1 | Once Upon a Time

1360 Words
It all starts with a Princess or a Queen. Every story does. It's either a small little girl living under the care of her wicked stepmother, or a princess who was forced to run away for a certain reason, or maybe a young girl who was poisoned with an apple—it all starts with a crisis. A problem. Something for the main character to start. This story started with a Queen. But unlike other loving Queen, she's wicked. She isn't her people's favorite. Even her servants talk behind her back. In their eyes, she's the villain. The one character that should be defeated. But she couldn't care less. She's the Queen. Nobody is above her and everything is just her plaything. "Your Majesty," one of her servants said in a low voice, afraid to suddenly wake her up. But she was already wide awake. The soft mattress still pulls her to sleep but she has more pressing matters to do. So she got up and waited for the parade of servants to enter the room. She just sat on her bed, arms wide open as she waited for the gentle hands to get her prepared. A pair of hands removed the eye mask she had all night but she remained her eyes closed for a bit longer. Then they helped her stand and removed the robe she was wearing leaving her with nothing but her nakedness. It was then that she opened her eyes and the servants immediately cast their eyes down. It is considered a sin to meet the Queen’s eyes. Especially the servants. Because if they do, it would mean they’re signing their death warrant. “Your bath is ready, Your Majesty,” said one of the servants, her eyes cast down. She remembers the girl’s face. She stopped in front of the servant the latter cast her eyes even lower. “What is your name?” she asked and the girl did not even falter with the sudden question. She isn’t known to know the names of the people she meets, much less a servant’s name. “Delilah, Your Majesty,” the servant said with so much humility. Her eyes traveled to the girl’s overall stature and then went back to her face. “Come inside,” she said and went inside the bathroom. The scent of jasmine and roses seeped into her nose. The smell was delicate. Just enough not to make her nose hurt. Save for the lit scented candles, there was no other source of light. Smoke was rising from the pool of water that has been prepared minutes ago. She heard the door open and Delilah entered. She dipped her feet into the cold water and then took it out. She crouched at the edge of the tub and reached for thr bucket of hot water and poured it over the cold ones. She dipped her finger and smiled as the water was hot enough. “How long have you been working here?” she asked the servant. Delilah didn’t hesitate and answered the question immediately. “It’s been eight years, Your Majesty.” “How long have you been working as my personal servant?” she asked. “Three years, Your Majesty,” Delilah answered. She couldn’t understand how Delilah remains calm and composed despite being alone with her, the Queen. So she asked, “Do you not fear me, Delilah?” It took longer than usual for her servant to answer until she said, “No, Your Majesty. People might not see it but working for you for several years taught me you have something that others don’t see.” She chuckled at that. Then her chuckle turned into a laugh. The servant’s answer intrigued her. She continued to pour buckets of hot water into the tub then she looks at the servant. “And what might that be?” “Kindness,” Delilah answered. She said it with so much confidence. And that left a wicked grin on her face. She looked at Delilah and gestured her to come. The girl did not hesitate to come close and crouched down next to her when she told her too. Then she grabbed her hand. “Your Majesty?” Delilah looked at her with horror on her face. “I am known for my nature, Delilah. I don’t bother to know the names of who I am speaking to. When I asked for your name earlier, that must have made you feel so special,” she said and the water was getting hotter. It became hotter than normal and she pulled Delilah’s hand enough for her fingers to dip on the boiling water. “Your Majesty—“ her words were interrupted with a scream she dipped her whole hand into the water. “Your Majesty, please!” cried Delilah but she chose not to listen to her pleas. It was satisfying to see. Something she would never get tired of doing. “And that must have made you feel like you’re different from everyone else, hmm?” she crooned. But she was just answered with Delilah’s cries as she continued to dip her hand in the almost boiling water. Tears streamed down the servant’s beautiful face. The face she was planning to carve out. “Now tell me, Delilah,” she looked at her servant and touched her face so gently, “am I still kind to you?” She then took a knife from the side. It has a golden hilt and is adorned with jewels. She traced the knife’s tip along Delilah’s jaw. She cooled the water down and Delilah was still sobbing from it. “Do you even know why I asked for your name?” She looked at Delilah who attempted to cast her eyes down but it was too late. She gripped Delilah’s jaw and forced her to look at her. “Answer me,” she said and let out a wicked smile. “No, Your Majesty. I have no idea,” said Delilah, still sobbing. She pushed the knife a little harder to Delilah’s jaw. “Shh, now. Delilah, I am giving you a very important task,” she said as she traced the knife along her jaw. She delighted in the fear that was on the servant’s face and she craved for more. She wanted to see more of it. She leaned closer to the servant’s ear. “Your face is youthful. When the time comes, your face will serve me. I will have your face once I tire of this one.” She tilted her head and watched the servant cried. “It would be painful, of course. But then, where else are you going to find greater honor than to have the chance to serve me?” Her voice was low, almost seducing. But the servant knew the dark days ahead of her. She let go of the servant’s jaw. The sound of the knife against the floor echoed in the room. Delilah wrapped her hand with her dress and cast her eyes down. Delilah waved a hand and said, “You go to the infirmary today and spend the whole day getting treated. We can’t have your skin looking like that when I’m going to take that when the time comes," she said and offered a smile. But the servant didn’t see it as her eyes were on the floor. “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Delilah said. Even after what she did, the servant couldn’t do anything but be silent. Even after what she did, none of the other servants came in when they heard Delilah’s screams of agony. Nobody would dare. Because she is the Queen Ariadne Roseinhart and she’s the wicked Queen, once upon a time. * * *
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