
1487 Words
Amber's Point of View I started running more than the speed of light as adrenaline rushed to my body when that monster like bird that I will temporarily call it a Gerarda, that’s a suitable name for him or her as of the moment. It tried to crush me but luckily, I avoid it and it also causes the ground to shake violently. It also continues to growl, and with its beaks it tried to eat me. I need something to blind this monster, oh- wait I don’t really have one in my skill set right now and this must be a great opportunity to create one. I need something to think off, what am I going to do first? I imaged of something that pops off and will release a bright light that will temporarily blind my enemies. Oh, I see. Something just came into my mind; I remember this famous fps game that I saw on my news feed in FaceLibrary back in the human world. I think most of the streamers are playing this game, because they enjoy it or to go with the flow of the current trend to gain more followers in their channel, and if I remember correctly that there is one character that has the same fire abilities and he has something of that small fireball flash. There’s no harm trying to mimic it, I snap my finger and at the same time I channeled my power to that hand to generate a small fireball that appeared in above my hand. What should I do? Should I just throw it? I guess I need to and I threw the fireball behind me. I continue to ran away and I tried to look behind me to see if my move is successful and to my surprise, I saw the Gerarda still chasing me. Really?! Is it a flop? I don’t know but I have to try once again and I clicked my finger once again, to generate the same small fireball once again. Should I apply my pyrokinesis to this small fireball and make it explode, but with this size? I am doubting it. I really doubt it that it will release that kind of explosion that I think. No, Amber! You are here to beyond your limit. After seeing countless things is this really the time to doubt things, no I am doubting myself. I took a deep breath and I stopped on my tracks and faced the Gerarda and I channels more of my energy towards the small fireball, making it way bigger. I am not planning to kill this creature; it’s just I want to knock it out so I can think off how my new flash move will work. With my other hand, I got hold of the other side of the fireball and ripped it apart and I fall onto my knees to plant that fireball below the ground and I am using my pyrokinesis to control the flames underground and producing continuous flames at the same time. With enough energy that I transferred under ground I am now satisfied with the firepower to give me enough time. This is also an improvised plan due to my panic and applying the discipling to myself at the same time because I really can’t accomplish anything great if I continue to run away. “Erupt,” and then I commanded my flames to break through the ground creating blazing pillars around the Gerarda, acting just like a cage to it and I did not waste anytime and I ran away from the monster bird quickly. Eighteen more to go and I will finally complete my skill set. Now for my pop flash, I need to witness it, to see if it works or not, I need to imagine it like a flashbang that activates the photoreceptor cells in one’s eyes. Like a flashbang that will stun the enemies, I clicked my finger once again to produce yet another small fireball above my two fingers, and there I threw it behind me without applying my pyrokinesis into it controlling its properties. Nothing happened, it’s just it burned the ground for a brief time and disappears quickly... Another bright idea came into mind, this error might be useful to me right now. I can use this to stall my enemies. Seventeen more to go, if I make this fireball bigger, and I produced the size of the fireball that I am imagining and I throw it on the ground. Baam! A success, that’s easier than I thought, I will call it pool fire, well it literally causes a pool of fire above the ground and because of its quantity it did not dissipate much quickly than that small fireball earlier. This should do. Now for my pop flash- “Grr,” I heard a low growl from above me and I nervously look above to check who is causing that. “RAWR!” the wild Gerarda roared angrily to me. It’s time to bail and I quickly produced a fireball and drop it to the ground causing a pool of fire to temporarily block the path, I dropped more to cover a lot of ground and it will give me more time to think. I am pretty sure that Gerarda is not immune to fire isn’t it unless- I immediately turned my head behind me and there I saw the Gerarda flying towards me. I facepalmed, such a foolish move Amber. Great! Yeah it’s a bird and birds are supposed to fly! What a bold move for me to think that it can’t fly. And another idea came into mind, if I can use that pop flash right now, that monster can’t follow me now. What if I apply a my pyrokinesis to my pool fire? I need to try to see the results, I dropped a couple of pool fire to the ground and we have enough distance to each other for me to safely perform another bright idea. Sixteen more moves to go. When the Gerarda is closing to my Pool Fire I commanded the flames to rise up and create a wall and it startled the Gerarda for a bit and flapped its wings to extinguish the fire, I need more fire, thicker fires to make it last longer. I should produce more flames but I will be drained quickly if I wait for that, but that’s the main point why I am here. To be more powerful. I should get rid of my self-doubt now or else I will never get to protect my friends away from harm. I produced a way bigger fireball and there I threw it in front of me, I just need to endure little burns. I ran above it and at the same time I commanded the fire to rise up and since I am in the fire, I can produce more flames to make it thicker. That’s strange... it’s not hot inside these flames. I just felt it’s lukewarm that’s all. I’ll just think about it later, and I move forward and looks back to check what’s the Gerarda is doing and at the same time I need to perform this pop flash quickly because the Gerarda will find a way to get through those flames. I flicked the small fireball in front of me and I commanded it curve upwards and I made it explode causing a bright light... AHHH my head hurts! I just see white nothing else. Oh great! Trying to stun myself at this kind of situation. It’s not so wise for me to try a stun move to myself. I fall to the ground and my head hurts a lot and if I said a lot, it hurts like hell. I saw after images after a while and moments later I got my full vision back but I still feel dizzy making me to lose my balance more and I need to ran away. I heard a faint sound from behind me and when I look behind me, I saw the Gerarda catching up and I fall onto my butt once again. I guess I need to stun myself once again. I clicked my fingers to produce a small fireball and threw it towards that monster and I commanded it to rise and closed my eyes. If I am an epileptic person, I am dead. I heard a faint explosion and opened my eyes. Woah, that worked, I saw the Gerarda confused and even I still feel a migraine, I ran as fast as I could. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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