was always gossip going around. "Well, you probably know already, but I've been good too. Kian and I have been together for three years now and I am finishing my degree soon." "I know, congratulations! I know how hard you worked for it!" She actually did sound happy for me. I gave her a smile as thanks. "So, what are your plans?" "I don't know," I confessed to her. "I think my grandmother might have a couple of idea's tho." "Georgina is still kicking around?" she asked shocked. My grandmother on my mother's side, Georgina Renolds used to be one fierce lady, but she had gotten older and by the time I met Haley Georgina was more an old lady sitting in the corner and ordering people around. "Yeah, but she is running more and more on autopilot. By now I think she is just repeating the stuff her parents taught her." "Sounds like the Georgie I know! It is like her soul got up at least twenty years ago like: 'f**k this s**t, I am out!' and her body just keeps going on repeat like a computer that got stuck!"  I laughed: That was the perfect description of her. We reached my building and I signed in at the counter then we went up to my room. She flopped down on my bed without even looking around and I realized she probably already knew it like her own. "So what do you want to see?" I asked and immediately bit my tongue. What did she want to see? She had been gone for three years, she probably didn't even know any of the dvds I had. "Let's go with Friends. Don't want to give me a culture shock," she joked with a wink. "Haley you don't have to-" "Friends is a classic, and I want to. Now come on pop it in!" She cut me off with a smile. I did so and settled beside her, feeling a little comfort by her newfound cheerfulness. Haley's point of view "Hey girl!" A familiar voice said, as Alishia came to hug me and took a seat at my table in the café. We were meeting up for a drink after my shift ended. "Long day?" She asked and I held back a yawn. "That easy to tell?"  She shook her head with a small giggle. "Your eyes are bloodshot."  I blinked a few times, noticing the stinging feeling. "Yeah council meeting and stuff, my god that is boring! Tomorrow won't be any better – Rufus is taking me shopping."  She raised both eyebrows and flipped the menu open. "Rufus is taking you shopping?" She asked in disbelief. "I am having a hard time picturing it too. Something about needing to give me an upgrade, whatever that means."  She laughed and turned the page while looking at me with a sly smile. "It means that the one dress you own isn't going to cut it for the meetings he is bringing you to." "Hey! It is two dresses! Besides, shopping with Rufus is going to be a pain - what does a ninety-year-old male know about women's fashion?"  She laughed again and flipped to the last page of her menu. "Actually, I think Rufus is in his fifties, but I get you. Too bad you can't bring someone else." She flipped her strawberry blonde hair behind her shoulder, and I literally felt the lightbulb go on. "Why don't I bring you?"  She looked up startled. "Me?"  I nodded eagerly. "Yeah, you! I am sure Rufus wouldn't mind. I mean if you want to?"  She slammed the menu down a bit too hard attracting startled looks from people around us. "Of course I want to! Give me his number, I'll call and make arrangements right now!"  I couldn't help but laugh at her excitement. She was like a kid getting a puppy. "Easy Lisa, I'll tell him when I get home. Anyway, what are you getting?" I asked getting her attention back on the menu. "I'll have a Moscow mule." She said very confidently and I pursed my lips, pretending I was pondering about the choices. "Is it good?"  She looked at me for a few minutes then smiled but with only very little humor. "You don't know what any of this is, do you?" She asked, obviously realizing I hadn't been allowed to drink before I... left.  I froze for a moment, realizing she had seen through my bluff. "No idea," I confessed, and she let out a small laugh. "Well, a strawberry daiquiri is a good place to start," she told me and I gave her a small smile in appreciation. "Here let me." She took both menus and went in to order. I leaned back and let out a sigh. I was three years behind, on.. everything. Behind on life.
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