Chapter 108: He Will knocking at the Door at Night.

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Chapter 108: He Will knocking at the Door at Night.Su Mian subconsciously turned to look at the man beside her. She was asking with her eyes if what she saw was what she thought. Chen Jiayan also understood what she meant and replied indifferently. "Something must have happened between them." What happened? The scope was too big. Su Mian didn't want to think in a bad direction, but when she recalled Ji Ying's attitude toward Chen Jiachen, she seemed to have confirmed Chen Jiayan's words. "Is Ji Ying also Chen Jiachen's sugar daddy?" Just as Su Mian was lost in her own thoughts, she heard Chen Jia Yan's deep husky voice. "Let's have dinner together tonight?" Like a frightened rabbit, Su Mian immediately hid to the side. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she replied in

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