21 | Half Truths

2452 Words
Rowan said that it would take them a day to travel to Cern. It had only been three hours and she Mira has been talking nonstop. She would offer smiles and nods of agreement and Rowan would do the same but Mira doesn’t seem to get tired of talking. She was right. It was an excruciating ride and it was quite dreadful to think that she’ll have to listen to Mira for another twenty-two hours. Mira is talkative and notices every detail. She even asked why they were wearing a mask and Rowan came up with a very wise reason: cold. Since it’s almost winter. But then they knew they wouldn't be able to keep up with covering their faces for the whole ride but thankfully, Mira and Niko don't seem to know Rowan.  It’s not that she’s against Mira. She’s thankful they let them ride the wagon. However, as much as she wants to engage in the conversation, she couldn’t. Because Mira is talking about things she doesn’t have any idea about. “We have been in love since I don’t remember,” Mira said and then giggled while looking at her husband, Niko. Niko smiled back and she fought the urge to grimace. Then Mira reached for Niko’s hand and the latter held it. “I met him in this town called Hoverr while my father and I were transporting goods. He was a bakeshop owner.” “What happened to the bakery?” she couldn’t help but ask. It was Niko who answered, “I left it to my brother for the meantime. We are still saving so we can move in together in Cern and then I can manage it again.” He looked at Mira who was still smiling. She couldn’t help but notice how they look at each other. She said they were in love. Is this what love looks like? “Must be hard,” she said. “Leaving something you are used to.” Niko didn’t take his eyes off Mira and neither did Mira. “It was very hard but whenever I think about what I got when I left, it’s worth it. I didn’t regret it.” He then looked at her and smiled. She forced a smile back. “So how did you two meet?” Mira asked her. She froze. What would she tell them? She hates lying as it means she’d have to lie for the rest of her life. But what would she say? That Rowan suddenly arrived in her castle and she held him prisoner? “It’s was quite unusual, really,” Rowan said beside her. Ariadne looked at him with horror in her eyes. She doesn’t know what he’s going to say and she doesn’t know why she's nervous in the first place. “I was a traveler and I got lost. I saw her house and I seek for shelter.” Rowan looked at her and reached for her hand. She fought the urge to scowl and just faced Mira and Niko and offered her smile. The best smile she could manage. “She let me stay in her house for a while. Things happened and here we are. We are actually on our way to my home as I live in Cern.” Mira gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth as if it was the most unique story she has ever heard. “That is lovely,” she said and looked at her. “You made the right choice by letting him stay in your house.” Rowan chuckled. “It’s true that you should not trust a stranger,” he said and looked at her. “But perhaps my love had it in her instincts I was the one.” Her eyes widened as she looked at him. He was grinning widely at her as if having fun pushing her in the corner. But Ariadne isn’t someone who would back down easily. She fights back. And she figured it is the right time to fight back in Rowan's game. So she gripped Rowan’s hand tightly and leaned her head on his shoulder. Her hand caressing his toned arm. “I guess that’s what happened,” she said and laughed. The kind of laugh she never knew she had. “I was actually surprised to see a stranger in my house. You know, I was so close to hitting his head with something." Rowan laughed. “But I didn’t. I guess I really must have realized he’s the one for me the first time I saw him. I could say the same for him. The first time he saw me, he couldn’t take his eyes off and even flirted right away.” Niko laughed and Mira giggled as if I was the most fun story they have ever heard. In her periphery, she could see Rowan looking at her. When she turned to meet his gaze, Rowan was giving her incredulous look as if he couldn’t believe she said it. Ariadne grinned and looked at Mira. She wasn’t done yet. “And he was the one who confessed his love first,” she said and Rowan chuckled as if a mixture of disbelief and fascination. Mira squealed and clapped her hands. “Yes! Niko was also the one who confessed to me first and when he did, I realized I love him too.” Ariadne laughed and looked at Rowan who was still looking at her.  “What is it, love?” she asked and gave him her sweetest smile. Rowan wasn’t even surprised that she called him love. She almost jolted when Rowan touched her chin. “I can’t help but stare, love. You can’t blame me,” he answered. Of course, he too, would not back down. Rowan is a shameless flirt and he will flirt for as long as he can. Ariadne gave him another smile and leaned her head back to his shoulder. She couldn't believe how they're flirting openly in front of strangers. “When are you getting married?” Mira asked and she could tell it wasn’t just her that froze with Mira’s question. She knew Rowan wasn’t expecting it too. “We will get married soon enough,” she said. “We just have to settle some important matters first.” Mira and Niko nodded as if they understood completely what she was trying to say and she was thankful they didn’t ask for anything more about marriage. “Where in Cern do you live, Roland?” Niko asked. Rowan leaned back and squeezed her hand on his lap. “I was born in Mulear but I was raised in the Capital,” he answered. Rowan was telling the truth. Half the truth. “I was actually born in Cern but we moved to Hoverr,” Niko said, “I was raised there. I didn't know much about Cern.” They talked more about things but mostly about their lives It was hard to keep things half true but she managed and Mira seems to not notice her slight hesitation and the longer time she takes to answer a question. Rowan, on the other hand, was smooth with it. She couldn’t help but think how he became such a smooth talker and he doesn’t even stutter even as Mira asked him hard questions. “When did you know you were in love with her?” She thought the love talk was done but Mira wasn’t quite finished. She’s obsessed with stories and apparently, Rowan and her have a lot to tell. She looked at Rowan, terrified of what he would say. Or rather, terrified if he has something to say but Rowan doesn’t look like he was even thinking of what to answer. “I just woke up one day and I realized I love her,” he said and looked at her. She let out a relieved sigh. It was a safe answer. Not specific but something Mira and Niko would buy. “She was hostile to me at first, you know, as I am a stranger. She even threatened me to put in her dungeon--I mean in a room.” Ariadne looked at Rowan, eyes wide, but Rowan wasn’t looking at her now. She squeezed his hand but the man just squeezed back as if telling her to let him handle it. Mira was grinning from ear to ear. “You two are full of surprises,” she said and Ariadne could literally see her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Tell us more.” Ariadne groaned inwardly. She doesn’t know how long she has to endure Mira’s pressing. “Well, I told her I meant no harm and I am willing to work in the house just so she could give me shelter.” Rowan looked at her before he said, “And she agreed.” Mira clapped her hands and she felt Rowan squeeze her hand. The storytelling went on for she doesn’t know how long. Thankfully, Rowan was prepared to answer all the questions and she was impressed. He would sometimes ask her about something but it wasn’t something she couldn’t answer. He’s a lifesaver and she’s thankful for him. They arrived at the town called Avrin after ten hours. It took longer as they had to stop and rest for the horse to eat and drink. The town wasn’t as bustling as the city called Nirv. Mira and Niko took them to deliver the vegetables and fruits to taverns, inns, and even to the market. They were quite known people because of what they do. All of them decided to spend the night in the city of Avrin. It was dreadful as she turns into a beast at night. “We leave at dawn tomorrow,” Mira said as she handed her an extra blanket and a pillow. “I apologize for this. We only have one extra pillow.” She shook her head. “It’s alright. I supposed we could just share this one,” she said and smiled at Mira. The wagon had two compartments separated by a folding wooden divider. Mira and Niko sleep on the other side while Rowan and her are on the other. The dinner was peaceful and thankfully, they decided to have dinner before sundown. They only talked about random things, nothing too controversial for her to even think about. It was then that Niko took out wine from inside the wagon. She isn’t good with alcohol and she doesn’t think Mira would allow it if she doesn’t take even a sip. Mira was clapping her hands when Niko opened the bottle. “I got this from the Capital,” Niko said. “I bet you miss this one.” He grinned at Rowan. The latter just shrugged and took the first glass. Mira hooted and gave her the second glass. She wanted to refuse but then she doesn’t want to kill the atmosphere. So she took the glass and chugged its contents. She was aware of Rowan’s eyes on her reaction. Ariadne tried to maintain a straight face after tasting the wine but she failed. It didn’t taste good.  Ariadne heard Rowan chuckled and she gave him a glare. The latter just raised his arms up as if saying he doesn’t have any qualms about it. They talked about things while sharing the bottle. She never once shared something with other people before, much more her drinks. Rowan doesn’t look like he’s different. He looked like he doesn’t have trouble fitting in. Her vision started to spin. It was the alcohol. She never consumed alcohol too much to the point that she gets drunk. It was the first time she got drunk. Everyone was laughing and talking and all she wanted to do was close her eyes and sleep. Ariadne doesn’t know but everything seems fun. All she wanted to do was laugh. Then she realized Rowan was looking at her. “Are you alright?” he asked. “Of course!” she beamed. Then her hand found his hair. She touched it gently at first and then grabbed a handful of it. She leaned towards him and whispered, “You know I’ve always liked the feeling of your hair on my hands whenever you go down on me,” she said. She doesn’t know why she said it but she already did and she couldn’t take it back. Not when Rowan already heard it and his eyes were wide, staring at her. She smiled and closed her eyes. It felt right to lean into his shoulder and so she did. Ariadne heard Rowan mutter a curse. She opened her eyes and looked at him. He was covering his face with his hand. He looked at her when he noticed her looking at him. “What?” he asked. She reached for his hair again but Rowan held her hand midair. “What are you doing?” he asked. Ariadne looked at him, confused. “What am I doing? I just want to touch your hair.” She couldn’t believe how whiny she sounded like but she didn’t care. She just wanted to touch his hair. It was soft and felt nice to her hands. “Please?” she pleaded and she heard Rowan mutter another curse. Then his eyes darted towards Mira and Niko’s direction. She heard him groan and she followed his gaze. She saw how Mira was already on Niko’s lap and Niko was already trailing kisses down her neck. Ariadne could hear Mira’s soft moans as Niko continued to do what he was doing. She looked at Rowan was also looking at her. She pointed towards Mira and Niko and said, “Let’s do that too.” If she was sober, she would have never said those words. She knew it wasn’t her. It was the alcohol and yet somehow, she wanted it too. It wasn’t just alcohol. Part of it was her too. Araidne saw a glint in Rowan’s eyes. A feral glint. The kind she sees whenever they do it. She suddenly finds herself aching for him. Ariadne stood and walked towards Rowan who also stood and faced her. She thought he was going to embrace her but she was mistaken as Rowan grabbed her wrist and led her to the wagon. She was too weak to protest and the sight of the bed was too tempting that she did not protest. The last thing she remembered was Rowan removing her clothes and folding them neatly beside her. “It’s almost sundown, Your Majesty. Stay here,” Rowan said before she drifted to sleep. * * *
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