Chapter 121: An inch too much for a man

2012 Words

Chapter 121: An inch too much for a manWhen the waiter served the dishes, he subconsciously glanced in Su Mian's direction from the corner of his eyes, because her dress looked low-key, but it was actually very eye-catching. After the waiter left, Su Mian pushed the glasses hanging on her nose with her index finger, pulled the mask down, and went straight to the point. "Let's get down to business." Chen Jiayan looked down at the woman in front of him and ordered, "Take off your wig first." Su Mian stubbornly insisted on her opinion. "No." Chen Jia Yan stared at Su Mian's stern face for two more seconds. When his gaze shifted to the ugly, bubbling wig, he couldn't bear to look straight at it. "Do you think I still have an appetite to eat when I see you like this?" Su Mian wanted to r

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