


Lionel Hobsworth Middleton, in public life a banker to the privileged and the wealthy, leads a secretive private life of s****l perversion. Secretive except to the woman who nurtures his addiction and who chooses to film it. Sadomasochism is in full color high definition. Lionel, serving as “Leroy the boy” on weekends, finds he has entered a relationship with no limits. Governess Elsa revels in the artistry of cinematography and shares her talent in a most unique manner. She informs Lionel that he will be “tagged” so that his fans will be able to scan his tattoo with their Smartphone’s to watch his canings, suspension and whatever other torture the wicked Elsa can devise. Nothing is private once he steps into her apartment. There is always a camera pointed at him. Even while he is prepped by having his entire body shaved, during humiliating enemas and as Nurse Hopkins constructs a chastity device with piercings and cable ties, Lionel is constantly recorded. As the library of debauchery grows, Lionel finds he on a course of depravity he cannot reverse. When his personal assistant, Miss Teasdale receives a cryptic piece of mail with his “tag” on it, he lives in fear of her discovery behind its true meaning. If the prestigious firm of J. Covington and Associates were to find out about his surreptitious lifestyle they would fire him immediately; there are things that are just not done at a banking firm. When Heather Covington, granddaughter of J. Covington, takes Lionel on a business trip to Arkansas, he learns she knows all about his degeneracy into the b**m world. She shows him her favorite videos from the site, and compliments his mistress on her editing abilities so only Lionel’s identity is known. Dreading losing his job, he submits to Heather immediately. Taking him to a property they are handling in a business venture, she shows him how to be a proper pony boy and rides him bareback. As more people learn of Elsa’s videos online, Lionel lives with constant anxiety of the wrong people discovering the truth about his being “tagged” and what it really means.

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Chapter 1
With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers. For information contact: Pink Flamingo Publications P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083 USA Email Comments: comments@pinkflamingo.com Part One “Tattoos are permanent... somewhat.” I sound so wimpy. What is intended to be a manly protest, words leading to a staunch refusal, instead squeak forth as a futile plea. I don’t often talk to Elsa. The relationship has been one in which I listen and obey. Occasional weekends serving as houseboy... naked of course. With some ‘curves’ as Elsa suggests. Different, kinky, everything with Elsa has an angle. “Keeps a man on his toes,” she whimsically suggested on one Saturday afternoon in announcing another surprise. I was... kept on my toes... strung from her ceiling in rather thorough, leisurely applied yet tight bondage... for so many hours. And so there comes another ‘angle’... this announcement that she wants me tattooed. “You’ll not remove it, if that’s what you’re thinking to comfort yourself, Leroy my boy. Remember the videos. Lots to show for boys who are disobedient.” Every dominant woman knows to apply or offer some form of control beyond the physical. After all, you cannot keep the submissive male in ropes and chains forever... least not in modern times. And it is more fun to toy... cat and mouse... anointing the submissive male with some freedom... thus making the weekends and evenings of abject servitude special after enduring days of laboring in the vanilla world. But there must remain some form of mental governance. For Elsa, her form of control is a myriad of video recordings... of me... soaking up what the submissive male psyche calls out for in desperation... the need for the controlling touch... the smooth commanding voice... the firm yet calm savoir faire of she who governs. In a fog of bliss, I wordlessly permitted Elsa, quite the artsy film editor; to record the many interludes of servitude, each one more bizarre than the next... at least that would be the presumed reaction should the world outside of her apartment-turned-dungeon ever have opportunity to view. The horror of potential disclosure struck me one day, in reading of some politician having to resign from office after grainy videos of a sordid hotel tryst with an expensive hooker were released. It was then that I realized the weekend encounters could be career ending. It was then that I better understood Elsa’s glee in having me watch her productions. Yes, the level of her authority finally dawned. I thought it was self pride in her ability to produce Hollywood quality video and audio of lurid scenes of D/s that offered her joy. Instead it was smugness in having me so deeply hooked. Demanded visits to her lair could not be refused She never appeared before the camera... at least not in any of the final, well edited versions. That should have been a clue. My name, by the way, is not Leroy. It is Lionel. Lionel Hobsworth Middleton. But when with Elsa, I am Leroy the boy. “Tattoos are not stylish among private bankers,” another futile form of protest, knowing that part of the game is to have me working and earning... so I can lavish her with.... well with whatever she desires. We both know not to impinge on the vast income stream I earn for assuring the well being of wealthy widows. Elsa smiles warmly... wickedly... knowingly. Indeed, if cats could smile, I often imagine just such a facial expression as in mordant jest a nimble paw bats about the condemned mouse. “I will want it here,” tapping the back of my neck. “It will be quite colorful.” I am naked of course... as always in her presence. And her finger circles an area which would be below the neck line of even the briefest shirt, such as worn when playing tennis or golf. And just where a mother cat totes her kittens... at the scruff. “It will be quite prominent when nude. You’ll just not be showering when the clubhouse is crowded... unless you want to show off your tag.” “Tag?” “Yup. From Microsoft. Quite the clever system. “Yours will look similar to this. Only larger.” Elsa points to an advertisement in a magazine placed on the kitchen table. Imprinted in the lower right hand corner is a small box of triangular shapes... colorful indeed. “It’s a scanning code. More sophisticated than the bar codes on consumer products.” Elsa aims and aligns her iPhone, pressing a button. The camera’s flash lights up. Then she hands me the device. The advertisement is for flour, and onto the small screen comes a video. A pleasant homemaker, standing in a kitchen, extols the virtues of the product. The Madison Avenue production then continues and there comes a demonstration of a recipe for baking cookies... to be comprised of the bespoken brand of flour. A quality production. “The tag takes the iPhone into a YouTube video. Slick and seamless, don’t you think?” I must nod in agreement. Formerly it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to advertise the product in such a manner on television. “I think two inches square should be large enough and not overly challenge the tattooist. The diagram has to be somewhat precise. I registered and downloaded yours yesterday. And I have already linked it to the URL.” I note that the ‘tag’ on the ad is minuscule, less than an inch square. “Here is yours, Leroy my boy. It will assure a lifetime of devotion... and servitude.” Elsa places on the table a sheet of paper, apparently printed from the computer. On the sheet is a box, appearing very similar to the magazine ad, but larger... some two inches both across and top to bottom. And of course the dozens of triangles within the square are differently patterned. Elsa retrieves the iPhone, aims and aligns, then presses more buttons, turning the small screen to me. “The secret life of Lionel Hobsworth Middleton... serving as Leroy the boy... on weekends... when the whim of a certain exacting woman brings the urge to command.” Elsa laughs... really more of a sardonic snicker. “This will be tattooed just above your shoulder blades. I’m going to have you tagged, Leroy. You didn’t think my film library was just for me, did you?” With dismaying instance, onto the small screen comes a familiar scene. One of the many canings Elsa so enthusiastically offers. She says she so much enjoys hearing me scream... like a little girl. And I am chagrined to have to agree with her. Before entering the strange trance of the well tormented masochist, my pleadings become rather shrill. And I cringe in watching... and hearing... as the scene of incredible torment replays on her Smartphone. She binds mercilessly... then takes joy in watching me energetically contest her thoroughness. The frustration of motionlessness can exceed the pain. And so there appears this torrid scenario of sadomasochism. The striped buttocks. The sweaty, vulnerable flesh. Well tethered hands and wrists flailing in fruitless resistance to ropes well tied. Equally tethered ankles and feet perform the dance which serves to so well amuse ‘Miss Elsa’, the demanded sobriquet whenever I am in peril and need to beg for her mercy. “Why?” “Think it’s time to step up our relationship. It’s not healthy being so secretive. A propensity such as yours needs to be nourished. There are others who would revel in your servitude, Leroy. You need not be so selfish.” Elsa is more open... much more open... about her proclivity and her need to govern than I am concerning my need to serve. She clubs. I become oddly envious when she describes in detail one of her many visits to sadomasochistic swing clubs. To date I have refrained from joining her. Elsa moves behind me placing the iPhone on the table where the video of my caning, the clarity crisp, the sound clear, plays out. I quiver as always with her nearness... her touch... as she presses her silk robe against the naked flesh of my spine and her arms entwine. Hands reach around to first cup my male breasts then fingers gently diddle my n*****s. “You’ll not need to introduce yourself to women of governance, your videos will. You can remain shy and subservient while a woman scans your tag and enjoys herself... learning of you... watching and listening as Lionel Hobsworth Middleton, private banker by day, groveling servant by night, endures his comeuppance.” My quivering transforms to an outright shudder of joy. Though her words concern, her touch thrills. The caning replaying before me was particularly long and slow. Elsa gushed, I know. Thereafter, I found her taste to be prominent. She spent wildly, my fluttering tongue later bringing forth a zesty geyser of feminine essence as I completed my servitude orally. “And I can change the link any time. The canings are nice... but repetitive. Remember your first visit? When I dressed you in clothes pins? Perhaps I should have you displayed chronologically... the slow but steady immersion into a woman’s authority.” Her words bring curious thoughts, a reflection and self images of my first visit to Elsa’s apartment. “You whimpered divinely.” I did. *** A woman in charge Such was the caption which intrigued. I clicked on the listing. Need to be led? Yearn for guidance? Creative, artsy, well educated woman has needs. Classy, with more degrees than a person requires, boredom suggests I seek a male for weekend entertainment. My place, my terms, my fun... perhaps you seek to please... I am always well dressed. Your attire? Optional... my option. The Craigslist ad caught my eye because of what was not there. An obvious reference to a female led relationship yet without the key words... slave... submissive... dominant... D/s... servant... houseboy... etc. and of course the less than subtle reference to a CFNM scenario. Such words appeared to be added as an afterthought, just to titillate, I supposed at the time. Well, I replied. Perhaps I was equally bored. But more perhaps, I indeed had needs. So we exchanged some emails and it seemed, after more criteria were thrust forth, and after submitting nude photos, we met. The photos, by the way, became a challenging task. My apprehension was considerable. But I became comfortable with Elsa. She was in charge. She left no room for doubt. And I spent the time to learn the delay function on the digital camera she demanded I purchase and then posed for my own photo shoot. Full body nudes. Front, left side, right side, back, hands always posed at the back of my head. One, stirring the most apprehension, was a full frontal shot with my p***s thoroughly erect, and taken after her emailed instructions were to shave my pubes region with care and diligence. I found myself quivering, and I was not sure why. Elsa was governing from afar and it was strangely exciting. Shaving below for the first time added a physical sensation to the psychological compliance. So this young but overly staid private banker emailed the potentially career ending photos. Elsa insisted that my face not be cropped or covered. And the demanded pose made the photos appear to be clinical rather than s****l or suggestive. I was to be examined, from afar. Three days went by. She’s crafty like that, Elsa, making the subordinate male stew in his own self created juices. I kept wondering if the photos were posted somewhere and twice I awoke in the middle of the night; nightmares suggesting that nude photos of Lionel Hobsworth Middleton, private banker for the esteemed firm of J. Covington and Associates, had been mailed, emailed, been posted on the company website. “Your p***s is barely adequate, but it will matter not. Your buttocks suffice.” That email finally came in reply. And I curiously smiled in satisfaction. “Adequate’. Hmm... I had by then learned that Elsa was not one to be overly complimentary. The email went on to instruct me to be at an eastside restaurant, a combination of Asian food and generally spicy stuff which Elsa knew, from her cross examining emails, that I did not care to eat. It did not matter. On a Friday evening in June she ordered a sizable and expensive meal and had me drink warm water. Lots of warm water.

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