31 | The Real Monster

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The way to the capital was faster. Or perhaps it felt faster because she didn't think much about it. Her mind was more occupied with what happened earlier. She told Rowan she's liking it. Despite all the things she thought about before about not engaging with Rowan too much, she still ends up doing it. Rowan is a fire and she was just embers. He could easily ignite her whether he was doing something or not. Besides, she wants to fall in love with Rowan and she wants to make him love her too. It was the theory they came up with and Rowan was willing to test it out. Their only problem is if they would ever fall in love. And if they do, hopefully, it would remove her curse and she will become a good Queen for her kingdom. "You're silent. What are you thinking about?" Ariadne looked at Rowan who was astride the horse and is now beside her. She did not notice him slow down. "Well, I was thinking about what the seer told us." "What about it?" Rowan looked ahead. "I'm just thankful that I have a clue on where to start," she said. In her periphery, she could see him looking at her. "When I find the dragon's heart, I will become the Queen my people deserve. They don't need to fear me." "Can't you become a Queen they deserve even if you are cursed?" Rowan said and she looked at him. He was already looking far ahead. "You can still be Queen even as you become a beast at night. I saw you help people in the best way possible and it was what a good Queen would do." He looked at her and smiled. "You can be a good Queen even if you are cursed, Ariadne. The curse taught you a lesson." She was silent because Rowan was right. The curse has taught her a lot of lessons and it has made her a better person, a better queen. She couldn't help but smile in his direction and he smiled back. The capital was bustling and she wasn't able to appreciate the beauty of it on their way to the forest. The small stores and shops bordering the pathway were bustling. People would stop and stare and when they recognize Rowan, they would greet him a good day. People love him. They do not fear him. Despite his being the crown prince was not known, she could tell they respect him. If everything comes to worst, she would have to have her kingdom to Rowan. Her people would love him too. She shook her head. She will get the dragon's heart and do her best so everything won't come to worst. The moment they arrived at the entrance of the castle, the guards opened the gates for them. When they arrived at the throne room, the gold throne was empty. The moment they arrived at the dining hall, they saw the four brothers having their lunch together. They were silent and only the sound of cutleries could be heard. It was Leo who looked at her first over the rim of his glass. “Just arrived on time,” Malik said and raised his glass. He was all smiles as if he did not almost curse Rowan and her for shooing him out of the throne. The others were silent but she could tell they’ve been talking. Whatever it is they were talking about, they’re not going to share it with them. Tearing her gaze away from Leo, she wrapped her hand around Rowan’s arm and gave each and every one of them a saccharine smile. “Where have you been, brother?” It was Leo who asked first. Rowan looked at his brother before he said, “I was spending some time with my soon-to-be wife. I figured I should take her out. After all, it isn’t good for her to be left alone.” She let out a small smile in Leo’s direction as the latter sipped on his cup. Rowan continued, “I took her for a tour. It took longer as we enjoyed each other’s companion.” “Enjoying each other’s companionship isn’t enough criteria for you to choose who you’re going to marry. If she becomes queen, she’ll have to do more than being enjoyable, brother.” It was Kali. She could see how Malik and Marcos were smirking in her direction. “Considering her reputation, he wouldn’t make a good queen,” Leo said as he placed his glass down. She eyed each and every one of them on the table. “So that’s what’s you’ve been talking about?” she said. All eyes were now on her as she stepped forward. Ariadne roamed her eyes and then she grinned. “I wonder how much time it took you all out to come up with that plan.” “You are not part of this family hence, we do not need your opinion—“ Marcos did not finish his sentence when she interrupted. “Thankfully I am not part of your family. But your Crown Prince, your soon-to-be King, has chosen me to be his bride.” She tilted her head before she went on, “Who am I to decline?” “We do not accept cursed Queens,” Leo said and stood up. She smirked as she looked at him. “Seducing me didn’t work and here you are,” she said and gave Leo a smile. He was just looking at her blankly as if what she said did not affect him at all. He could pretend all he wants. “I am not here to please all of you. Rowan chose me to be his Queen.” Rowan stepped beside her and held her hand. “I guess I don’t need to explain myself,” he said and dragged her out of the dining and into their chamber. She sighed the moment she closed the doors of the chamber. “They’re driven to get rid of you,” Rowan said. She knows about it. They didn’t even bother to try hiding it from her. “I guess I’ll be expecting more seductions from now on,” she said blandly and sat on the couch. She saw Rowan look at her with furrowed brows. “Leo tried that and it didn’t work. They’re not going to use the same method twice,” Rowan said as he sat on the bed. “What do you think are they going to do next?” She couldn’t help but mentally list all the possibilities they could do. She doesn’t know what they could do but if they indeed killed the late King and Rowan’s closest brother, they wouldn’t hesitate to do it to her too. She knows Rowan knows the possibilities as she looked at his grave face. He did not answer her question and stood, inserting his hands inside his pockets. “We need to find the dragon’s heart as soon as we can.” Rowan looked at her and she could see the determination in his eyes. It was both a good and bad thing. Good as she knows Rowan is going to help her no matter what and bad because they’re desperate. Desperation was never a good thing. Desperation only means they have little time left before Rowan’s brothers would execute whatever it is they were planning. “The seer told us that we could continue whatever we are doing. Is she talking about our theory or the…” she trailed and she knew Rowan got what she wanted to say as he leaned on the post of the bed, crossed his arms, and grinned at her. “I suppose he told us to continue both,” he said and grinned. She couldn’t help but swallow hard as she remembered what they did earlier. “You said we could start looking for the dragon’s heart in this castle. How are we going to do that?” Rowan’s face was back to being serious. “The kingdom of Cern was indeed called the land of dragons hence the sigil of the kingdom. It wasn’t taught in my history classes but there has to be some information we could use to solve this.” If they’re talking about information, the best way to go is the library. She groaned inwardly as she recalled an unpleasant memory. “The library,” she said. “If we’re going to find out something related to this kingdom, we should check the books your ancestor wrote.” Rowan shook his head. “The problem is, those books were burned a long time ago.” She slumped on her seat and rested her head on the headrest. She stared at the ceiling painted with elegant whorls of gold and white. If the history books are burned, how are they going to read something about the kingdom of Cern and the dragons? “Why is that not being taught? If it’s history, it should be passed on,” she said and Rowan slumped back to bed. “The next generation did not believe it. They think it was absurd. But later on, they found out that those journals that my ancestors have written were just metaphors,” Rowan said and looked at her. “Which means this dragon heart is not a literal dragon’s heart.” She looked at him. “If Cern symbolizes the dragon, all we have to do is figure out what the heart means—“ Her eyes widened in shock as she started to put things together. She stood and looked at Rowan and she knew Rowan already realized it too. She shook her head. “It can’t be, Rowan. No,” she said and paced back and forth.  However, Rowan was calmly seated on the bed as if he figured it out long enough for him to still look composed. “It could mean different things, Ariadne,” he said. She looked at him as he held up one finger. “One, since Cern symbolizes the dragon, its heart would be its people. Which means you’re going to get their heart. Win their trust and love you as their Queen.” It was a far shot but it made sense somehow. But she held up one finger too and said, “Two, Cern’s heart could mean you as their future king. Which means I will have to take your heart metaphorically or literally. I would rather do the former,” she said and Rowan gave her a little smile. “Or… Cern’s heart could mean my dead father. We can’t get his heart metaphorically speaking but we can take his heart literally. Something I would not do to test this theory.” She closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose but it was better. At least they have options. “But the best thing we could both do is marry, win your people’s heart and trust, and make you fall for me.” She looked at him warily the moment she said the word love. Rowan did say he was going to help her but what if he changes his mind? Rowan was silent and she couldn’t help but overthink. She sighed and said, “I know it isn’t supposed to be rushed and have to be done naturally and I am willing to go through that. But…are you?” she asked and Rowan looked at her as if getting snapped back to reality. “Of course,” he said. “I did promise I would help you. I promised we would try it out.” Ariadne stayed silent and looked at him. She knows despite their willingness to try it, it wouldn’t guarantee to have them fall for each other. There are a lot of possible scenarios running in her mind. What if the problem isn’t that she is not capable of love but her falling in love with someone else instead of Rowan? What if her real problem was not her ability to love but who to love. Will she be able to love him? Will he be able to love her? What if they wake up one day and they love different people? Ariadne knows it is also the very same thing that bothered Rowan. When she looked at him, she could see him thinking about something deeply. Perhaps she should give him some space. So she stood and walked towards the door. “Where are you going?” Rowan asked by the time she reached the door. She looked at him and gave her a smile. “To think of a way to feed my kingdom while I am here,” she said and walked out of the door without waiting for his response. She let out a deep sigh as she stood in front of the door for a few seconds before she started walking down the hall. The palace was quiet. Unlike her first day, she couldn’t see maids walking around, wiping the wall pictures, and dusting the banisters and the porcelain vases. It was quiet and the only sound she could hear was the sound of her footsteps. When she reached the central landing of the staircase she stopped in her tracks when she saw Leo standing in front of the huge portrait of the late king. He did not look in her direction but she knew he’s waiting for her. “No library appointment for you today?” she started as a way of greeting. Leo slowly looked at him and ran his eyes in her body. “Seeing you wear the same dress I gave you yesterday gives me the impression that you want to do it again,” Leo said and faced her fully. She scoffed. “Only a fool would go back, Your Highness. I actually pity that poor maid you’ve given your necklace to.” He furrowed his brows. “What necklace? A maid?” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “And there she was, protecting your agenda and you go deny her probably every chance you get,” she said and was about to walk past him when he stepped in front of her. She looked at him a met his eyes. The same eyes that Rowan has. “What are you talking about?” he asked. She couldn’t help but let out a low laugh. “It isn’t my business so I shouldn’t tell you,” she said and was about to walk past again when he held her wrist and stopped her. She looked at his hand on her that didn’t seem to let go. It was starting to hurt and Leo looked determined to get the answer he needed. “Let go,” she said with enough warning in her voice. But Leo just stared at her, his eyes glinted with something but it was gone as soon as it came. “You are one brave woman to march in here and surround yourself with dragons,” he said and she knew he’s about to threaten her. But she has received enough threats before and even ended up being cursed. So she smiled at him. “I don’t think I should be scared of dragons who don’t exist.” She turned to face him fully. “I think you should be warier of the real monster lurking in your shadows, Prince.” She could see how Leo’s jaw clenched with what she said. Before she knew it, she found herself cornered between Leo and the stairs. Leo braced his arms on both her side, sealing her exit. “I guess I should teach you a lesson about messing with us, witch.” He was too close and she couldn’t get away. She was about to push him away when somebody else grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Leo. She was surprised at how fast it happened and the next thing he knew was Rowan standing beside her with his hand on her waist. She saw how Rowan’s grave face before it turned into a dark grin. “Didn’t I made it perfectly clear that she’s my bride and nobody shall lay a hand on her, even you, brother?” * * *
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