#Chapter 88: No Escape

1339 Words

Don’t forget that it’s my blood growing inside of you. You’ll never be rid of me for as long as it lives. Joseph’s words were a threat, one that chilled me down to my bones. He’d kept it cryptic enough that I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant. But I knew it was nothing good. Was he trying to scare me into having an abortion? Or was he saying that he intended to side with his parents to steal my baby from me, once it was born? Or did he meant something else entirely – something possibly even more nefarious? I couldn’t hope to know, and I was too frightened to ask. “You’ll never escape me, Cynthia,” Joseph said. His whole body curled toward me, like a predator ready to strike. I braced myself for something, I wasn’t sure what. I didn’t think he would attack me right here in front of the

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