#Chapter 1 - A Bolt From The Blue

1233 Words
Double lines. Positive. I tried crushing the pregnancy test with my foot. I even threw it in the trash. But it couldn't erase the horrible fact that I was PREGNANT from my brain. I looked at the picture of the 18th birthday I had just celebrated. My secret-boyfriend Joseph and I had taken sweet selfies, but those pictures now looked a little distorted. Unlocking the screen, I checked once more for a reply from Joseph. Only my own message stared back at me. Just like every time I’d checked before. The double checkmarks proved he read the message, but he hadn’t replied. I tried again. And again. Eventually, he stopped reading them. Lightning flashed outside. But I needed to know what Joseph thought. Now. I flew down the stairwell, and out the side door into the rain. I had no one else I could talk to. As werewolves, our inner wolf doesn't show up until we're 19. I loved dance. I practiced so hard, and I was good at it. That's why I enrolled in Lunarhaven Academy, the best private elite school in the kingdom, as a cheerleader. Was I going to have to give it up? But then what would happened to me? Would I have to drop out from the Academy? My family never had time for me. My parents only wanted to hear from me when I achieved something. I could never tell my oldest sister, the perfect and beautiful Luna. The family’s favorite. If I confided in her, she’d tell Mom in a second. My older brother Dylan was the one I felt closest to, but he was overprotective. If he knew, he’d probably be on the first flight home from Silvermoon Academy, where he was spending a semester as an exchange student. Joseph had to answer. As a star soccer player, Joseph lived in one of the separate athlete’s dormitories. Rather than the single bed, shared bathroom dorms where I stayed, these were elaborate villas. Each room had their own kitchenette and personal bathroom. Each athlete was seen as elite. They were popular on campus, even with the faculty and staff. With that popularity came privilege and preference. Fancy dorms were only the start of the gifts they received. I had always been proud of Joseph for all that his soccer skills helped him achieve. He was someone Mom would adore. Now I cursed it a little, if only because a superintendent stopped me just inside the front door. Nearby I heard the bass of loud music and distant laughter. “Please,” I said. “Where is Joseph?” The superintendent wasn’t much taller than me, but the way she sneered down her nose at me made me feel small. “Joseph is in his room,” the superintendent said. “He asked not to be disturbed.” “It’s important –” “It’s getting late, isn’t it?” The superintendent crossed her arms. “Shouldn’t you be returning to your own dorm?” Movement shifted at the edge of my vision. I glanced down the hall and saw a tall, handsome man storm toward me. I would recognize that dark, windswept hair and piercing gaze anywhere. Asher. My brother’s best friend. One of the very last people I’d hoped to see. If he discovered I was pregnant, undoubtedly he would tell Dylan. I was no way ready for that to happen. Especially not before I spoke to Joseph. Asher’s intense eyes weighed heavy on me, taking in my full person, head to toe. When he looked back to my face, those eyes darkened further. This hint of anger was the only emotion on his perfect, blank slate of a face. I knew Asher didn’t like me. I’d met him several times with Dylan, and each time he’d only given one word responses to my attempts at friendly conversation. He never once returned my smile. Actually, I’d never seen him smile at all. Inching backwards, I told the superintendent, “Maybe I can come back tomorrow…” Too slow. Asher stopped at our side. Eyes fixed on me, he told the superintendent, “I can take care of this.” With the superintendent gone, I did the only thing I could think to do to protect my secret. I turned and ran. I’d been to this dorm a few times, always under the cover of night. Joseph never wanted anyone to know I was visiting him. Because of the secrecy, I knew the way to the stairwell that led to his floor. I only made it a few steps before Asher blocked my path. Captain of the hockey team, Asher daily trained for muscle mass and speed. Plus, as the son of an Alpha, he was naturally gifted. I should have known I wouldn’t make it far, but my panic had overridden my judgement. Now I felt both panic and shame. Asher continued to stare. Still clutching my phone, I instinctively wrapped my arms around my waist to hide my still-flat belly. Asher likely saw that too, but overwhelmed, I couldn’t bring myself to lower my arms. With my downward gaze, I watched as his hands formed fists. Then, he reached beside me and opened a door. I blinked up at him. “In here,” he commanded. No room for argument. I slinked inside, stopping at the center of the spacious dorm room. Asher entered behind me and closed the door. He stayed there, just inside the doorway. “Cynthia, why are you here?” Asher asked. “It's not your business.” “What could possibly be so important that you need to come here in a stormy day?” he asked. Turning to face him, I lifted my chin, defiant. Inside, my heart pounded. My hands would shake if I wasn’t clutching my waist so hard. The silence stretched as he watched me. I felt like an ant under a microscope. Suddenly he frowned, just a bit at the corners of his mouth, and turned toward the bathroom. He returned an instant later holding a towel. He held it out toward me. At that moment, I shivered. Adrenaline had gotten me this far, but now I realized how cold I was. And how wet. Looking down, my white shirt had become translucent against me, hugging my cleavage like a second skin. I hadn’t even thought to put on a bra before I left my room, let alone a jacket. The curves of my breasts, including my n*****s hardened from the cold, were on full display. Asher had looked. He had seen. I snatched the towel from Asher and held it protectively over myself. Heat flared in my cheeks. “W-Why didn’t you say anything?” “Don’t worry,” he said with a tiny shrug. “You aren’t my type.” “Y-you--!” “I’ve already forgotten it.” His hooded gaze dropped to where the towel covered me, then away. Voice sharp, he said, “You won’t go unless you tell me why you're here.” Who was he to give me orders? His breath was hot on my ear. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on? Or do I need to guess?” His gaze bore into mine like he could see straight through me. Dread clawed at my chest. "I need to see Joseph." I compromised.
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