Chapter 99: I Don't Believe That Bastard Chen Jia Yan

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Chapter 99: I Don't Believe That Bastard Chen Jia YanZhou Jin got up and sat down beside Su Mian. She placed her hand on Su Mian's shoulder and patted her lightly, as if comforting her silently. Su Mian bent down slightly and rested her elbow on her legs. She spread out her palm and covered her face tightly. Tears streamed down the corners of her mouth. It was salty. She choked with sobs. "The biggest wish of my childhood was that when my stepmother scolded me, I hoped that my adoptive father could stand on my side, but he didn't, never. I know that he is cowardly and afraid of his wife, so I have always been understanding him. I know he also loves me, but he can't... You don't know that he would occasionally secretly give me some pocket money and then take me to buy snacks. But si

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