Troubled Apprentice

1593 Words

I stared blankly at Nana while she buzzed around the bathroom. I felt like my body was floating. My mind kept repeating the words she said and it couldn't seem to move on. The wolf's mate? Partner? Wife?! My trance was broken when I registered that Nana was speaking again. "...but it's not possible, is it?" Nana looked at me expectantly and I realized that she was asking me a question. I internally shook my head and tried to be in the present. "I'm sorry, what's not?" "For you to be the wolf's mate, silly! Cross-specie breeding isn't possible unless you're also a shifter. Which is clearly you're not," Nana explained. She got the shampoo and applied a generous amount on her palm. She approached me afterward and began slathering it on my hair. "Shifter to another kind of shifter? It

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