37 | The Witch's Clue

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Ariadne doesn’t know how long she stayed in Leo’s chamber but when she looked at the grandma clock on the corner, she realized she had been staying there for over an hour. She looked at Leo sleeping on the sofa as she couldn’t carry him to bed. She didn’t stay there to care for him. She stayed there because Rowan might see her and with all the accusations Leo had thrown towards her against Rowan, she couldn’t help but feel doubtful about everything. No matter how much she tries to deny everything Leo had told her, she finds herself considering it when she’s not supposed to. Leo had helped her give food to her kingdom. It was possible he just did it to gain her favor. To make her trust him. She hates him for telling her things and now she doubts everything. She heard him groan and move. When he opened his eyes, she already had the lamp in her hand as her weapon should Leo try something funny. She doesn’t know why she suddenly thinks Leo would attack her when he just collapsed over an hour ago. When he saw what she was holding, he closed his eyes and groan. “You must think highly of me that you think I would harm you even in my weak state,” he said and slowly got up from the sofa. She opened the first few buttons of his shirt and now she could see his bare chest peeking. “What happened earlier? Were you poisoned?” she asked, still wary. But Leo just leaned back on the couch, eyes closing as if the ghost of what had happened earlier is still there. Then he opened his eyes and looked at her. “Being poisoned would be so much better, wouldn’t it?” She squinted her eyes at him. “What do you mean?” “Being poisoned would be better because there is a certain cure. Whereas this,” he gestured in his body, “I don’t even know if I could do something to cure it.” She doesn’t understand. “Are you sick?” But Leo just chuckled as if being sick would be much better too. “I wish I am,” he said and then looked at the clock. When he realized what time it was, he stood and faced her. “You should go. By this time, Rowan should be either in the infirmary, in his chamber, or outside. Or most probably in his library. You’ll be safe if you go now.” He looked at her as if he wanted to tell him something but is hesitating. She sighed. As much as she wanted to ask him a question, Ariadne hesitated too. But when she was about to walk on the door, Leo called her. Before she could even ask him what, he handed her a piece of paper. She was expecting it was another note just like before but she was surprised to see a name written on it. Ariadne furrowed her brows as she looked at him. “What am I supposed to do with this one?” It could be a trap, some scheme they plan to rid her but Leo shook his head. “It’s for you to find out. If you wish to understand what is happening and why you shouldn’t be here,” he jerked his chin towards the paper now on her hands, “go and ask him.” She couldn’t help the frustration coming out of her. “Why couldn’t you just tell me what the hell is going on? Why are you and Kali telling me things against Rowan? Why don’t you seem like you are against me?” Leo was silent for a moment before he looked at her and said, “If anything, we want you alive than dead, Ariadne. Trust me,” he said and for a moment she saw the sincerity in his eyes but she averted her gaze. “I hope you get better,” she said and without another word, she left his chamber. A few hours and it would be sundown. She made her way back to the chamber where he passed by a photo gallery. Plastered on each side of the hallway were prominent rulers or Cern. She scanned the portraits and saw the rulers of Cern from the very beginning. She walked further until she saw the most recent portrait. She stopped in front of it and realized immediately who it was. His strong features undoubtedly passed on to his sons. The late King of Cern looked powerful in the portrait. His sons got his powerful jaw and only Rowan and Leo got his hazel deep-set pair of eyes. But among them, it was Leo who looked the most similar to their father. If the King was twenty years younger, he would look like Leo. “Were you here all this time?” someone said behind her. She whirled only to see Rowan. He looked worried. She buried the gnawing fear inside her and smiled in his direction. “I was just roaming the castle, that’s all.” Rowan looked at her as if he doubts her excuse but then it was gone as soon as it came. He walked towards her and held both her shoulders. She met his hazel gaze, now more penetrating than ever. And the more she looks at him, the more she is reminded of everything that Leo had told her. She clenched the piece of note in her hand as Rowan pulled her for a hug.  “When the time is right, I will make you my Queen, Ariadne. And you can save your kingdom. You can save yourself. We will do it together,” he whispered and she bit her lip. Such a tempting offer. Such sweet words. And yet something inside her tells her not to believe it all. She closed her eyes. “When is the right time?” she asked. She felt Rowan paused but then she felt him caress his back with his hand. Then he said, “When you say you love me back, Ariadne. I will marry you. In the meantime, I could send support to the people in your kingdom and you can stay here. You can take all the time in your life until you realize you love me back.” She swallowed hard as his hands started to drift down. “What if… what if I can’t love you back? What will you do?” Rowan was silent for a moment before he pulled away and looked at her in the eye. “Then we can’t do anything about it, Ariadne,” he said and let out a sad smile. She let out a small smile too before she hugged him again. If that doesn’t happen, she has to make sure her kingdom is safe at least. She has to make sure. And she will never let any doubt sabotage her plans. She isn't even sure if Rowan meant it when he said he would save the kingdom even if she doesn't end up being his Queen.  As she felt Rowan’s hand on her back, hugging her, she has made her decision. She will find the person on the paper, ask him what is going on. Perhaps the person on the paper is Leo’s accomplice. But it is better than nothing. If he lies, she will know. One could always get a sliver of truth amongst the lies. When it was almost sundown, they went back to the chamber. She removed all her clothes a curled on the bed. By the time the sun stopped peeking from the horizon, she felt her body transition to being a beast. Rowan just watched and gave her a warm smile before curling next to her. Rowan was talking to her that night until she closed her eyes and feigned sleep. She noticed Rowan stopped talking and the next thing she felt was him snuggling closer and eventually sleeping. They would wake up tomorrow morning, naked and exposed. She couldn’t sleep. Not when the anticipation of meeting the person written on the paper is gnawing on her. Soon, she will know the truth and will know who’s lying and who’s not. She will decide on her next move. Ariadne looked at the man peacefully sleeping next to her. He wouldn’t lie. She thought. He is the last person who would ever lie to her. He has shown her everything of who he is, as far as she is concerned. He has seen him being strong, being weak, vulnerable, smart, cunning—and she accepted his proposal despite them. But then again she wouldn’t be doubting him in the first place if there isn’t something. She has always trusted her gut and she is going to trust it especially now. She slowly got up from the bed and walked towards the window where she could see the city. It wasn’t quiet. In fact, she could hear the faint jolly music somewhere in the taverns. Some of the buildings are still lit, some are still very much alive. It was a place that never sleeps, indeed. Ariadne stared at one particular light. It shone brighter than the rest. She doesn’t know if it was her beastly eyes that the light looked like it was zooming closer and closer towards her. But then as she looked closer, the light was indeed moving. Like a giant firefly. It wasn’t moving fast. The light was flying as if it was taking its time towards her. When the light stopped in front of her, she closed her eyes. She stared at it and somehow, the sensation felt familiar. Her questions were answered quickly as the light suddenly shifted into a shape of a human. That’s when she realized who it was. She glared at the woman standing on the windowsill. Ariadne has so many things to tell her but she only managed a growl. The witch chuckled at her. “Aren’t you a beauty?” she said while looking at her. She doesn’t know if the witch was being genuine or sarcastic. Ariadne let out a growl. She badly wants to tear the witch limb from limb but then she couldn’t help but wonder why the witch was showing herself to her. Perhaps she has answers, she thought. So she remained growling. The witch placed a finger on her mouth and said, “Shh, now. You don’t want to wake the Prince.” She stopped growling and looked at Rowan’s peaceful face. Her head whipped to the witch standing in front of her. “I hear your doubts. Stronger than ever, Ariadne. Why is that?” the witch asked. She wanted to call her stupid for even asking something when all she could manage is a huff, a growl, and a whine.   Her ears moved and the witch looked at her, grinning as if she’s caught her. “I placed the curse on you, Ariadne because you were ruthless and you need to learn your lesson. You didn’t trust anyone. You hated your own people. But I see you are changing. Gradual but still changing,” the witch. She couldn’t stop her eyes from widening. Is she going to lift my curse? She couldn’t help but ask at the back of her mind. “I have grown quite fond of you and I see you caring for your people while risking your life here. But there are always enemies lurking, sometimes they’re right under our noses. You’re in doubt. All I can say is trust yourself and always think of the things you are fighting for.” The witch smiled and then glowed, a sign that she’s almost leaving. She protested but it only came out as a whine. She still has many questions that the witch might be able to answer them but she couldn’t do anything. Not when she’s a beast. The witch looked at her over her shoulders and said, “Your curse will make your kingdom fall but save another, Ariadne.” Then the witch disappeared leaving no trace of its presence and she was left there, contemplating what the witch had said. The fall of her kingdom and the salvation of another. Is she talking about Cern? Ariadne huffed and realized she will be able to think straight once she’s back as a human in the morning. She was about to walk back to the bed when she heard something from the garden below. With her hearing more sensitive being a beast, she could hear light footsteps coming close. Worse, she could hear lots of them. The footsteps were light, almost concealed by the sound of crickets and the faint merry music in the distance. She eyed the garden and she could clearly see the expanse of it. She could also see how several men in black clothing were swiftly moving from topiaries to topiaries to hide. Their faces are covered and when she sniffed the air, they don’t smell like the palace. Which means they aren’t palace guards. They smelled like the outside. And judging from how they move with absolute stealth... Assassins? There are assassins in this city? With the way they move, they surely are people who do things under the radar. Ariadne growled and was about to pounce on Rowan to wake him up but then she saw all of them move. There are about five people, prowling in the garden as if waiting for their perfect chance to do what they needed to do. Whoever they are and whatever they want to do, they plan to do it swiftly. But then as she watched them going in the same direction, dread fell on her when she realized where they want to go. They’re moving to where Leo’s chamber is located. * * *      
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