At the Back to School Ball

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Abijah POV Saturday came super fast, my aunt and mom helped me get ready for the ball. Yeah my mom drove up here to 'see me off' lol. I start off with a good breakfast, then a bath with some of the products Shawn bought me. We do my shoulder length hair in a simple style. It was cute, curly and pushed back by my headband with my edges slicked down. My makeup was next, the teal eyeshadow and eyeliner. Black mascara and my purple lipstick. I put on my dress and wedges next and then my jewelry. I was checking myself out in my floor length mirror when I heard a knock on the door. "I look good" I say. I walked upstairs and lost my breath, Shawn looked down right delicious! You can clearly see his muscles beneath his suit and for some reason I wanted to lick each and every one of them. "Damn you look good!" we say at the same time. We blink then burst into laughter. My family wanted some pictures of us, so we posed for a few, I bid my family goodbye and we head to the palace. The castle or palace, now it's not some old dingy, crusty cobweb filled haunted building. This place was exceptionally well kept just like the school, there was even a red carpet! I've never been to anything this fancy before it was exciting! I held Shawns' hand as we got out of the car and made our way unto the carpet. More people were doing the same, some burly looking man came over and clapped Shawn on his back saying, "Beta Shawn, good to see you again. I hope you had a pleasant summer break?" I gasped and stiffened, did he just say Beta? OMG SHAWN IS THE SECOND IN COMMAND?! No wonder he is so demanding, he's used to getting his way! I need to be on my best behavior. Shawn looked over at me with an eyebrow raised. I guess he noticed my shock. I smiled at him chuckling nervously, biting my lip then took some deep breaths to relax. He shook the man's hand, "I had a good summer thanks. Professor Kallen this is Miss Abijah, she took Essies' place as the new kitchen manager." "Oh, Abijah welcome to our humble establishment," Prof. Kallen beams shaking my hand, "it's about time Essie retired she's nearly 80 years old! She was kitchen manager when I attended school here!" he exclaimed. I grin, "Thank you! It's really a pleasure being chosen to work here, I greatly appreciate this opportunity!" Kallens' wife came over and they waved at us then continued their way inside the palace. Shawn wrapped his arm around my waist, raising an eyebrow looking down at me and whispered, "So you really didn't know that I was Beta?" Crap! I should've known he would bring that up. "I.. I didn't, I'm sorry Shawn.. um Beta Shawn, I should have done my research more thoroughly." I said chewing my lips nervously. He bent down and whispered in my ear then licked it! "Next time you misbehave, I'm gonna have to give you a spanking!" My eyes went wide, and my panties were wet and we weren't even in the building yet! Oh my, what a night this is gonna be! The inside was decorated so immaculately that I felt like a real life princess attending a royal ball! Every inch of this place was dripping in pack colors, which made me feel at peace. Purple always puts me in a calm mindset. So being surrounded by it was just heavenly. I was so lost in my fantasies that, I jumped when Beta Shawn yanked me to him calling my name. "Abijah are you ignoring me?" The stern look on his face snapped me back to reality. "N.. no, I was.. I'm sorry.." what was I to say? I sigh in defeat pleading with my eyes that he forgave me for.. whatever it is that I've done. He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Ok, just.. try to pay attention alright, I have to introduce you to the Alphas family!" he said sternly and we walk forward. I see this beautiful dark chocolate couple in front of us, and I recognize the pregnant woman from the spa! We stand in front of them and Beta Shawn bows his head, "Bow!" he tells me and I do. I peek up at him after a moment to see if can look up now. He nods at me and I smile, "Alpha DeAndre and Luna Latoya, this is Abijah our new kitchen manager!" Wow I'm actually finally meeting them woohoo! I'm really happy right now, I beam from ear to ear. Beta Shawn fist bumps the Alpha and kisses the Lunas hand. I look at Beta Shawn and indicate with my eyes if I can speak to them and he smiles then nods. So do I. "It's a great pleasure to finally meet you Alpha DeAndre and to see you again Luna Latoya!" she looked confused. Then I explained, "Back in July I seen you at the spa. I pray I look as good as you whenever I get married and pregnant!" I giggled. "Oh, thanks gurl!" she chuckled, "I go like every week! And it REALLY helps!" Oh wow! I wish I could. Must be great being a Luna, too bad I'll never know. "Well I want to just thank the both of you for the opportunity to work for your great Academy, I'm sooo looking forward to this school year." "So you don't have any children attending here?" asks Alpha DeAndre. I shake my head, "Nope I don't have kids yet." "Maybe some day" says Beta Shawn planting wet kisses on my neck, I closed my eyes and moaned unexpectedly, then gasped, my eyes popping open as I remembered where we were! I'm so embarrassed and then I hear this stronge little voice say, "Who are you? I've never seen you before." I was still so flustered from Beta Shawn I couldn't reply. "Hello are you deaf?" he said waving his hands in front of my face. "ZAVIER! You have manners so use them!" the Alpha scold his son. Zavier held out his hand for me to shake, upon touching his hand I felt the weirdest sensation, almost like electric shock! And then my thighs squeezed together, "This is Zavier, future Alpha of our territory." Beta Shawn says next to my ear. "N..nice to meet you Future Alpha Zavier, I'm Abijah the new kitchen manager." I breath out, he smiled, kissing my hand before letting it go. 'Gulp' I felt more of those shocks, and more moisture ran from between my legs, I was beginning to get light headed. Is this gonna happen every time these werewolves touch me? I sure hope not! We make our way into the Ballroom and wow! It looked every bit as elegant as I'd imagined. Walking in there is a DJ booth and a live band to the left. Dozens of tables for drinks to the right. A huge dance floor in the middle of the room and round elegantly decorated tables along the walls. Everything was styled in the pack colors, so we matched with it. And everyone in attendance was dressed to the nines! I felt a bit underdressed, but I didn't have money like these people. "Our table is over here." Beta Shawn says leading me to a table that looked like it was the head of all tables. It had a paper in the middle of it, with Calligraphy words saying 'Alpha & Beta seating - 6'. He pulled out my chair, I smiled thanking him and sat down, laying my Louis Vuitton clutch on the table. I was smiling, sitting there admiring the ball when a server comes over, bows and asks, "What would you like to drink?" "Scotch and Bourbon, get whatever you want babe." he says. Hmm..oh, "Coconut water with pineapple juice and a lime wedge please." Beta Shawn looks my way, skeptically, "Hold on, Is that all you want?" I nod. He scoffs saying, "Bring her a red wine as well." What the..? The server walked away, "But I don't drink." I told him defensively. He smirks, "Red wine does a body good and I want you to keep your body looking grrreat!" he growled at me playfully. Grabbing my chair and pulling me closer to him, he sits me on his lap and licks my neck, I moan, what is with this guy, like there are people everywhere! Seeing the server returning with our drinks, I pushed lightly on his huge chest to try to extricate myself from him, but he wasn't having it and growled. Gasps, he nipped me! "Stop trying to get away from me Abijah, I'll let you go when I damn well please!" he whispered growled at me, which I didn't even know can be done! "B.ut th.. there are.. mmmm p..eople every..where!" "I.don'!" his kiss was filled with lust and urgency, I also felt his arousal under me, his hands were caressing my back and outer thighs. I was trembling, gasping, moaning and soaking wet. I closed my eyes tight in embarrassment as the server neared us. I don't know how long we were like this. "Ahem!" I heard someone clear their throat and he stopped his assault and slid me into my chair. "Daddy, who is this?" said a cute curious little voice, Daddy? My head snapped up and I saw this beautiful young caramel colored girl, she looked just like her father. "Shawnae, do you remember I told you about Miss Abijah?" he said calmly. "Ooh yeah, your special friend! Hi Miss Abijah, I'm Shawnae and it's a pleasure to meet you." she giggled happily and curtsey. Awww she's so cute! She takes the seat to the left of her father I'm on his right. "It's awesome to meet you too Shawnae!" We start conversing and the Alpha, Luna and Zavier comes to take their seats. Zavier sits on my right, then his dad, then mom. Beta Shawn starts talking to his daughter and the Alpha stands to address the crowd via microphone, Zavier turns to me and says, "You are the prettiest girl I ever met!" And puts his hand on my knee, shocks shot up my leg to my core and I had to bite my tongue to not moan out loud! WHAT THE HELL!? When he removed his hand I was able to speak again. "Thank you, future Alpha Zavier" I squeaked out. He smiled. After some announcements were made the servers returned asking "What would you like to eat?" I looked down at the menu, "I'll have the lasagna and peach cobbler, with a caesar salad and dressing and a side of fruit, thank you." I say then everyone else ordered as well. Now how did I get this lucky to sit at the table and the Alpha, Luna, Beta and their children? No clue, but it was a straight pleasure. As long as no one else touches me I should be good, I don't know if I can keep holding back these silent orgasms! While we were eating our food the Luna asks, "So tell us about yourself Abijah." I look up from my plate to see all 5 pairs of eyes on me. Gulp, .. um ok, "I'm from Chicago, the oldest of two kids, it's me and my brother, Elijah he's 15. I just graduated from college in June and got the job here, so I moved in with my aunt who lives on the westside of Milwaukee. She allowed me to turn her basement into my very own studio apartment." "Yeah it's beautiful down there, its all decked out in purples and greys, I like it!" Beta Shawn says. I give him a huge grin. "Thank you! Um, this will only be my second job, since my sophomore year of high school I have worked part-time as a CNA. To have my own money and help pay for college. But I graduated high school as a valedictorian so I received a good amount of money via grants and scholarships, so I don't owe on any student loans." "Well that's good news I hear those student loans ain't no joke." says Alpha DeAndre. I nod, sipping my wine. "So you don't have any kids?" Shawnae asks me. I shake my head, "No, because my parents were teenagers when they had me and didn't want me to be a teenage mom. They didn't allow me to have any boyfriends until I graduated from college. So your dad is my first boyfriend ever!" They all looked shocked. "Correction, 1. I'm not a boy and 2. I'm more than just a friend." he said sternly then kissed me. I nod, grinning. "Do you have any hobbies?" Luna Latoya asks, I perked up nodding. "Yes I love decorating, drawing, coloring, gardening, crocheting, swimming and playing video games." The kids were glad that I colored and played video games while the adults were excited I crochet and gardened. It was a great conversation. After awhile Beta Shawn wanted to dance, so we head to the dancefloor, lots of people stop us to ask about our relationship and I enthusiastically tell them its a new thing for me and that I'm excited for the future. Beta Shawn dances slowly with me in his arms and he's holding me tight, a little too tight it's becoming rather uncomfortable. "Shawn.. I can't breathe.." I look up at him and he looks.. mad? "It's Beta Shawn and I told you the next time you misbehave you were gonna get a spanking!" I feel us dancing towards the back of the room where its empty and I think I'm in trouble.. "Wha.. what did I do? I sorry for.. whatever it was." I have no idea what I've done now! He shakes his head while moving one hand down my back to my butt, rubbing it slightly. He narrowed his eyes and says, "So you don't know what you've done to upset me?" he is upset? I shake my head. He angrily growls at me, "So you think it's ok to just smile and flirt with all those men right in my f*****g face?!" I WHAT?! "But I didn't-" "No you've been a bad girl Abijah, and bad girls get spanked!" 'SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!' He actually spanked me! My butt was searing in pain but I also had an orgasm, it was the weirdest thing ever! I had no idea what to do. I just silently sobbed into his chest. After some time he turned me around so that my back was on his front, he wrapped his arms around me with his nose in my neck. And we just slow danced. I felt someone looking at me and my eyes landed on the smug grin of, Zavier. Zavier POV I smelled something really nice in the hall before the ballroom, it made chest rumble. So I follow my nose and see Beta Shawn licking this lady I've never seen before, she made a weird noise! Who was she? "Who are you? I've never seen you before." She looked kinda scared, did she not hear me? "Hello are you deaf?" I asked her waving my hands to get her attention. "ZAVIER! You have manners so use them!" says my dad. I shook her hand, it felt good to touch her kinda sparkly but it made stand weird. "This is Zavier, future Alpha of our territory." I hear Beta Shawn tell her. "N..nice to meet you Future Alpha Zavier, I'm Abijah the new kitchen manager." She called me, Future Alpha Zavier? No one's ever addressed me like that before.. I like it. So I smiled and kissed her hand. She was so pretty. So later on when I seen her at the table I told her she was the prettiest girl I ever met. And I just had to touch her again, I just had to! It feels nice and she smells nice too. "Thank you, Future Alpha Zavier" She said it again! I really like her, I wonder if she could be my friend? I can't believe that she plays video games and colors! She's so cool! I was gonna ask her what games she plays but Beta Shawn takes her to go dancing. After forever I find them in the far back of the room dancing, she looks scared again, what's wrong with her? He growls at her, is he hurting my friend, grrr! "So you think it's ok to just smile and flirt with all those men right in my f*****g face?!" SHE WHAT?! "But I didn't-" she says. "No you've been a bad girl Abijah, and bad girls get spanked!" Beta Shawn tells her. He hits her on her butt! WHOA! He spanked her for being a bad girl, for talking to other men? I think I'll have to give her a spanking too..
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