Chapter 5: Redolence of Everything Delicious

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Dazed by the smell, Leal closed her eyes and inhaled the fragrant scent. The aroma delivered her into the seven levels of heaven just by smelling it. It smelled like rosewood, but extra fragrant. How could one smell so heavenly in New York? She felt like she was in a cloud upon smelling the fragrance, and so she couldn't help but follow where the earthy scent came from. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by the tall tower of one of the top ranking companies in the state.  Leal's mouth hung open at the sight of the overwhelming structure. The building looked to be at least fifty floors tall and was made up of glass and dark concrete. She looked so small in front of it! Continuing her mission, she walked over to the entrance of the company. She knew she wasn't going to be able to get in but she'd like to at least try. The smell is driving her insane and she knew her conscience and curiosity wouldn't leave her alone if she goes back now.  Surprisingly, the sliding door was left ajar and she was able to take a peek inside, and perhaps look for a suitable food maybe? One that looked like it'd possess such delectable scent. Leal slowly slid the entrance door open, hoping that a guard won't see her too early. She's sure that a top-tier company like this won't leave their entrances unguarded, nor ajar.  Leal slowly poked her head inside the base floor, and after looking around for a few moments, she straightened her pantsuit, her posture, and walked casually to look like she's an employee. She doesn't look like she's sneaking in at all.  She discreetly threw a few glances around the floor as her nose continued inhaling the sweet scent. She didn't know what it was, but she needs to know where it came from. And what it's doing to her body, arousing her for no reason at all, is ridiculous! Izzy would probably laugh at me if I told her I was turned on by a smell! She thought, imagining what her friend's reaction would be.  Even after a few minutes of walking around the floor, no guard went to her nor questioned her. Was it because of her good acting? Or was it that they didn't really care if outsiders are wandering inside their exclusive walls? The ignorance of the people started to worry Leal. Will it put her to more trouble?  Suddenly, Leal heard a faint ding! from a distance. She looked at where it came from and saw the elevator door opening. Leal, who was unexplainably anticipating who was inside the metal contraption, stood from a distance and had her eyes set to the elevator. Her cerulean orbs glinted as her nose inhaled the scent once more, this time stronger, and intoxicated Leal. She shut her eyes close and felt the stirring delight the fragrance sent to her hormones. It was doing unexplainable things to her, and she's liking it.  Finally fluttering her eyes open, she instantly locked gazes to a deep set of light hazel orbs. The dazzling pair was owned by a man in his two-piece suit, his angled jaw twitching as an enigmatic emotion flickered in his eyes. He licked his rosy lips, as his light stubbles shone through the light. Leal felt like all the air left her system, as her knees wobbled at the sight of such a divine God.  His intense gaze to her made her part her lips in surprise and desire. The aroma of rosewood strengthened and what added to her arousal was the coruscating glint in the dark eyes of oblivion of his. She didn't know who he was, but by the moment they locked gazes, her stomach churned as she felt butterflies go wild inside her stomach. Leal, unconsciously, walked towards the reincarnation of Adonis, who ignored his interlocutor once they got out from the elevator. She gulped at the mere sight of him. God, he was heavenly. She thought.  Once she neared him, she had to lift her chin to meet his gaze as he was also very tall. He was everything, really. At this point, Leal's mind wasn't working. She's driven by her emotions and didn't think about what she's going to say which is so unliker her. All she wanted was to see him more often, and that was what she's going to do.  Stuttering, she asked: "Do you need a secretary?"  His keen eyes flashed shock before it was masked by amusement, and a small smirk curved up in his rosy pink lips. He slowly licked it again and bit his lip, looking at the man he was with. He tapped his shoulder before walking near her. She froze. He didn't have to walk near me like that...  "What's your name?"  His dark, manly yet soft voice made her shiver. She felt the hair on the back of her head rise and a tickle climb her spine.  With a weak, stuttering voice, she replied, "L-Leal..."  "Schatzi suits you better," he whispered, looking straight to her eyes. Leal didn't know what he meant by that as she also didn't think much about it, because she was too occupied by his stare. She avoided his strong eyes and just then did she realize the amount of people looking at them. She totally forgot that they're in the middle of the lobby! Oh, dear!  He might've noticed that to so he went back to the opened elevator. Leal, who was still frozen in both shock and embarrassment, failed to notice how he stopped a few strides away from her and looked back.  His amused eyes met her shy ones that widened when she realized he was waiting for her. She immediately pulled her stuck feet from the ground and meekly followed him inside the elevator. Once inside, she picked the farthest corner from him and fiddled with her fingers.  W-Wait... Why is she following him? She doesn't even know him! But, she applied to be his secretary! Why did she even say that?! What if he was just a janitor here? Or a mere employee? But if he is, then why is he wearing such an expensive-looking suit and radiating a CEO vibe? And why are they inside the escalator when janitors should be in the basement floor?  "U-Uhm..." She raised her head, instinctively raising her hand as she's about to ask a question. He looked at her slightly raised hand from the elevator wall's reflection and bit his bottom lip. When she realized how childish she looked, she immediately pulled it back down and cleared her throat. How embarrassing, Leal! What are you, a student? She mentally scolded.  "W-Where are w-we going?"  "We're heading to my office."  His office? That means he isn't a janitor then?  Well, he wouldn't need a secretary if ever he's janitor. But why did she even ask to be a secretary in the first place? What was she thinking? She doesn't even know the basics! She's an editor, not an assistant. She should've asked for a spot in the company's literary department—if they have one—instead, but the only thing on her mind earlier was the thought of being near him, and she wonders why.  It was an awkward few minutes inside the elevator, both their skins being kissed by the coldness inside the lift. When they finally reached the designated floor, which appeared to be the top floor, Leal unconsciously released the breath she didn't realize she was holding. Was she that nervous?  The man relaxedly strutted on the floor, with his hands in his pockets and figure laid-back. Leal timidly followed, with her head bowed down, her gaze focused on the floor, and her body dripping with social anxiety. She could feel the other passersby's eyes on her as she was following the charismatic man in a suit. As seen with him, she looks like his maid.  The floor had a space with cubicles and busy people, and other numerous hallways, with more doors. Some looked to be offices or conference rooms. They entered a lone door at the end of the now silent hallway, with the buzzing employees' chatters fading in the walls.  Inside looked to be another office, but of a certainly higher position. It was a spacious, bright, yet simple office. There were bookshelves on either side, and even a sofa set on one side. On the far side, where the floor-to-ceiling walls are, lies a glass desk and swivel chair elevated in a small platform with small stairs. The one who sits there obviously has his position somewhere high in the company. Though the room is spacious and looks luxurious, the colors are monotonous. Thus, making it look bland for her eyes.  Leal seemed to be lost in her thoughts while her stare was set at the desk high up, while the man sighed as he sat in the swivel chair behind the desk in the platform, thus abruptly breaking her train of thoughts. Her eyes widened as he fixed his tie and plopped his hands on the desk.  "E-Excuse me, you shouldn't be there—" He frowned at her and tilted his head.  She stopped when she realized something.  "No w-way..."  When he seemed to have finally realized what she meant, his frown disappeared. He was, once again, amused with her.  "Is this your... o-office?"  He slowly nodded, smirking a little bit.  Her mouth went agape as her heart started hammering inside her. Her grip on her folders loosened as shock is etched on her face.  "I assume you don't know me," he concluded. Leal nodded, dazed. So he really isn't a janitor.  He chuckled, his deep laugh echoing in the room. He motioned for her to come over, to which she slowly did. With careful steps along the stairs, she stopped in front of his desk.  With one side of his lips tugging upward, he introduced himself.  "Hmm. I'm Axel Elcort, the company's CEO."  His name rang in her ears, her mind repeating it several times. Flashes of her bitter memories from college resurfaced in her mind, most of them including Axel and what he did to her. Her giddiness with his scent from earlier vanished, and was replaced by bitterness and fury. Her eyes went downcast before it fell on him, and his smirking face. Of course. How did she not recognize him earlier? With those near-godly features, and the company's name?  She vividly remembers their sour past, and it disgusts her up to this day. Her hands fell on her sides as she clenched her teeth. She needs to save her face. Coming inside of his office is a big slap to her dignity. But still, she wouldn't want to make a scene. So, instead of rebuking him in his property, she kindly bowed and avoided his eyes.  With her voice cold and emotionless, she muttered, "I'll be going now. Please forget that this ever happened."
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