Chapter 45: Someone's Under howled

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Chapter 45: Someone's Under howledCharles did not expect to become a beast now. However, he had been busy recently, so busy that he did not even have time. But the most important reason was that he hadn't found anyone suitable for him yet. His slightly callous fingers suddenly pinched Selina's chin and gently rubbed it. "The day after tomorrow. You should think about how to serve me, so that it's worth 1 million." Selina felt dizzy, but she reacted quickly. "That... that award, it's you..." Charles raised his left eyebrow slightly and raised the corner of his mouth. "Do you think the company will give such a big award to a newcomer? Besides, there are so many newcomers. Even if we give it to a newcomer, it won't be your turn." Of course, Selina knew that Alice was more qualified than

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