Chapter 13: The Future Granny

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Chapter 13: The Future Granny"Selina!" Randy and Selina Miller were wearing a parent-child suit, a white T-shirt and a pair of denim shorts. Selina Miller waved at him. Randy jumped down from the skateboard and was pleasantly surprised to see the man behind Selina Miller. "Brother!" The man walked over. He gazed Selina Miller for two seconds before he looked at his younger brother, who was half his height. Randy immediately held Selina Miller's hand shyly and introduced her to his brother. "She is Selina, my friend." Then, he introduced his brother to Selina Miller, "Selina, this is my brother." Selina Miller felt a little embarrassed. She nodded slightly at the man and greeted him politely. "Hello, my name is Selina Miller. I met Randy in the orphanage. He's very kind and the children like him very much." The man's face was cold and he did not speak. Selina Miller felt even more embarrassed. She felt that Randy's family didn't welcome her at all. The man ignored Selina Miller and got into the car. Randy was a little unhappy. "Brother, you are very impolite." Selina Miller didn't know what to do. If she had known it earlier, she would have found an excuse not to come. Randy bent down and picked up the board on the ground. Seeing that the car had started but did not leave, he immediately held Selina Miller's hand with a smile. "Selina, let's get in the car." Selina Miller sat in the backseat. She didn't want to sit with that fierce-looking man. Randy sat in the front passenger seat and began to ask the man for a gift. "Brother, where is my gift?" "Brother, you didn't prepare a gift for me, did you?" "Brother, mom said that you would take me abroad next month. Is it true?" "Brother, can we take Selina with us?" Randy chattered on and on, but the man didn't answer. Only occasionally did he say yes. After getting out of the car, he took out a gift box from the trunk, threw it to Randy, and then turned into the house. Selina Miller felt that this man was a little cold. It was obvious that he wasn't easy to get along with. "It seems your brother doesn't like me at all." Randy also saw it and hurriedly comforted her. "Selina, don't be angry. My brother treats everyone like this. He's not targeting at you." Selina Miller was thinking, "I hope so." The Garcia's villa was very large, it has three floors. There were a garden and a swimming pool in the yard, and all kinds of high-end facilities. The rich people live such an extravagant life! Passing through a cobblestone path, they walked along the swimming pool. Then they saw children from the orphanage playing in the garden and laughing. Randy's mother was a woman who was nearly 50 years old, but she looked as young as 40 years old because she was well taken care of. Standing together with Randy's older brother, they did not look like mother and son at all. Instead, they looked like brother and sister. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Garcia was very kind to her. "Are you Selina? I often heard Randy mention you. This is the first time I've seen you. How old are you?" "Twenty." "In your second year in university? You are very good-looking." Selina Miller was a little embarrassed, but she felt that there was a strong sadness in Mrs. Garcia's tone. After Mrs. Garcia left, Randy immediately whispered to Selina Miller. "My mom is thinking of my sister, she's as beautiful as you in the photo. Unfortunately, she has passed away." Selina Miller felt sad as well. It's sad to see a child die before herself. Selina Miller played with the children for a while, and the children liked very much to play with her. A man was standing on the balcony of the bedroom on the third floor, looking down at the scene in the garden. After a while, he turned back to his bedroom, picked up his phone, and called his assistant... Selina Miller wanted to go to the bathroom after playing with the children for a long time, but a servant stopped her. "Miss Miller." Selina Miller turned around. The servant said with a smile, "Young Master is waiting for you on the third floor."
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