Chapter 102: I'm Going to Make a Big achievement This Time.

1979 Words

Chapter 102: I'm Going to Make a Big achievement This Time."Mian!" "Sleep!" Zhou Jin and Ji Ying's voices came from the reception room. Su Mian took a step towards Chen Jiashi and snatched her phone back from him. "This time, let's get down to business." Zhou Jin's voice was getting closer and closer, and Chen Jia Yan did not stop Su Mian. As soon as they went out of the bathroom, Zhou Jin and Ji Ying walked over quickly. They looked Su Mian up and down and asked with concern, "Are you all right?" Su Mian shook her head and moved her wrist, which was being pinched by Chen Jia Yan. Chen Jia Yan soon came out of the bathroom. He deliberately patted the folds on his shirt and asked him to leave with a fake smile. "It suddenly occurred to me that there is an important client who wants

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