
1639 Words
I could hear light snoring from where I was lying down. Under different circumstances, I might have found it cute. But I know I live alone and that I didn't snore. Who the f**k was in my apartment? The incessant sound and fear woke me up, and I sat up on the bed quickly. My senses were on high alert, my eyes wandering around the room, searching for the intruder. Only, I didn't recognize the room. The room seemed to be basic. Everything has a touch of brown and cream colors. There was only a bed, a mirrored dresser, and a set of a table and chair placed against the wall. Still, I didn't recognize anything except for the man not-so-silently sleeping on the table. Alex was bowed down, his arms cushioning his head. His mouth was slightly agape, and soft snores could be heard. His hair was a bit disheveled, probably from his awkward sleeping position. I tried to recall my memories. How did I end up here? I didn't think I would be having the walk of shame anytime soon, but I'm still wearing my clothes, and Alex wouldn't be sleeping on a freaking table if something did happen. So, what exactly happened? I suddenly remembered how Alex instructed me to make the tonic for abrasion, and the failed attempt to do so, and then the huge explosion. The explosion! Alex made me drink something, and I couldn't remember anything after that. He said it was to help with the pain. What an utter load of bullshit. Pain meds wouldn't lead to absolutely blank memories. I couldn't remember a single thing after that. Do pain-alleviating potions work the same? I sighed. There was no use in wondering about these things. I could simply ask Alex once he wakes up. Could I trust him, though? I really couldn't recall anything... My anxiety was slowly eating me up. The fear of uncertainty and the unknown made me feel queasy, and suddenly I wanted to run and leave here. I wasn't feeling safe at all, and a man was sleeping just a few feet away from me and I have no recollection of what went down. Boss or not, I'm hightailing it out of here. I grabbed the edge of the bed and tried to stand up, but my knees gave out on me and I fell in a heap on the floor. I feel fine when I woke up, so feeling this weak didn't strike me as normal. I should at least be able to walk properly after waking up. Unfortunately for me, my fall woke Alex up. He immediately stood up and approached me, but my instincts and reflexes took over and I quickly scrambled away from him. "Stay away from me!" I screamed. My voice sounded raw and feral. I couldn't recognize it. Wrong. You do recognize it, Avery. I shook the voice out of my head and glared defiantly at Alex. He raised his hands, palms facing outward in a placating manner. "Hey, Avery. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you," Alex said in a soft voice that was almost a whisper. When I simply stayed quiet and stared at him, Alex cleared his throat and spoke again. "Can you remember what happened?" I shook my head. "No. I remembered the explosion, then you gave me something to drink," I said, and with the memory resurfacing, a fresh wave of anger rolled over me. I glared accusingly at Alex. Alex huffed, but it was half-hearted as if he wanted to be annoyed at me but was trying to be considerate. "The potion was meant to prevent you from feeling pain. You were covered with wounds from the explosion, and I had to administer some potions to heal you. You've slept the entire day," he said. That made me look down at my arms, checking myself. There was no way that was true since I didn't feel the slightest bit of discomfort when I woke up. "And there weren't even scars?" I asked Alex, my tone doubtful. This time, Alex didn't hesitate to scoff. "You insult me. You are working with the best potion maker there is. You think I couldn't even make a proper healing potion?" Alex asked, his tone derisive. My hackles rose at that and my body immediately went into a defensive. Upon seeing that, Alex sighed and spoke again in a soft tone. "Alright, I apologize. I do not know why you cannot remember anything. The potion wasn't meant to do that. Fortunately, your body seemed to be recovering." "Recovering? I can't even stand up! And what do you mean by the potion wasn't meant to do that? Did you make a defective one and made me drink it?" Alex gasped, "I didn't!" Then, in a whisper, he added, "Hmm, or perhaps I did." I gaped at him. I have no words. Should I really be doing my apprenticeship under this guy? Well, it wasn't like I had choice. I grabbed the wall and tried to find a purchase to support myself. Slowly, I stood up and faced Alex. "I want to go back to my apartment," I said. "You cannot. You are still physically incapable of supporting yourself. Who will be there if something happened to you?" I stared at Alex, realizing what he was not expressly staring at. "Are you saying that you're going to take care of me?" The question was supposed to be in a flirty tone, but my smile turned into a grimace and my voice fell flat. Alex looked at me, a crease appearing between his brows. "Of course. You are my apprentice." I would've accepted the help and just been thankful, but my fears had a chokehold on my heart. Another set of memories niggle at the back of my mind, ones that were supposed to be locked tight. I closed my eyes and tried to shove them deeper again. The options were simple. Let Alex take care of me and have my anxiety be at an all-time high during my stay at the shop, or be left on my own. I already know which one I would choose. I opened my eyes again and shook my head. "I want to go back to my apartment," I repeated. Alex fisted his hands, his knuckles turning white. But despite the show of resistance, he nodded and opened the door. Slowly, I followed him outside towards the workstation. It's already morning. I could see the sun high up in the sky from the window in the room. I discreetly looked around. The workstation looked the same as ever as if no explosion happened. There was still the chaotic but organized way the bottles and herbs were scattered around. Did it happen, the explosion? I know it did. I could clearly remember that part. But what happened afterward was what had me worrying. A shudder ran through my body, and I tried to shake the feeling away. I'm going back to my apartment. That's what matters right now. In the end, Alex helped me pack my meager things and hailed me a cab from the main street, a bit farther from Lucent White with its winding alleys. I went in the cab slowly, feeling disoriented by how weak I was but not in discomfort at all. Before the cab could drive, Alex leaned in the passenger's door, his left hand on the car's roof while his other one held the door open. "You may feel weak in the following days. Do not be concerned when your recovery seems slow. Just continue resting. Don't move too much," Alex said, then he added, "And eat properly." I winced at the comment, remembering how disgusted he was every time he caught me eating noodles. I nodded anyway. My first month's salary just went through my bank the other day, and the pay was significantly better than what little I scraped from my side rackets while looking for a permanent job. I could afford real decent food while I heal. "Also, I will not be expecting you for the next few days to give you time to recover but," Alex hesitated, likely trying to search for the right words, "Just- just come back to the shop when you're able to," he continued. I simply nodded again, my words failing me and my body started drooping from exhaustion. Alex might have noticed since he began moving away from the passenger's door, but before he fully left, he turned to me again and asked. "What happened, Avery?" It took me a moment to realize what he was asking. My body tensed up, trying to stop the barrage of memories that I had long since locked away. "I'm sorry. I can't talk about it," I replied. I saw the confusion, concern, and pity playing on Alex's face, and I couldn't take any of them, so I tried making light of the situation. "But, hey! Aren't I the epitome of irony? Like hot and cold water. I just can't understand my mind and body," I said with a light forced laugh. Then I remembered that Alex didn't know how I was pining for him, so I shut my mouth up. I think I heard a chuckle, but my embarrassment made my face burn and I had to look away. "Take care, Avery," Alex said. With that, he closed the door and tapped on the roof of the cab, signaling it to drive. I was left with my thoughts, wondering what transpired that I couldn't remember, the shock when I woke up, and how Alex had started calling me by my first name. For some reason, the drive to my apartment felt too lonely. How I wish I could be a person with no baggage at all.
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