chapter 78

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The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the clearing where Isla and Teddy were spending time together. They had decided to take a break from their usual routine and enjoy a day of fishing by the river. The air was filled with the soothing sounds of water flowing over rocks and birds singing in the trees. Teddy had set up a small campfire to cook their catch, while Isla prepared the fishing gear. They joked and laughed, the camaraderie between them growing stronger with each passing moment. It was a peaceful, perfect day—until it wasn’t. While tending to the fire, Teddy accidentally knocked over the pot of boiling water, spilling it onto his leg. He yelped in pain, stumbling back and clutching his thigh. “Teddy!” Isla exclaimed, rushing to his side. She saw the red, angry burn forming on his leg and felt a surge of concern. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, hurts,” Teddy said through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm. Isla took a deep breath, remembering the lessons she had learned from Martha. “We need to treat that burn right away. Come on, let’s get you to the cabin.” They quickly packed up their things and made their way back to the cabin. Teddy’s limp was pronounced, but he tried to put on a brave face. Isla helped him inside and guided him to sit on the couch. “Stay here. I’ll get what we need,” Isla said, her voice steady despite her worry. She moved quickly, gathering supplies from her kitchen. She fetched a bowl of cool water and placed it next to Teddy, then rummaged through the bundle of herbs Martha had given her. She found what she was looking for: lavender oil and a jar of honey. Both were excellent for treating burns. Isla dipped a clean cloth into the cool water and gently placed it on Teddy’s burn. He flinched but didn’t pull away. “This will help cool it down,” she explained, her touch gentle and soothing. Teddy watched her work, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and admiration. “You seem to know what you’re doing,” he said, trying to manage a weak smile. Isla nodded, her focus on his wound. “I’ve been learning a lot from Martha. She’s teaching me about herbal medicine and natural remedies. It’s important to know how to take care of yourself, especially out here where a doctor might be too far away.” She carefully applied the lavender oil to the burn, her movements precise and confident. “Lavender oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It’ll help reduce the pain and prevent infection.” Teddy winced as she worked but then let out a sigh of relief. “It already feels a bit better. How do you know so much practical stuff?” Isla smiled, her heart warmed by his words. “I’ve always been interested in this kind of thing, but Martha has really opened my eyes to how powerful natural remedies can be. There’s so much you can do with just the plants around you.” Next, she applied a thin layer of honey over the burn. “Honey is great for burns, too. It keeps the wound moist and helps with healing. Plus, it has antibacterial properties.” Teddy watched her, clearly impressed. “I love that you know all this practical stuff. It’s really amazing.” Isla finished bandaging the wound with a clean piece of cloth, securing it gently but firmly. She looked up at Teddy, their eyes meeting. “There, all done. Just keep it clean and let me know if it starts to hurt more.” Teddy smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that made Isla’s heart flutter. “Thank you, Isla. You’re incredible.” Before she could respond, Teddy leaned in and kissed her cheek softly. “Thank you,” he repeated, his voice full of gratitude. Isla blushed, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. “You’re welcome, Teddy. I’m just glad I could help.” They sat together for a while, the tension from the accident slowly melting away. Teddy’s gratitude and admiration were palpable, and Isla felt a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing she had been able to help him. As the evening wore on, they talked and laughed, the bond between them growing stronger. Isla shared more about what she had learned from Martha, and Teddy listened intently, clearly fascinated by her knowledge and passion. “You’re like a real-life healer,” Teddy said with a grin. “I feel lucky to have you around.” Isla laughed, feeling a mix of pride and humility. “I still have a lot to learn, but it’s something I’m really passionate about. It’s empowering to know you can take care of yourself and others with just what nature provides.” Teddy nodded, his eyes filled with admiration. “You’re right. It’s a valuable skill. And it’s one more thing I love about you.” Isla’s heart skipped a beat at his words, and she felt a rush of emotions. The day had been challenging, but it had also brought them closer together in a way she hadn’t expected. As night fell, they sat on the porch, the cool breeze carrying the sounds of the forest around them. Teddy’s leg was bandaged, but the pain had subsided, thanks to Isla’s care. “Thank you again, Isla,” Teddy said, his voice soft and sincere. “For everything.” Isla smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. “You’re welcome, Teddy. Anytime.” They sat in comfortable silence, the stars beginning to twinkle above them. Isla felt a deep sense of contentment and connection. She knew that their journey together was far from over, but in that moment, everything felt just right. --- The next morning, the sun filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle light over the room. Isla awoke early, her mind already buzzing with thoughts of the tasks ahead. She stretched and quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Teddy, who was still sound asleep on the couch. As she moved through her morning routine, Isla couldn’t help but think about the previous day’s events. She felt a sense of pride in how she had handled the situation, using the knowledge she had gained from Martha to help Teddy. It reinforced her belief in the importance of self-sufficiency and the power of natural remedies. After breakfast, Isla checked on Teddy’s burn. He stirred as she gently removed the bandage, his eyes fluttering open. “Morning,” he mumbled, still half-asleep. “Good morning,” Isla replied with a smile. “How’s your leg feeling?” Teddy stretched and winced slightly. “It’s better. A bit sore, but nothing like yesterday. You really know your stuff, Isla.” She laughed softly. “I’m glad it’s feeling better. Let’s clean it up and reapply the lavender and honey.” As Isla carefully tended to Teddy’s wound, he watched her with a look of admiration. “You know, I’ve always been more of a ‘run to the pharmacy’ kind of guy. But seeing you work with these natural’s pretty amazing. You’re like a modern-day healer.” Isla smiled, her hands steady as she worked. “Thanks, Teddy. It means a lot to me. I’ve learned so much from Martha. She’s incredible. There’s so much wisdom in nature if you know where to look.” Teddy nodded thoughtfully. “I’d like to meet her sometime. Maybe she can teach me a thing or two.” Isla’s smile widened. “I’m sure she’d love that. She’s always happy to share her knowledge.” Once she finished reapplying the lavender oil and honey, Isla wrapped a fresh bandage around Teddy’s leg. “There, all set. Just take it easy today and keep it clean.” Teddy sat up and gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Isla. You’re a lifesaver.” They spent the day taking it easy, enjoying each other’s company and the peacefulness of the cabin. Teddy helped with small tasks around the house, doing what he could despite his injury. Isla appreciated his efforts, and they found themselves falling into an easy rhythm. Later in the afternoon, they decided to take a short walk around the property. The fresh air and gentle exercise were good for Teddy, and Isla enjoyed pointing out various plants and herbs along the way. “See that plant over there?” Isla said, gesturing to a cluster of green leaves. “That’s plantain. It’s great for insect bites and stings. You can crush the leaves to release the juice and apply it directly to the skin. It helps reduce inflammation and itching.” Teddy looked impressed. “How do you remember all this? It’s like you have a mental encyclopedia of plants.” Isla laughed. “It’s all about practice and repetition. Martha has me write everything down and then test myself. It’s amazing how much you can retain when you’re passionate about something.” They continued their walk, with Isla sharing more tidbits of knowledge and Teddy listening intently. He seemed genuinely interested, asking questions and expressing admiration for her dedication. “You know, Isla,” Teddy said as they reached a small clearing, “I love that you have this passion for herbal medicine. It’s practical, but it’s also really fascinating. I feel like I’m learning so much just by being around you.” Isla felt a warmth in her chest. “Thanks, Teddy. I’m glad you think so. It’s something I really believe in, and it’s nice to share it with someone who appreciates it.” As they made their way back to the cabin, the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape. They settled on the porch, enjoying the peacefulness of the evening. “Thank you again, Isla,” Teddy said softly. “For everything. You’ve made me feel so much better.” Isla smiled, leaning her headagainst his shoulder. “You’re welcome, Teddy. I’m glad I could help.” They sat in comfortable silence, watching the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. The peaceful atmosphere was soothing, and Isla felt a deep sense of contentment. The events of the past few days had brought them closer together, reinforcing the bond they shared. As the stars began to twinkle above, Teddy turned to Isla, his expression serious yet gentle. “You know, Isla, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. About us, about everything. I’ve made so many mistakes, but being here with you, seeing how capable and amazing you makes me want to be a better person.” Isla looked up at him, her eyes softening. “We’ve both made mistakes, Teddy. But what matters is that we learn from them and move forward.” Teddy nodded, his eyes filled with sincerity. “I want to be here for you, Isla. Not just when things are easy, but when they’re tough too. You mean a lot to me.” Isla felt her heart swell with emotion. “You mean a lot to me too, Teddy. I’ve always cared about you. And seeing you try, seeing you want to means a lot.” Teddy smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that reached his eyes. “Thank you, Isla. For everything. For believing in me.” Before she could respond, Teddy leaned in and kissed her cheek softly. Isla blushed, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. They stayed on the porch for a while longer, talking about their hopes and dreams, the future, and the lessons they had learned. It was a conversation filled with honesty and vulnerability, bringing them even closer together. As the night grew darker, they finally decided to head inside. Isla helped Teddy to his feet, and they walked back into the cozy cabin. The firelight cast a warm glow, creating a comforting atmosphere. “Let’s get some rest,” Isla said, smiling at Teddy. “We’ve had quite a day.” Teddy nodded, his gratitude evident in his eyes. “Sounds good. Thanks again, Isla. You’re amazing.” Isla blushed again, feeling a mixture of pride and affection. “You’re welcome, Teddy. Goodnight.” “Goodnight,” Teddy replied, giving her one last smile before heading to the couch. Isla went to her room, her mind filled with thoughts of the day. As she lay in bed, she couldn’t help but feel hopeful about the future. She had learned so much from Martha and was excited to continue her journey with herbal medicine. And with Teddy by her side, she felt more confident and supported than ever. --- The following morning, Isla woke up to the sound of birds singing outside her window. She stretched and smiled, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. She quickly dressed and headed to the kitchen, where she found Teddy already up and making coffee. “Good morning,” Teddy said, turning to her with a smile. “How’d you sleep?” “Good morning,” Isla replied, returning his smile. “I slept well. How about you?” “Pretty good, considering,” Teddy said, glancing at his bandaged leg. “It’s feeling a lot better today.” Isla walked over to him and gently inspected the bandage. “That’s great to hear. We’ll keep an eye on it, but it looks like it’s healing nicely.” Teddy nodded, grateful for her care. “Thanks, Isla. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” They shared breakfast, talking and laughing about their plans for the day. Isla decided to spend some time working in the garden, while Teddy offered to help with some light chores around the cabin. As Isla tended to her plants, she couldn’t help but think about Martha and all the knowledge she had shared. She felt a deep sense of gratitude and was excited to continue learning. The garden was thriving, and she knew that with Martha’s guidance, she could take her herbal medicine skills to the next level. Teddy joined her in the garden, carefully weeding and watering the plants. They worked together in harmony, the easy camaraderie between them making the tasks feel less like work and more like a shared experience. “You know,” Teddy said, pausing to wipe his brow, “I never thought I’d enjoy gardening, but this is actually kind of nice.” Isla laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “It’s therapeutic, isn’t it? There’s something satisfying about nurturing plants and watching them grow.” Teddy nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. “Yeah, there is. Plus, it’s nice to do something productive together.” They continued working side by side, the sun climbing higher in the sky. Isla showed Teddy how to identify different herbs and explained their uses, her passion for herbal medicine shining through. “See this one?” Isla said, pointing to a patch of calendula flowers. “These are great for skin irritations and minor cuts. You can make a salve by infusing the flowers in oil and mixing it with beeswax. It’s soothing and healing.” Teddy looked impressed. “You really know your stuff, Isla. It’s amazing how much you’ve learned.” Isla smiled, feeling a sense of pride. “Thanks, Teddy. It’s something I’m really passionate about. And it’s empowering to know how to take care of yourself and others with natural remedies.” As the day went on, they took breaks to rest and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Isla felt a deep sense of contentment, knowing that she was building a life that was meaningful and fulfilling. In the afternoon, they decided to take a short walk to a nearby meadow. The wildflowers were in full bloom, creating a colorful tapestry that stretched as far as the eye could see. Isla picked a few flowers, showing Teddy how to identify them and explaining their medicinal properties. “This one is St. John’s Wort,” Isla said, holding up a small yellow flower. “It’s known for its mood-lifting properties and can be used to make a tea or tincture. It’s great for alleviating mild depression and anxiety.” Teddy listened intently, his admiration for Isla growing with each passing moment. “You’re like a walking encyclopedia of plants. I love that about you.” Isla blushed, feeling a warm glow of affection. “Thanks, Teddy. It’s something I’m really passionate about, and I’m glad I can share it with you.” They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the meadow, talking and laughing as they wandered through the flowers. The bond between them felt stronger than ever, built on a foundation of trust, respect, and shared experiences. As the sun began to set, they headed back to the cabin, their hearts full and their spirits lifted. They settled on the porch, watching the sky change colors as the day turned to night. “Thank you again, Isla,” Teddy said softly, his eyes filled with gratitude. “For everything. You’ve made me feel so much better, in more ways than one.” Isla smiled, leaning her head against his shoulder. “You’re welcome, Teddy. I’m just glad I could help.” They sat in comfortable silence, the stars beginning to twinkle above them. Isla felt a deep sense of contentment and connection. She knew that their journey together was far from over, but in that moment, everything felt just right.
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