Live With Me

1174 Words

Antonio wiped a hand over his face, blood smearing across his cheek. “Ah. I guess I was shot. It’s probably just a flesh wound. Nothing I can’t handle.” He grinned at Valerie. Valerie shook her head. Was this man for real? “I need to see to that,” she said, her tone firm. “Why? Are you worried about me amore mio?” he smiled sheepishly. Valerie sighed, exasperated by Antonio’s flirtatious antics. “Not the nickname, please.” She looked at Ellie. “Would you mind watching Landon while I take care of Antonio?” Ellie nodded. “Of course.” Valerie grabbed his arm. “Come with me,” she said. “Ahem…” River cleared his throat. “I don’t think you should be alone with him, Val.” Valerie glared at River. “He just helped us, didn’t he?” River hesitated. “Yes, but…” “Let Valerie help Antonio,” Ell

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