35 | Between Truth and Deception

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Rowan let out an exhausted sigh before he rested his head on the rest head of the couch. She looked at him, looking for any signs or whatsoever that could give her a clue as to where he has been. But she found none. He was still wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. Somehow, she got a feeling that he isn’t going to tell her his whereabouts but she brushed the thought away. What reason could Rowan have to lie to her face? None. The only person who is with her against the enemies is him. She has to trust him. Who else would she trust? Ariadne walked towards where Rowan was seated and looked at him. His eyes were closed and she could tell he is exhausted. “I thought you ran off somewhere leaving me here alone with your brothers,” she started. Rowan opened his eyes and looked at her. “Why would you even think that?” he asked, chuckling. She sat on the couch next to him. “ Just a random thought.” She shrugged and tried not to examine him too much. Somehow, Kali and Leo’s warning got into her head. She couldn’t shrug it off. Did she soften when Leo helped her put food in the wagons to be delivered to her castle? Was that it? Ariadne closed her eyes. She doesn’t know why is she even considering Kali and Leo’s cryptic warnings. “Are you alright?” She opened her eyes and looked at Rowan who was already looking at her with a worried expression. She gave him a smile and nodded. She stood and walked towards Rowan who was still seated on the couch. Rowan was eyeing her curiously as to what she was about to do. And when she kneeled in front of him, she could see how his eyes widen in surprise. “It’s always been you who does the pleasure, Rowan,” she said and her hands started to go to the waistband of his pants. She did not tear her gaze away from him and she could clearly see how Rowan bit his lip in anticipation. “Let me do it this time,” she said and let out his manhood. Perhaps doing this would make her forget. Perhaps it will brush off their warnings permanently. She doesn’t want to doubt Rowan. Kali and Leo are just doing it because they are the enemies. They are trying to brainwash her. The first touch of her tongue against her tip made Rowan gasp. Perhaps the reason why Rowan did not tell her where he was is that he doesn’t want her to be burdened by sadness. Perhaps that was it. She heard Rowan groan when she sheathed him into her mouth. His tip reached the back of her throat that she gagged. She let him out and she looked at Rowan who was also looking down on her. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were hooded as he watched her lick his shaft. Her hand wrapped around his girth and she could feel something in between her legs. She’s wet. She wants him but she wants to please him first. So she did. She listened to Rowan’s groans and moans and made a mental note on where he liked it better and she did it over and over again until she felt his hips convulsing, and his breathing getting more ragged each second and the next thing she felt was his warm c*m over her face. She gasped the moment she felt it. Rowan was breathing heavily as he looked at her, drizzled with his juice. Rowan looked at her as she stood. He immediately fixed his pants before he stood before her. He took a handkerchief on the table and wiped her face gently. She looked at him. “That was amazing,” he said and kissed her full on the lips. She kissed him back. Leo and Kali were just trying to brainwash her. They will do everything they can to turn her and Rowan against each other. She should not let it happen. And yet, it did not occur to her to tell him what Kali and Leo said to her and what Leo did to help her earlier. *** Morning came and immediately went to the bath. Rowan was not in the chamber anymore but she couldn’t remove the smile plastered on her face as she remembered what she and Rowan did before it was finally sundown. Everything is fine now. She swore she would not listen to Leo or Kali’s words again. Whatever they are doing, they are doing it to get rid of her. She is stupid for even listening to nonsense. She did not pry on where Rowan had gone in those hours he was absent. Leo told her it was her mother’s death anniversary. That was enough explanation. And why should Rowan explain anything to her? She has to trust him. Ariadne heard a knock on the door. She was sitting in front of the mirror while brushing her hair. She sent the handmaidens away when it came to see her that morning. Surprisingly, she could not see those two handmaidens she saw before when Leo sent her a dress. She didn’t mind it though. It doesn’t matter. When she opened the door, it was Rowan, grinning widely while holding a tray of food. He leaned to the door frame and beheld her in her dress. “You look wonderful,” he said and she couldn’t help but blush at the sudden compliment. She looked at the food on the tray and smiled. “I could have gone down to the dining hall and eaten there,” she said as Rowan walked inside and set the tray on the table. Then he walked towards her and grabbed her hand. “I would rather have breakfast in here with you,” he said and smiled. She gave him a dubious look. “What’s going on? Why are you so—“ “I love you,” he blurted out before she could even finish what she wanted to say. “What?” “I said I love you, Ariadne,” he repeated. His eyes did not leave hers. She couldn’t utter a single word. She has never rehearsed what she would say if Rowan tells her those words and she has never rehearsed what she should say when the time comes she’ll realize that she loved Rowan. For the first time in a long time, she was out of words. She always has a lot to say but for the first time, she couldn’t say anything. “Rowan—“ “I know it feels too sudden but I am certain of what I feel, Ariadne.” He reached for her hand and squeezed it. Rowan loves her. Rowan just told her he loved her. She opened her mouth but words left her. She wanted to tell him that she loved him too. She wanted to tell him something. She wanted to believe she loved him too. But her mouth won’t spout out the words. Rowan smiled at her. “I am not pressuring you to say the same thing. I expected it would take a longer time for you, Ariadne. But I am willing to wait. I will wait for you.” He looked at her straight in the eye, assuring her that he, indeed, would wait for her. She managed a smile at him and Rowan smiled back. He then gestured to the food. “You can eat now,” he said and smiled at her. The meal looked appetizing. “Another reason your brothers would want me gone is that you give me breakfast and you don’t give some to them,” she said jokingly as she took the spoon. Rowan shrugged and chuckled. She gave him a smile and still couldn’t believe that Rowan is in love with her. She’s frustrated at herself for not being able to say it back. She cares for him. Perhaps she’s going there—to loving him. Ariadne was about to eat when another knock on the door interrupted her. Rowan whipped hi head on the door rather annoyed. She placed her spoon down. “Let me get it,” she said but Rowan stopped her. “No,” he said. “Stay here and eat.” Then he walked towards the door and opened it. She couldn’t continue to eat. Not when she realized who it was behind the door. “Brother,” Rowan greeted Leo in a sour tone. Leo’s eyes searched the room until it found hers. She could have sworn Leo let out a relieved sigh. Rowan looked at her and then at Leo. “Breakfast isn’t served here—“ “I need to talk to Ariadne about something,” Leo said. She almost dropped her spoon. Rowan looked at her as if questioning her silently what could it be all about. Ariadne looked at Leo who was looking at him. His face was filled with urgency. What does Leo want to talk about? “If you wish to talk to her do it while I am here,” Rowan said. Leo looked at her and a feline smile curved his lips. “Of course,” Leo said and then he looked at her. “The wagons we sent yesterday encountered a problem.” She dropped her spoon and stood. Rowan looked at her, confused as to why was Leo talking about wagons with her. She gave him an apologetic look before she ran towards the door. Then she felt Rowan’s grip on her wrist, stopping her from going. “What is the meaning of this?” he asked rather coldly. She looked at Leo who was watching her. “I sent food to my kingdom and Leo approved it,” she answered. There’s no use hiding it now. “Why did you ask for his help. Did you forget what he is willing to do to—“ Rowan closed his eyes and took a sharp breath. She faced him. “I wanted to have your help but you were absent yesterday. I sent the foods out of frustration because I don’t even know where you are and you left me with your brothers to prey on!” She heard Leo let out a sigh. “She did not ask for my help. I helped her in my own will,” Leo interrupted but Rowan just shot him with a glare. “And why would you do that?” Rowan asked, now facing Leo. However, Leo met Rowan’s eyes and said, “Why should I not?” They remained in their own staring contest until it was Rowan who looked at her. “Are you going with him now?” he asked but to her, it sounded more like a challenge. He is making her choose. But she is certain Rowan would understand that she would choose her kingdom. She reached to touch his hand before she said, “I will be fine. I will come back after I settled this.” And then she walked away with Leo beside her. She did not dare look back. For now, she has to worry about the wagons she sent. Leo was silent and was leading her to where the kitchen. Only that they aren’t going to the kitchen. She stopped walking and looked at Leo. “Where are you taking me?” she asked. Leo stopped walking and faced her. “Why? Are you going to start screaming once you figure it out?” Her heart ratcheted into a thunderous beat. Of course! Leo would use it to lure her out. She was about to run when Leo opened his mouth and said, “Eat in the dining hall next time.” Ariadne furrowed her brows and faced him. She was about to say something when he handed her a small pouch. “We would like to get to know you better,” he continued. She opened the small pouch and saw a folded note and a small vial. She took the folded note and when she read it, she couldn’t help but gasp. The food he gave you is poisoned. If you don’t believe me, let him eat the food with you. If he refuses, chances are it is poisoned. Ariadne looked at him. “And what makes you think I will believe you in this nonsense?” “Because it’s the truth. We can see the truth veiled from your eyes, Your Majesty.” “What is with you and all these cryptic warnings? Are you saying that Rowan is trying to poison me?” she asked in a hushed voice. Leo did not nod or shook his head. He did not say anything to answer her question. Instead, he said, “The wagons will be fine. They are expected to arrive the day after tomorrow should they solve the problem quickly.” Then he walked away, leaving her dumfounded. She couldn’t understand what Leo was talking about. It almost sounded like he wants to tell her something but couldn’t bring himself to do so. Ariadne walked back towards the chamber where he saw Rowan pacing the room back and forth. When he noticed her arrival, he immediately ran in her direction. “What did he do to you?” he asked the moment he was in front of her. She looked at Rowan and gave her an assuring smile. “Nothing,” she said. “He just told me what the problem was and told me the wagon would arrive in Vale the day after tomorrow as soon as the problem gets fixed.” Rowan sighed and looked at her. He caressed her face as he let out a sigh of relief. Her eyes found the food on the table. Untouched. Her heart started drumming inside her. Why is she even considering what Leo had claimed? Does she really consider what he said? That Rowan would poison her? For what reason? “You should eat your breakfast,” Rowan said, which froze her on her feet. She looked at him and he was smiling at her. Ariadne doesn’t know if she was even concealing the fear in her eyes. She managed to let out a small smile as she said, “I suddenly don’t feel hungry anymore.” Then he remembered what Leo had said and she couldn’t believe she was even considering it. “You should eat it. It looks delicious but I think I would throw up now if I put something in my stomach.” Rowan furrowed his brows and looked at her. “Are you alright?” he asked. She nodded and looked at the food. “Do you want me to feed you?” she said jokingly but Rowan shook his head and chuckled. “No, it’s fine. I’ll just throw it away.” “But that would be a waste,” she said. “Then you should be eating it, right?” He faced her and for a moment, his face became cold. Unfamiliar. But it was only for a short while as Rowan immediately plastered a huge grin. “You should rest,” he said and walked towards the food on the table. Rowan took it and went out of the chamber. The moment he was out, she couldn’t help her knees buckling as she walked towards the couch and slump there. No, that couldn’t be enough proof that the food was poisoned. It can’t be. Why would she believe Leo? Why would she believe someone who did not like her the very first time over the man who offered to help her? However, no matter how much she thinks about it, she couldn’t brush away what Leo had said. And despite her brain telling her not to believe him, she found herself clutching on the small vial that was inside the pouch Leo had given her. * * *
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