Chapter 10: Summoning Her to bed

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Chapter 10: Summoning Her to bed"If you are not satisfied, you can find other women. Why do you have to torture me? Is it so great to have money? Can you trample on other women's dignity because you have money?" Charles Garcia was stunned by the shout. Selina Miller's chest heaved violently due to her anger. She only cared about venting her anger and forgot about her embarrassment. The man on top of her was looking at her expressionlessly, but what made her most want to hit the wall was... "If you had dignity, you wouldn't be lying here at this moment." "I was forced!" Selina Miller said viciously. "I only care about the results." Charles Garcia got up slightly, grabbed the woman's arm, and turned her over. Then he leaned forward and said, "don't lead the life of a w***e and expect a monument to your chastity!" The next second, the eyeshade fell straight to the ground in a parabola. She had no choice but to lower her head and close her eyes. But the man behind her seemed to be doing it on purpose. He ordered coldly, "Open your eyes!" Selina Miller stubbornly maintained her posture. "No." "You'd better learn to be a good girl." Charles Garcia lost his patience and did not want to waste any more time on her. "Bastard!" Selina Miller had a nightmare. In her dream, countless chemical symbols surrounded her, it was more and more difficult to breathe... Selina Miller often had nightmares and couldn't wake up. Sometimes, when she opened her eyes, she felt as if an invisible force had pulled her back into her dream and repeatedly woke her up. When she grew up, nightmares became more and more frequent. Selina Miller felt like she was having a fever. She lay on the bed powerlessly, but no matter how tired she was, she still had to take a shower. The sticky feeling on her body made her very uncomfortable. She was not a celebrity, but every time she came to see him, she had to be sneaky and disguised herself for fear that she might meet someone who knew her in such a sensitive place. When she stepped out of the hotel, Selina Miller was still muddle-headed. She wanted to go back and take some antipyretic and go to class, but she bumped into Rose Jones. To be exact, Rose had been waiting for her on purpose. What surprised her even more was that Joe Lewis got out of the car. His eyes were bloodshot as if he had stayed up all night. He didn't say a word and just stared at her expressionlessly. She couldn't hide anymore, so she had no choice but to walk over. "Hello, Joe." Rose Jones said to Joe Lewis as if she was asking for credit, "I didn't lie to you. This is the little fairy in your heart. She is so pure that she checked in to a hotel room with some man." Joe Lewis was still silent, and his slightly pursed lips revealed his mood at this time. It was very bad. Selina Miller didn't want to explain, nor did she know how to explain. Rose Jones finally seized the opportunity and continued to provoke Selina Miller. "A brilliant student of the university. If the school finds out about this, do you think they will continue to protect you under the pressure or drop you out?" Selina Miller has always got outstanding grades. She was extremely talented in medicine, and the teachers all liked her. Joe Lewis frowned, looked at Selina Miller, and asked. "Do you have anything to tell me?" Selina Miller lowered her head, feeling ashamed and self-abased. All sorts of complex emotions welled up in her head. "I will... I will return those books to you." Selina Miller's attitude was equivalent to acquiescence. She didn't dare to look at Joe Lewis's expression, she knew that he must be very disappointed with her. Sure enough... "No, just throw them away." Joe Lewis's voice was as cold as ice in winter, which made people's hearts cold. Is it over... just like that? The relationship was ended by her, though it had not begun. A week later, there was no rumor about Selina Miller, nor was Selina called by her teacher. Of course, she would not be naive to think that Rose Jones would let go of her out of kindness. It must be thanks to Joe Lewis that Rose did not make trouble for her. Selina Miller sat on the grass in a daze, while Irene Smith read a romance novel back to back with Selina. Suddenly, Irene cried. "Selina!" Selina Miller's heart suddenly trembled and was startled. Irene was so happy that it seemed she has picked up some rare treasure, Irene Smith held Selina Miller's hand excitedly. "Don't you want to escape from your sugar daddy? I've come up with a solution." As she spoke, she handed the book in her hand over to Selina and explained. "You can do something that will make him unhappy. If he gets bored, he will let you go. Look at this novel. There are many ways you can have a try." Selina Miller was skeptical. She flipped through a few pages and lost interest. Irene Smith said, "Or, you deliberately pestered him, pretended to fall in love with him, and wanted to stay with him for the rest of your life. The rich man in the novels all hate this kind of woman who pestered him and begged for money." Selina Miller looked at her good friend speechlessly. Irene Smith still laughed happily and spoke with great enthusiasm. "Really, give it a try. Maybe it will work." Selina Miller sighed and raised her hand to pat Irene's head. "Most of the contents in novels are deceptive." Real life is not as ideal as what's described in novels. She took the rich man as a s****l partner, she didn't love him at all. So she could nothing to please him. While she was worrying, Hogan Young called her and asked her to sleep with Charles tonight. Selina Miller suddenly thought of something and asked Hogan Young tentatively, "President Garcia... what kind of woman does he like?" After a few seconds of silence, he replied, "In front of the boss, you just need to be obedient." The call was hung up. Selina Miller stared blankly at the phone. His surname is Garcia! Assistant Young acquiesced it! Could it really be... Charles Garcia? In the evening, at 9:30 p.m., Selina Miller sat in the hotel bed, flashed in her mind the instructions her friends gave her when she left. After hesitating for a long time, she finally went to the wardrobe and picked very hot pajamas... Time ticked by. Selina Miller waited and slept. She didn't know when she had fallen asleep, but when she felt a weight on her body, she suddenly woke up. She instinctively struggled for a moment, but her legs were clamped tightly and she could not move.
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