The fight

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Chapter 3: The fight. I've literally exhausted my time walking through almost all the classes and showing this dude every part of the school. We've gone to the court, music class, bathroom, library and detention class where I met Jackson sending glares and threats. And another thing was that I can't understand the feelings I'm developing toward him, like every part of me screams and becomes active when they see him. It's very difficult to say that I'm falling for him, which I know I'm not because I've barely stayed up to 6 hours close to him. And I've decided on the best way to avoid him. And we were just coming out of the dean's office with the school map and school time table. I turned to stand in front of him "And here we part ways." He scoffed. "What do you mean?" "I meant we never meet each other and if we do, we don't talk to each other." I walked away before he could stop me. That was brilliant of me, he has a girlfriend, I have a boyfriend, why do I bother?. Gosh, I think I'm gonna lose my mind. I stand beside Molly as she jumps on the field. "Sit down." I whispered and pushed her down on the bench. "The game's about to start." She squealed while I wondered what she saw in this game. I look at everyone, all seated on the bench and the players out on the field. My boyfriend is standing searching through the crowd for me, no..not me. He looked at a girl and smiled at her while she waved. And then, his eyes met mine and he smiled awkwardly. He was surprised to see me out and yeah, I haven't been interested in watching them play but when I heard Stefan was playing against him, I decided to watch. Students like me who weren't interested came too and the field was filled with students. "Whose team is gonna win?. Jake or Stefan?." Tyson asked. "My boyfriend of course." I told him and Molly smirked. "I vote Stefan." "You know Jake has been the best player since 2012." Tyson told her. "I haven't seen Stefan play. We'll see about that today." I finalized. The coach blew the whistle and the game began. ~ The two were really good in the game as they hit the ball right into the net at speed. The game became tense and everyone waited for the winner until Stefan pushed Jake and made him fall on the dusty ground. Stefan therefore went forward and hit the ball on the net, this was another goal from Stefan's team and the game ended. Students cheered up, clapping loudly for the winner, but the cheers were cut short when Jake stood up and attacked Stefan and here we watch the fight. The players apprehended them and they were taken away to the dean's office. We were all seated inside the class waiting for the news of Stefan and Jake. "I know Jake was no good." Molly said and that got me really pissed. "I think this is not the right time to say that. Jake is my boyfriend, you can't say that about him, not now." I shunned. "Guys, they are back." Tyson announced. I made to stand but sat back and watched Stefan's girlfriend kiss him and take him away. My heart was filled with instant jealousness, which I had to control myself before Jake walked over to me and I hugged him. "It's okay, Jake. Everything will be fine." I patted him. "You two got to be kidding me." Molly said and walked away with Tyson following behind. I made Jake sit and walked out to buy some ice for his bruised red eye. I stood in front of the counter woman for an ice bag. "Can I get one too?" A female voice asked behind me. I turned and found Stefan's girlfriend looking back at me. She is beautiful, with curves in the right places, classy, with short messy red hair. She had on a summer school dress and big boots on her legs. "Hey. Your boyfriend must be lucky to survive today, next time he tries Stefan again, he won't go the stress of treating his f**k up. I will." She winked, grabbed the ice bag from the woman and the cat walked away. I walked into the class and gave Jake the ice bag. I sat down thinking of what she just said. A random school girl who just got into the school threatened my boyfriend and I did nothing. I'm such a loser. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine, Jake." "Are you thinking of that rascal?. He just needs to go far away from me now because when I see him again, I'm gonna teach him a lesson." I look at him. "You're not going to fight him again, are you?" "I just said I'll beat him." I wanted to reply but was cut short by a mocking laugh from Julia. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked, not ready for her usual drama. She looked back and then turned to look at me. "I think you should be careful with your boyfriend, or he might die before his time for ever hitting Stefan.". I know she's a b***h to me but I can't stand her insult Jake. I made to stand up to her but Jake gave me a sign to stay back. "And you think you're cool right?. I think you. are. a. nerd." She pointed out and walked away. His hand fisted into a ball and his skin reddened with a clenched jaw. He was boiling hot. "Let her be. You know how she can be all the time." I said. "I can let her be but I won't let Stefan be for ever making a mockery of me." ~ He took me home and packed his car in front of the gate. "I might not be able to take you to school tomorrow." He mumbled. "I heard you have a meeting with your team." "Yes, I do. And we'll talk tomorrow. Please be safe for me." He kisses the back of my hand. "I'll." He drew nearer and I shifted back and my back was pressed against the window. I know Jake to be my boyfriend and I've told him we can't go deeper until I'm ready. He does respect that. He opened the door and I stepped down. "Bye, Jake." The next morning, I stayed back to wait for dad who was going on a trip. He dropped me off and drove off while I turned and entered the school building. I met Molly standing behind the entrance door and ignored her. "Okay, I'm sorry." She apologizes. I turned, "What was that yesterday?. What do you have against my boyfriend?" I asked her. "I'm not just comfortable with him. I feel he isn't the one for you." I turned back and continued walking. "Jake is a lovable person. He loves me." "Do you think so?" She asked and I stopped. "I know so." I replied and turned to look at her strangely. She used to like Jake, in fact she advised me to go for him, why wouldn't she like him now?. " won't believe this." We both turned to Tyson running toward us. "What's the problem?" I asked him. "Jake got into a fight with Stefan again."
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