Chapter : 5. The emerald eye girl..

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Albert's point of view:- ---------------------- After staying out of the Kingdom for six years, I had almost forgotten how boring banquets can be. Although it’s held for me and there are almost a hundred maidens presenting themselves to be my slave, but I have no interest in them. I watched the first 10-12 girls introducing themselves, but later my mind got drifted away in some other world. At first, t I was thinking about my childhood days, which I spend by playing in this vary same rooms. I was a bit of a naughty kid back at that time, always jumping on and tricking the maids and guards, creating mess everywhere. So many maids and guard has been dismissed from their work because of me. The only thing I was scared of back then, was my father. If he found out that I was the culprit behind the troubles of his palace, he would lock me up in my room for three days. But despite the punishment, I never stopped creating troubles. That’s why my father sends me off to get the training to become a great warrior, by the famous trainer warrior Mortimer. He always wanted me to become the strongest king among all kingdoms. But he never thought about what I wanted. He thought that my naughtiness was just my childish acts. But the truth was, I just wanted to overcome the sadness of not having a mother. My father was always busy handling his kingdom, not caring about the little boy who craved for some parental love. For being a royal Prince nobody dared to play with me, leaving me all alone. To gain everyone's attention, I had to become a naughty kid. But I never thought it would send me so far away from my own land. While I was thinking about my childhood, I heard a girl say that they are farmers. My mind automatically drifted into another thought. If I was born as a peasants' son instead of being a king's heir, I would have spent my childhood as a free kid. I would have played all day long with my friends and there hadn't been any restrictions for me. I would have never felt alone while enjoying my life like everyone else, without having anything to worry about. It would have been so much better than this. “My name is Flora Monro, and I’m 17 years old.” While thinking about all these impossible things, I didn't realize when it was the end of introductions as the last girl told us her name. Her voice is the thing that took me out of my imaginary world. I have never heard such soft and sweet voice before. Her voice is like the harmony of angels, flowing through the whole silent ballroom and reaching directly to my heart. My body shivered up hearing the sweet voice of that girl as I sat up straight to look at her appearance. Her beauty is the one that took a part of my heart immediately. Although she is facing down, but I could clearly see a pair of arched eyebrows looking down on sweeping eyelashes. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered, and she had an exquisitely fair complexion. It was a pleasure to see her deep brown hair tied up in a beautiful bun as a single stand was left flowing open on her shoulder. She was like an angel fallen on earth. “Walk back and forth, and look up.” The minister ordered her, and she went to follow it with hesitating steps. Swaying her hips in a perfect rhythm, she walked a few steps towards the back of the hall and came back to her previous position. Her hands were joined together in front all the time, making her appearance look more graceful. But once she stopped in her place, she looked up at us. And let me tell you a truth, in that exact moment, she took half of my heart. Her glowing green eyes look like exquisite, priceless emerald. When I looked more into the depth of her eyes, I see the pine trees of the forest. Some new, fresh leaves that just have begun to bloom in the spring. Green eyes symbolize the freshness and vitality of life. And her beauty symbolized the angels. Altogether she is representing the charms of heaven in front of us. Suddenly something came into my mind. Yesterday when I was returning to the palace, I saw an emerald eye girl working on the fields with her father. Although I couldn't see her face clearly, her glowing eyes caught my attention on her. “Is she the same girl?” “What?” My father's sudden question took me out of my thoughts. “Did you say anything, father?” I asked him in return because I’m not sure if he said something more or was that just it. “I thought you said something? Something about a girl?” Then I realized that I spoke it out loud and my father heard it as he is sitting right beside me. “Nothing important, father. I was just saying that the introduction of all girls is now completed. Now what?” I changed my words from the original because I don't want my father to know about my thoughts or about liking this particular girl among everyone. I will accept any girl he chooses for me because she is just going to be with me for 30 days. And after that, there won't be any relationship between us. “Now it's time to choose the one.” He said with a smirk, informing me that he has already thought about the next step. Looking back in front, I saw that girl was nowhere to be seen. She might have gone back to her group and camouflaged herself among them. I noticed my father standing up in his place while I was still searching for that girl among hundreds of them. “To all the good people of South Orundal Kingdom. I thank you all to follow my request and attend tonight's gathering. As you know, I called you all here for a special reason. My only son and your future king, Prince William Albert Robertson, is in need of a personal slave. And one among you young maidens is going to get the honor to serve your future king. We have already chosen five of you for the final stage of this event. Our minister would announce the chosen girls' names in few moments, and they will follow us to the other room with their parents. And for those whose names are not on the list, better luck next time. Please enjoy the banquet, as I have specially arranged it for you all. Thank you once again.” Passing them a small smile along with the generous speech, my father started walking out of the ballroom. But before leaving the stage, he motioned me to follow him too. I couldn't understand what he’s trying to do, but still I followed him out. Getting out of the ballroom, we went to a smaller room beside. It’s another sitting room, where the other kings join my father to have some personal discussion. “Father, why did you choose five of them? Shouldn't we be choosing only one? And why we left the gathering without selecting anyone? I can't understand what you are doing?” I asked to my father in wonder. “First of all, we called them here so that we can personally tell them about the 30 days contract. I don't want this matter to spread out more than it already did. Words are faster to reach other kingdoms than light around us. And secondly, I want you to choose the one. It’s you, who’s going to be stuck with a slave for 30 days. I want you to enjoy your private time with the one that is qualified in your eyes.” He said with a kind of weird smile and I exactly know what he’s indicating me to. “Father… Nothing like that will happen as you're imagining. I’m not going to tangle myself with this girl in any way. Not mentally or physically. She will just be my slave.” I cleaned myself to my father. “I'm glad to hear that you don't want to have any connections with a slave. That's a really great ethics you got there. I’m glad about your decision. But I don't care about the physical thing as long as there's no emotion in it. You can feel free to fulfill your wish as long as you're safe.” My father said, patting my shoulder. I don't know why he’s so eager for me and this slaves time together. “I told you...” I couldn't finish my sentence when I heard some footsteps coming towards this room, indicating that those five girls and their parents are coming. I immediately forgot the discussion I was having with my father and started wondering if the emerald eye girl got chosen or not. There’s a ninety percent chance that she is chosen. She’s too beautiful and poise to be rejected. So without caring much my eyes started searching her in the line of peoples that kept entering our sitting room. When I noticed that almost everyone was inside, I lost hope of seeing her again, as she was not among them. Just as I was about to turn away, I finally saw that girl coming in very last of that row. But from the looks of her expression and by the way her father was pulling her inside, I understood that she does not want to do this. She’s being forced to become my slave. The smile that came onto my lips by finding her is now vanished. I had no idea that there are some parents who are forcing their daughter to become a slave. I can't accept someone who's forced to be with me. I have to make sure who stays with me as my slave has her own will on it. “Congratulations you all. I've chosen you five because I saw potential in you to become the one we want. To clear everything up, I want to inform you that now my son will pick the one among you, he likes because you are going to become him personal slave. And as I promised, I will reward her family with 100 gold coins as a reward. But for that, we have one condition. I want to inform you that, you are only going to serve your prince for 30 days while he’s in a journey out of our Kingdom. You don't have to worry about it now because if you do a great job at this period, you will get a chance to become one of our palace maids, which includes food, clothes and shelter. So, without wasting time, let the fun begin. Girls come forward and son, pick whom you want...” While my father was giving that speech, my eyes were stuck on one girl. I saw how she was looking at her father with pleading eyes to tell him that she doesn't want this. Even when my father mentioned about being a slave for only 30 days, the single tear that came out of her green eyes couldn't stay hidden from me. For some reason her pain was affecting me and I have decided that I’m not going to force my choice on anyone as long as they don’t have their volition on this. “I’m sorry, father, but I don't think I can force my choice on someone like this. Everyone should get a chance to speak to themselves. I don't want any of you to take this decision in a hurry because it's about the matter of your daughter's dignity. That's why I want to request all of you to go home for tonight and think about this matter clearly. And if you are still ready to make this deal, then you can come back tomorrow morning, and we will select the one and accept her among us right at that time.” as I said that, I saw that girl picking her head up and stare into my eyes with her gorgeous emerald one. I can clearly see a glint of hope in her eyes, hearing my decision. “Very well then. I support your decision, son. And I guess I will see you all here by tomorrow morning. Have a good night everyone.” My father said before leaving that room. I also followed him out while I kept looking at those green eyes, as they were still stuck on mines until I had to break the gaze and go out of the room.
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