Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Mike walked down the now familiar halls of the Barstow Community Hospital. He had become a frequent visitor over the past month. Not because he was injured, though that was the long standing joke between him and his teammates. At six foot nine he was an easy target for the enemy. Not that he tried to be, but he more than made up for his awkward height in his demolition skills and the ability to get into even the tightest of places. It defied physics but he didn’t question it. It was a skill that had saved his life as well as his fellow teammates more than once. Mike had been coming to the hospital frequently since an old injury flare up. He had been working on the yard at home when he felt something pull in his shoulder. The base hospital was closed since it was the weekend so he went to the local hospital. His friend, and fellow teammate Carter volunteered at in between missions. Carter said it was to hone his skills since he needed to patch him up so frequently. Mike assumed it was because he had been bored and wanted something to fill in the time. Now he was dating Kinsley, an ex-FBI agent and Abigail’s best friend, who was dating another friend of his, Aaron. Their team that once consisted on just the guys had now grown with the women. One was even expecting, Cora. She recently became engaged to Liam. Only Mike remained as the single man out. Hopefully for not much longer. It wasn’t that he disliked being the last single guy of the group, it was because he was getting up the nerve to ask a woman out. Who knew giant Mike Little, bad-ass Delta Force Operative that did some of the most dangerous work in the world was shy. It was almost laughable only he hated it. He wasn’t a virgin but he wouldn’t call himself a ladies man either. Most women eyed his size and wanted to know if he was big all around. Mike didn’t believe in casual s*x. s*x was intimate and should only be shared with someone he cared about. With his line of work and the secrets he kept, on top of his wacky schedule it was hard to connect with a woman. Then he met her. She was like a burst of sunshine after a lifetime of rain. Mike never felt such joy as he did with her. Destiny. He knew the moment he met her she was the one meant for him. It sounded corny, love at first sight, but it was. The moment their eyes met it had been like being struck by lightning. If only he didn’t get so silent or tongue-tied when they were together. Destiny didn’t mind his quietness. She talked enough for the both of them. Every time he was with her, he laughed harder than he had his whole life. She brought such joy to his life. If only he could tell her how he felt. Just say ‘Destiny, I’d like to take you out on a date.’ In his head it sounded so simple. He must have gotten close to saying it a thousand times but then he chickened out. It never seemed the right time. He only ever saw her in the hospital visiting a sick relative, that wasn’t the right setting to asking her out. Maybe today would be the day. Yeah right. You’re going to die a lonely old man because you can’t ask a beautiful woman out. They had met the day he was checking out. Mike was walking down the hallway when he heard her lithe voice coming from a room that had the door partially closed. Curious, Mike walked towards the room and peaked in seeing a petite woman with chestnut hair pulled into a messing bun sit next to a frail woman who had her eyes closed. If it wasn’t for the rhythmic beeping of the machine next to her, Mike would guess the old woman was already dead. She was as pale as the sheets she laid upon. Her body looked frail. He had seen death enough times in his life to recognize the signs. Normally it didn’t affect him so, but seeing this beautiful woman clinging to the old woman’s hand as if trying to will her to live just by being there, he wished with all of his might he could do something about it. As if sensing he was there the woman glanced over at him. She had a sweet round face with a button nose and large green eyes. They were so hypnotic he didn’t try hiding the fact he had been spying on her. The woman just looked up at him and blinked a few times as if not sure he was real or not. Her face was blank not giving a hint of what she was thinking or if he was intimidating her. His height could frighten some people. But this beautiful woman didn’t look scared of him. He couldn’t tell her height from her sitting position and the bed hid her lower half. She wore a grey shirt that hung off her shoulders revealing the straps of her black tank top underneath and the swell of her breasts. They were on the small size yet sat high and pert. She had a trim waist, almost looking too skinny as if the stress of the older woman’s sickness was affecting her eating. Mike wanted nothing more than to close the distance between them and take this nameless woman in his arms and tell her everything was going to be alright. Instead he stood frozen in the doorway, unable to decide if he should stay or run. The woman took the decision out of his hands when she whispered something to the older woman and approached him. Up close the top of her head reached his chest. A little shorter than six foot. Good. He liked taller women. Short women made him feel even more like a giant. “Can I help you?” It was obvious he wasn’t a doctor or staff member. His jeans and leather jacket an easy giveaway. “I’m sorry.” He muttered. “I didn’t mean to invade your privacy, I only…” How did he explain he was drawn to her without sounding like a weirdo. “I’ll go.” He started to back away when like a siren of folklore she spoke, drawing him back to her. “I need a break anyway. I’m going to get a coffee, would you like to come with me?” Mike could only nod. Like a little puppy he followed her. “By the way, I’m Destiny. Destiny Sheppard.” “Mike Hunter.” Destiny smiled at him and Mike fell head over heels for her. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. It had been the same ever since. He found out she worked on the base as a decoder but their schedules hardly meshed for them to see each other much outside of the hospital. It sucked but any time with her was worth it. Neither of them complained. Mike went straight to Destiny’s grandma Carol’s room, but only Carol was there napping. Where was Destiny? There was only one other place she could be. The cafeteria. His long legs ate of up the distance quickly, eager to see her even though he had just seen Destiny the other day. Her text had sounded frantic. After a month he was learning to read her and decipher her texts as good as she was at deciphering codes. Destiny was putting on a brave face always staying optimistic this would be the last hospital visit but he could see through the cracks of her façade. Every trip to the hospital he could see more and more of her spirit breaking. Her grandmother was dying and there was nothing anyone could do for her. Mike burst into the cafeteria, spotting Destiny easily with her signature messy bun and a cream colored tank top. She sat at a table staring blankly at a cup of coffee. As if sensing he was there, she looked up at him like a homing beacon. Her face instantly transformed to happiness. Her whole body seemed to relax seeing him there. “Mike,” He couldn’t hear her speak but he saw her lips form the words. He didn’t waste another second and marched toward her. Destiny met him in the middle and threw herself into his arms knowing he would catch her. Always. He held her close breathing in her citrus scent of lemons. His woman was hurting. Yes, she was his even if he never spoke the words. “I told you, you didn’t have to come.” Destiny whispered against his neck making him shudder. She fit perfectly against him. Like two puzzle pieces. Did she feel what he felt? He wanted this woman more than his next breath. Sometimes there was flicker in her gaze that she might feel more than friendship for him but then it was gone. He had texted her this morning after his routine run to see how she was. When she said in the hospital again, he hadn’t hesitated to leave. Mike had only hesitated long enough to go home and shower and change then race over. Carol wasn’t dying by any means. Every hospital visit was over stomach pain but what if the next time it was something worse? Destiny shouldn’t have to deal with it on her own. He liked that she leaned on him. What was the point of having such big shoulders if he couldn’t carry some of the brunt of her problems? “There’s nowhere I’d rather be. I’ll always be here for you.” It was a vow. Even if she only ever saw him as a friend instead of more. He hadn’t told anyone about Destiny yet. Not only their schedules didn’t line up but because he didn’t want to just introduce her as his friend he wanted to say she was his girlfriend. If only he could say the words. Chapter 2 Despite her protest of his being there, Destiny clung to Mike like a lifeline in a stormy sea. She was so tired of being in the hospital. So tired. The only upside was having Mike with her. She didn’t know how she would have gotten through this past month without him. He was her saving grace through the whole thing. The only person that gave her hope that Grandma Carol would be okay. Even if it was a false hope. He was the only thing from keeping her from drowning in melancholy. Destiny could hardly focus on work most days. Every time she saw her grandmother, she looked worse. More pale, weaker. She was a far cry from the woman she was a month ago when she first came here to live. Destiny owned a house not far from the hospital and close to the base. Her grandmother, had been living in Los Angeles still running her company but she wanted to get away from the noise and pollution when she started to get fatigued. Since Destiny’s schedule could be hectic, Carol bought a small condo a few blocks from Destiny and brought Grandma’s helper to ease the transition. Sadly, almost every week she was back in the hospital getting sicker and sicker though no one could find out what was wrong. She was in the hospital more than her home. Doctors had done every test under the sun but no one could find anything wrong with her. After a few days in the hospital she would perk up and Destiny started to see glimpses of her beloved grandmother. Then all too soon she was gone. She wasn’t willing to give up yet though. Somehow, she would find a way to get her grandmother well again. The bloodhounds at her company had been nonstop calling her since her grandmother came here to find out what she was going to do with the company. Appoint a new CEO or sell. Honestly Destiny could care less what happened to it, she never wanted anything to do with it or her grandmother’s legacy. She was happy deciphering code, not worrying about a fortune 500 company. Destiny turned her head to burrow into Mike’s neck and breathed in his dark musky scent. He always smelled good. It wasn’t a cologne, just all him and she loved it. She could breath him in all day. He’d think she were crazy if she ever said that. Mike had been nothing but sweet since the moment she caught him spying on her a month ago. Funny how one of the worst days of her life turned into the best. Mike always made every day they had together special. She didn’t know what she ever did in life to deserve him but she wasn’t a fool to dispute destiny. Yep, she totally went there. What could she say. She loved him. It had been lust at first sight when she saw him standing in the doorway. Like a guarding angel sent to help her. And he had. More than she could ever say. She had hoped he would feel the same way about her. When they hung out at each other’s houses they never sat too close. He never once tried to hold her hand. The only time he touched her was when she was upset about Grandma Carol and he was comforting her. It wasn’t exactly the sign of affection she was looking for. She could look but not touch. It was time to get her head out of the clouds. Life wasn’t a fairytale. The knight that came to rescue her wasn’t going to end up with her. He would marry a real princess, not a workaholic that sometimes forgot to wash her hair when she was in a zone. Or even eat. Mike checked on her regularly to make sure she ate, but he treated her more like a friend than someone who wanted in her pants. She thought she saw a glimmer of wanting in his eyes more than once. A sly glance at her breasts when he didn’t think she was looking but other than that there was nothing. She was firmly on the shelf of friend. Always the bridesmaid never the bride. Story of her life. Destiny pulled away and made sure to put a foot of space between them. She crossed her arms over her chest so he didn’t see her n*****s poking out. She couldn’t meet his eyes, needing a moment to get her body back under control and not try and throw herself at him again. “How is she?” Mike asked, his voice sounded dry and scratching. She hadn’t noticed that a moment ago. Destiny stole a glance at him. Was he as affected as she was, or was that her active imagination? His hot intense gaze was laser focused on her and caused her brain to short circuit. Mike was hands down the sexiest man she had ever seen. His hypnotic aqua blue eyes reminding her of the Caribbean Sea when she went snorkeling there a few years ago. They weren’t just one color but an array of blues. Lighter toward his pupils and darker around the rim. She could get lost staring into them. Who was she kidding, she was now. Her gaze dropped lower to pull her focus off of them but now she was focused on his lips. His plump kissable lips. “Destiny?” His features pinched looking at her concerned. She was such a ninny. Staring at him. She probably made him feel uncomfortable staring at him like s*x on a stick. “Sorry,” she cleared her throat. “I checked her in last night when she started complaining of stomach pains and threw up.” That was new and had scared the crap out of her. “Wait, you’ve been here all night? Why didn’t you call me then?” He almost sounded hurt she hadn’t informed him before now. She loved Mike but she didn’t want to overburden him with her problems. Every time something happened to her Grandma, she was calling Mike. “I know you’re getting ready to leave soon.” Her voice dropped even though there was only two other people in the cafeteria and they were on the other side of the room. What Mike did was top secret. Something even she shouldn’t know. She had put two and two together when a coded message came in about a potential threat and Mike left town shortly after. For a guy who was supposed to work a desk job it hadn’t made sense. Destiny had asked him about it when he came back but he never confirmed or denied he left. She knew the first thing about secrets. It’s what she did for a living so she left it go, knowing the truth even without him saying. “Destiny,” There was a warning in his tone. “Don’t treat me like an idiot.” She spoke up, interrupting any stupidity that was sure to come out of his mouth next. “I know you can’t say one way or another and that’s fine. But you have enough on your plate, it’s selfish of me to ask you to come every time something happens.” Mike chuckled at her. “You are the least selfish person I know.” Oh that was so untrue. When it came to him, she was selfish. She wanted all of him to herself. “Regardless, I didn’t want to bother you.” “You could never bother me.” His words warmed her heart. “She’s already looking better. I think they’ll let her leave this afternoon as soon as she can eat something and keep it down.” “They still don’t know what’s wrong with her?” He sounded just as frustrated as she was. “Unfortunately. They said she was a little dehydrated but nothing to point at specifically. Maybe dinner didn’t agree with her.” Destiny had questioned Grandma’s helper, Milly but she seemed just as concerned about grandma. Doctors just chalked it up as she was growing older but Destiny didn’t believe that for a moment. Yes, grandma was older but she was only in her seventies and up until two months ago she had been healthy. Grandma never got sick, she couldn’t even remember her getting a cold or the fly. Something else was going on but she didn’t know what. “What’s that look for?” “Just thinking.” It was uncanny how easily he could read her. Most likely a skill he learned in his job he refused to talk about. “About?” He prodded her. He was worse than a dog with a bone. Unwilling to let it go. She hadn’t wanted to voice her suspicion. It sounded crazy even in her head. “You’re going to think I’m crazy.” “I can think of many ways to describe you but crazy isn’t one of them.” How would he describe her, she wanted to know. Focus. “So tell me what’s on that beautiful mind of yours.” Her heart fluttered at his words. He thought she was beautiful? She who never did anything with her hair but throw it up in a bun and when she wasn’t working wore baggy clothes. Destiny felt her cheeks heat. Men had paid her compliments in the past, sure, but most were after her grandma’s fortune not her. Mike didn’t know anything about it, at least not that she knew of. “Destiny?” He prodded her smiling. Good lord, she needed to keep her thoughts on track. She had a habit of letting her mind wander. Right, her suspicion. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence Grandma keeps getting sick. I don’t have proof but it doesn’t make sense that two month ago she was hale and hearty and now she is in and out of the hospital every couple weeks. You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” She watched Mike’s face for any reaction to her words. Would he think she was crazy or believe her? Mike’s face remained muted, not giving anything away. “I don’t know her well enough yet to say one way or another, but if you think something is off I believe you.” Destiny felt her whole body sag in relief. Mike caught her and held her close. Her hands gripped his biceps for support out of reflex. The muscles bunched and flexed under her fingers. So strong and yet so gentle. It took all of her willpower not to stroke her fingers over his arms as she had longed to do. So many things she wanted to do to him. Ruffle his short curly brown hair. Stroke his strong, powerful jaw. Kiss those sweet delectable looking lips. “Destiny,” Mike’s voice remained hard as stone. She hated the attraction was so one sided. She was entrapped as easily as a fly in a spider web, only she didn’t want to escape. She wanted to stay in Mike’s arms forever. If only he wanted her. If only she could think of him as just a friend and not yearn for more. Yearn for something that was just out of reach. “Mike,” Her voice was deep and husky, she didn’t recognize it as her own. She didn’t know what she was going to say. Let her go, hold her close, kiss her. She never got the chance. “Miss. Sheppard.” A feminine voice called behind Mike. Just like that the spell was broken. Mike’s body stiffened as he set her away from him and took a step back for good measure. She looked at his face, longing for any reaction that their embrace meant something to him too but there was nothing. You knew better, she scolded herself. Destiny stepped around Mike needing the distraction from her breaking heart. “Yes?” She kept her voice light even when she wanted to was cry at the injustice of wanting someone who didn’t want her. “Your grandmother is asking for you.” The nurses eyes darted to Mike. There was no interest in her eyes, she looked nervous. It wasn’t the first time she had seen that reaction to Mike. It broke her heart. He was such a sweet and caring man. His height shouldn’t be what defined him. “Thank you.” She c****d her head to Mike who stood at her shoulder. “I’ll call you later, Mike.” She hadn’t been lying earlier when she said she didn’t want to burden him. His mind needed to be on the next mission, not following her around. And she needed a chance to lick her wounds at another rejection. You did it to yourself, her subconscious argued. She had. Destiny had hoped for something that apparently never come true. She needed to leave before she embarrassed herself. “Bye,” she whispered so soft she doubted he would hear her. Mike’s arm snagged around her arm as she stepped away. She hated how good his touch felt. Her eyes closed savoring the feel of him. His grip was light, she could easily break free. She never wanted to break free of him. “I’m not leaving you.” His tone didn’t broach for argument. She knew it would be a waste anyway. Stubborn sweet man. Destiny nodded, her throat clogging. If only he said those words to her because he loved her instead of just comforting her.
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