Town and Tales (Part One)

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Amber and Arthur starter their journey to the town, and as promised by the young knight he will accompany the maiden to explore, until her heart’s content. But, the real intent why he invited the girl to come with him to the town is because he has other intentions with her. There is someone that he wants her to meet. Somewhere in the town that creature or person is hiding and no one knows about its identity except for Arthur. Before leaving the castle, the young knight ordered some of his subordinated to tell the two godly kings that the phoenix’s maiden is with him in the town, to breathe some fresh air and to get her started to be acquainted in this place. It is like killing two birds in one stone, he may help the lady to overcome with her social anxiety which is good for her and the well-being of the whole kingdom, and him answering some of his curiosity. It’s actually three, he thought to himself. They leave the castle by going through the huge door in the front that will lead them into a garden that is inhabited by pixies. They almost seemed like fireflies dancing in the garden because of their glowing wings and the dust that the leave in their trail. The sun has not fully risen yet that is why their beauty is still showing. Amber’s eyes sparkled at their sight because she also studied the mythology in England. Also they are commonly used as a character in a fantasy kid shows or movies because of their infamous pixie dust that is said to bring people who collected it with great success or luck. The best example for that is Tinkerbell the infamous fairy-like creature that accompany Peter Pan, but people are debating whether she is a pixie or a fairy, and Amber always believed that she is a pixie. But Amber knew their dark secrets, some pixies are also known to devastate or cause chaos on some unlucky humans that they will encounter. They are also like the duwendes, their relatives that was known in the Philippines in her country nuno sa punso, that if humans disrespected them or their homes, they will not stop to haunt you until the exact their revenge. She wonders why there are so many mythological creatures here from different countries. That remains a mystery inside her mind. *Pixie (also spelled as pixy, in the southwestern England’s folklores), are tiny spirits that has resemblance to an elf or mischievous fairies dressed in green, that likes to dance under the moonlight with the music that frogs and crickets creates. They are also known to lead travelers astray in their way and frightening young maidens such as Amber.” “Are they evil?” she asked the young knight but Arthur smiled at her. “I do not know milady, why don’t you go and have a look for yourself,” he suggested to the young lady. But Amber frowned at him and rolled her eyes. She pointed her gaze back at the garden but... “AHHHH!” she shouts at her fright because of some scary face that popped right in front of her. It was the scheme of the pixies using their magic. She forgot that they like to prank people especially young ladies. She lost her balance bur Arthur quickly reacted to that and catches her. He tried his best not to laugh at the scene but he cannot help it but to release a chuckle inside him. “Yes they are evil!” she commented and the young knight glared at the pixies. Even they are scared of the knight at hides at their homes. He helped Amber to stand straight and walks forward at the garden. “Apologize to the kingdom’s sacred treasure,” he spoke to the shrubs where they are currently hiding. He sure likes to exaggerate things, Amber thought to herself. “Ehem,” Amber tries to get the young knight’s attention and she succeeded, Arthur looked at her. “Rule number two,” she said cheaply to remind him that special treatments are not allowed. He came back to his senses and walked away at the shrubs. “I humbly apologize again milady,” he says sorry and the pixies quickly come out in their hiding spots. “We are sorry milady,” they said in unison while they are walking away in the garden. Next stop is the bridge where the whole land that the castle stand is surrounded with water and deadly creatures inhabits these waters to guard the castle from intruders or invaders. Once they reached the gates the knight that is currently guarding the vicinity lowered the bridge for them to pass through. They waited as the bridge slowly comes down, and with the knights brute strength he manages to lower it down gently to not cause some ruckus that may disturb other mystics near the area. The sun started to shine and Amber witness the beauty of the scenery in front of her. She spread her arms to embrace the fresh air that blows from the blue sky. The knight quietly watched her doing her thing as he cannot fully feel the fresh air because of the heavy armor that he wears. “You really like the nature,” he commented at her action and Amber looked back at her. “Nature is the only that calms me and made me feel that I am not alone,” she told him. “And in my darkest days, it did not fail to accompany me,” she added and Arthur felt a little sadness inside his heart. But now that she is here, he will not let her to feel alone anymore. “I see,” Arthur cheaply said as he doesn’t want to ruin her mood. He walks forward and took the lead. “Shall we?” he invited her to continue their walk to reach the town. Amber smiled at him and they continued their way to the town. In these fields Amber saw frogs but not normal frogs, hopping around in the fields some insects that are making a noise to make the place livelier. She doesn’t bother herself to check these creatures what kind of mythological creature they are as this will delay their journey, and they needed to get their as quickly as possible because the town is pretty far away. “Can I ask something?” she tries to start a conversation between them. “Sure go ahead milady,” he permits her to ask him questions. “Why the sudden invitation with a walk?” she curiously asked him. “I think that it is my job to make you feel comfortable in this place and the mystics around you now that you are living here and they see you as their protector,” he answered her question. “I don’t want to be treated so highly,” she responded sadly. “Keep it that way milady, the citizens here needs a reason for them to feel more secured from the attacks of underworld, and this is a way to pay their respects to your ancestors,” he said. “It is too heavy for me to carry,” she said. “You are not alone milady,” he said. “We you’re new friends are here to help you carry that burden you bear in your heart,” he added meaningfully and Amber started to feel her tears quelling in her eyes but she wiped eyes before they could fall. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Anything for you milady,” Arthur replied and Amber just gave him a little smile and they continued their walk towards the town and in their way the saw engkantos farming the fields to provide food in their homes. Upon seeing the two the engkanto farmers waved at them and Amber wave back at them. Her lively side suddenly came back after their sad conversation. The farmers are also accompanied by horses that have variety of colors but one feature made her to identify what creatures are they. The one pointed horn in their head. A unicorn. She was very thrilled upon seeing these creatures as they are also popular in the kid movies and other medieval stories. She wants to go near to them but it is too far away and all that she could do is to stop and admire their beauty from far away. *Unicorn, a mythological creature that is said to resemble a horse or sometimes a goat with a single pointed horn in their forehead. It was said to appear in early artworks in Mesopotamian, and it also appeared in ancient myths of India and China. They are said to grant one special wish to people who are deserving with their magical powers by gently placing their hand on the unicorn and closing their eyes while making a secret wish that the unicorns only can hear. Unicorn tears are believed to have the power to heal both physical wounds and sorrows of the heart.* They continued their way, by the time Amber is contented admiring the creatures’ beauty, it is very unique. She knew that they are rumored to heal people’s sorrows in their heart, but she knew that these experiences made her the person that she is right now. She doesn’t want anything inside her to be change. An hour passes and the sun is not surprisingly hot even though it was very exposed in the sky, thanks to cold winds continuously blowing in the area. They spotted the town and the two paced up their movements so they can reach the town as fast as possible. By the time they reached the town they were greeted by the busy mystics that is inhabiting the town, she saw engkantos, elves, duwendes and other mythological creatures that she has only read in books and seen in movies. “Let’s go the store there the things looks surprisingly intriguing,” Amber invited Arthur to accompany her to check out, what the store has to offer to them. “Good Mor- Oh milord and,” he was shocked by Arthur’s presence. “What a lucky day to meet you here milady,” he greeted Amber, news here are like a plague that spreads too fast. “It is my pleasure for you to check out my store,” the Engkanto said. “Oh thank you,” she cheaply replied at him. “Geez, pardon my rudeness milady, my name is Banoy your engkanto vendor everywhere you go,” he introduced himself to the two. “It is nice meeting you Banoy,” Arthur gently said. “These are my magical agimats that I personally forged and will grant you the favor it posseses,” he introduced his products. Back in the human world in her country, agimats are popular in rural areas and that is said to believe to grant powers or charms to the wearer. It was also called anting-anting in other areas. Now that she is in the Mystic realm, Amber can guarantee that these items are genuine. *Agimat also knowns as anting- anting, is a Filipino word for amulets or charm. It is a system in Filipino folklore in magic and sorcery with special powers or charm that it can grant to its owners, such as hardened skin, generating lightning, and other powers that it can possess.* “Oh, I am intrigued,” her geeky side get the best of her. “This is a special one for you your highness,” the engkanto backs off and went under the table to get her something that he said special. A moment passed by and he finally get out of his table with an agimat of some sort. It has a fire emblem in its center with a red outline and glowing gold string. Its sparkle caught their attention. “Made with my finest skills, forged through the breath of fire drake, made with a mineral that can store and release fire, and a golden thread that will bless the wearer with healing attributes,” he explained. “It perfectly fits you your highness,” Banoy added. Both of them were surprised to see such a quality agimat in this place. They didn’t expect that he has the talents as of a dwarf to make this kind of equipment. To be continued... -The Phoenix’s Maiden-  
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