Dark Generals

1946 Words
In the underworld, one abaddon managed to return and inform the king about their tragic defeat. Upon returning the abaddon prepared itself to die in front of its king, because he was sure that this bad news will take its life away. It is willing to give its life for the king to plan ahead for their success. “What brings you here?’ the king asked not wary of what happened to Chigumo’s army. “My king,” he paid his respect towards the king and falls down on his one knee. “I came here to inform you that our army has been obliterated by the goddess of the far east, Amaterasu,” he informed his king about what happened in the land of the blazing souls. The dark king was very surprised by the news, he expected more from that damned creature and yet he was given a huge disappointment. The abbadon who informed him the bad news was facing down avoiding the angry look from the king, in that case he is not aware that Cain is about kill him with a curse. He just gave the poor abbadon a death stare and moments later, like what Chigumo experienced, different kind of bugs started to crawl out of its skin. The abbadon lets out its scream of anguish that disappointed him more. “It’s a wrong choice to expect from these lowly creatures,” he whispered to himself as he watches the poor creature be consumed by his curse. He won’t give demons like him a second chance to prove themselves. He had enough. He stood up from his throne and used his psychic powers to open the door. He was greeted by two dark knights guarding his throne room but he just ignored it and passed through them, as if they were ghost. After he passed, the two guards once again closed the doors of his throne room. He was left with no other choice but to have them hunt for the crystal, his dark generals that has a curse that can match the power of a god like Amaterasu. Underworld deities like Cain and his generals possess a power that can rival the miracle, the divine ones possess. Curse magic, a black sorcery that is f*******n by the great one a long time ago. But the underworld still thrived because they are on a different realm far from the reach of the great one. Why the great one won’t just go to the underworld himself and eradicate the evil there, someone might ask? The great one is only limited only in heaven but his powers have unlimited reach, but for some reason Satan, the greatest evil of all, managed to put up a barrier that prevents the great one from interfering with creatures there. It blinds him and his powers are jammed. Angels was sent back then to sabotage the spell but to this day those angels is still not returning. Sending mystics or angels there is not effective as Satan or Cain are killing them easily. The great one decided to let them be and not interfere with the underworld since then, because he believes that one day, someone will do it for him. Back to the underworld where Cain released the notice for a meeting with the generals, and fortunately most of the generals that time is inside the castle. The dark king waited for the room for them to arrive and moments later, one by one they arrived in the meeting room and took the vacant seats. Most of the generals are inside the room except for the two, the number one and two. The generals are ranked based on their power level, but only three below attended the meeting. Three, a succubus named Delilah that killed many men by attracting them with her body and beauty that even woman cannot resist, thanks to the blessing that Cain gave her, her newfound curse was put into a good use that helped her to climb the ranks. *Succubus – is a super natural entity that appeared in multiple folklore having different names, is a female demon that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually taking advantage of men’s s****l desires. It is said that having multiple or continuous s****l i*********e with a succubus might lead to a poor physical or mental health, and worse than that, death.* Four, a one-eyed ogre named goliath, a giant carrying a club as his weapon, and his body is naturally muscular and bulkier. He was found by Satan after defeated by David in the human world and took him to the underworld after he agreed on serving him to have his revenge towards David. He became bigger and badder, that possess a curse to support his traits. Five, an invisible demon named Borjr (pronounced as Borhir), that is his curse becoming invisible to the n***d eye. Normal mystics or demons cannot see him. He is a blind seer that was ignored by the gods of Odin, because of this he was enraged saying that he will curse them. Cain found him and granted him the dark blessing that gave him the invisibility ability. Cain can sense him because of his aura and the others. Lastly but not the least, Six, a new found dark general by Cain, also named by him Jacob, a lost child in the human world that bears a lot of hatred that the dark king took a liking. His ability is still unknown as he blessed him a curse just recently. In short, these dark generals are the result of Cain and Satan’s common trait, taking advantage of a mystic or people negative emotions, turning them as a power for his side to help him with his cause. These dark generals have pledged to show their loyalty towards Cain and any kinds of treason will lead for their deaths. All of them are respecting the new dark king since Satan was sealed. “Do you know why I called all of you here?” Cain asked all the generals that attended the meeting when he is done waiting for one and two. The four generals just exchanged glances with each other as they don’t have any idea, why they are called by the dark king. “Is there something you want us to do my king?” Jacob coldly asked the king instead of answering his question. Since Jacob is just a child and prove worthy of being a general het lets it pass. “I finally found the fire crystal in the Fernis Kingdom and one of my armies just failed to claim it because Amaterasu the goddess of the sun in far east is the one guarding it,” he informed them and Delilah and Borjr was surprised and the other two have no idea. “Wait, why is she here? I thought its f*******n for gods to cross borders?” Delilah asked the king. “The battle for the crystal attracts greed from other gods, that might be the reason of her flee to Fernis,” Cain speculated. “Anyway, I want you to bring that crystal back to me at any cost and those who brings it in front of me will be rewarded with power,” he announced and the three generals except for Jacob are motivated by the power that the dark king will give them. “Let me handle this my king,” Goliath volunteered and the two just gave him a bad stare because of his sudden action. “No my king, let me be worthy of your power once again,” Delilah cuts him off and the ogre was pissed. “Hey I volunteered first!” the ogre angrily protested. “You got a problem with that fatso?” the succubus insulted him and that triggered the rage switch inside Goliath’s head. The giant ogre grabbed his clubbed and stood up to show her his enormous size. “What did you call me you b***h!?”  Goliath is boiling with rage and the succubus just spread her wings and flew to match his face. “All I see is two unworthy children fighting for the king’s grace,” Borjr remarked. “I should be the one handling this my king since I have the most suitable curse that will get that crystal for you,” he suggested ignoring the two fighting. Goliath and Delilah did not notice his sudden suggestion. “You got a point,” Cain was enlightened with Borjr’s suggestion. “Very clever Borjr,” he complimented the invisible man. “Anything for you my king,” he responded with respect. “STOP!” Cain shouted stopping the two by giving fear to them. They sat down once again avoiding each other’s stare. “Listen up! Borjr will be the one handling this important mission for me,” he announced. “And I don’t want to hear any objections,” he said looking at them seriously.  Borjr looks at the two demons looking at him as if they can see him and he just gave them a troll face that they cannot see. “I shall deliver you in the soonest time the crystal that will lead to your glory for destruction my king,” Borjr tried to impress the king and he leaves the room leaving the three quiet. After that, Cain disbanded the generals and is hoping for the best, he is in high hopes that Borjr could accomplish it. Soon he will ger hold of the power that can cause unimaginable destruction to mystics and people. Soon he will gain dominance on everything and he will be the most powerful being in all realms. Gods will be nothing to him and the great one will bow before him. Just by thinking it, Cain’s face looks so evil and anyone who sees it will have nightmare for days. His plans are absolute and his hatred towards the good will still remain, alongside with his army’s negative emotion that feeds him and soon will be the most powerful. The generals went back to their own business except for Borjr preparing his army for the trip to the land of blazing souls. Preparing himself for an upcoming battle that cannot be avoided. In reality Borjr is a coward that hides in a battle fields as his curse can pretty much explain everything. Curses responds with mystics’ or people’s negative emotions and that will give them the proper power. As for him, his blindness drives him to have this kind of curse. He wants everyone be erased as well as his existence in their eyes so he can kill them without knowing, especially Odin who stole knowledge from him. “Soon they will pay for all what they have done to me,” he said to himself. “Just they wait and my army will come after them,” he added as he scanned the crowd of his handpick soldiers that will fight for him. The plan is to have them attack to their base and he will sneak inside to find the crystal’s whereabouts, once he finds it, he will sacrifice his army and he will travel back to the underworld alone. His new power that will be bestowed to him as soon as he gets the crystal will compensate for his lost army. “Just they wait.” -The Phoenix’s Maiden-  
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