Chapter 44

1035 Words
After a long day spent tending to the garden under the blazing sun, Isla wiped the sweat from her brow and gazed out at the sprawling greenery they'd managed to cultivate. It was hard work, but the rows of flourishing vegetables and herbs made every drop of sweat worth it. She turned to Teddy, who was still pulling weeds by the garden fence, his shirt clinging to his back, marked by patches of sweat. "It's hotter than I thought today," Isla remarked, pulling off her gloves and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Teddy stood up, stretching his back with a groan. "You’re telling me. I think we've earned a little break, don't you think?" he suggested, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Isla, understanding the look in his eyes, felt a playful smile stretch across her face. "Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?" she teased. "If you’re thinking about the old river spot for a cool down, then yes," Teddy grinned, dropping his gardening tools. "Let's go skinny dipping, Isla. It'll be refreshing." The idea was instantly appealing. The secluded river was only a short walk from where they stood and promised a refreshing escape from the heat. Isla nodded eagerly, and together they gathered their things and set off toward the river. The walk was short and familiar, a well-trodden path through the woods they both had come to know by heart. The sound of the river grew louder with each step, a soothing rush of water that called to them, promising relief and a bit of secluded paradise. As they reached the riverbank, the cool breeze coming off the water was invigorating. Isla looked around, ensuring they were alone before turning to Teddy with a shy yet daring smile. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" she declared, beginning to unbutton her shirt. Teddy laughed, quick to catch on, as they both shed their sweaty clothes hurriedly, eager to dive into the cool, inviting waters. Isla, feeling a bit self-conscious, hesitated for a moment as she stood completely revealed under the canopy of trees. Teddy, noticing her hesitation, stopped and walked over to her. "Hey," he said softly, cupping her face gently, making her look at him. "You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, Isla. Don’t cover up; there’s no one here but me." His words, sincere and filled with adoration, warmed Isla more than the afternoon sun ever could. She smiled, her earlier apprehension melting away under his gaze. With newfound confidence, she took his hand and led him to the water’s edge, where they stepped in together. The water was shockingly cold against the heat of the day, making them gasp and shriek with laughter. Once they'd acclimated, Isla splashed Teddy playfully, her laughter echoing through the trees. Teddy retaliated, his splashes turning into an all-out water war. The playful fighting soon had them breathless, their laughter mingling with the sound of the river around them. Teddy, unable to keep his eyes off Isla, swam closer to her. "I really meant what I said, Isla," he murmured, his hands finding her waist in the water, drawing her close. "You're beautiful." Isla’s heart fluttered at his touch, the sincerity in his voice sending waves of warmth through her. She looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but honest, raw affection. Overcome with emotion, she reached up to pull his face down to hers, pressing her lips to his in a passionate kiss. The kiss deepened as Teddy responded with equal fervor, his hands sliding to support her back, pulling her even closer. Isla wrapped her legs around him, the water making their movements fluid and easy. The kiss ignited a fire between them, and they clung to each other, lost in the sensation and the perfect escape they’d found in the river. “I could stay here forever,” Teddy murmured against her lips, his breath warm on her skin. “Me too,” Isla replied, her voice breathy and filled with emotion. She pressed her forehead against his, looking into his eyes. “Out here, it’s just you and me. Nothing else matters.” They continued to hold each other, floating in the gentle current, their earlier exhaustion washed away by the cool water and their renewed connection. Time seemed to stand still as they enjoyed the tranquility of the river, the solitude creating a world that belonged only to them. After a while, they swam to the riverbank, lazily moving through the water with contented sighs. They pulled themselves onto the bank, lying side by side on the warm rocks, letting the sun dry their skin. Isla turned her head to look at Teddy, her eyes soft with affection. “This was the perfect idea,” she said, reaching out to intertwine her fingers with his. “Thank you for being here, for being you.” Teddy turned to face her, propping himself up on one elbow. “There’s no one else I’d rather be here with, Isla. You make everything better.” They lay there for a long time, talking softly, their voices blending with the natural sounds around them. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the river, Teddy and Isla dressed and prepared to head back to the shack, their spirits lifted and their bond stronger than ever. The walk back was quiet, comfortable. They didn’t need words; their shared glances and smiles spoke volumes. As they reached the shack, Teddy stopped her with a gentle tug on her hand. “I meant every word, Isla. You really are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” Isla blushed, a deep, happy smile on her face. “And you have a way of making a girl feel like the only one in the world, Teddy.” He pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead. “As long as I’m with you, that’s exactly what you are to me.” Under the stars, they walked hand in hand back to the shack, the magic of the river and their love for each other carrying them forward into the night and beyond, into whatever future lay ahead.
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