Chapter 5

1086 Words
Savio's POV. I watched the sweat dribble down her chin with a smile on her face, ignoring the tiny bit of pity I felt for her, the mate bond's fault, even though we'd rejected her it still lingered below the surface. She straightens and drags the heavy bucket along with her, the sound of the chains scraping on the tiled ground mixes with her heavy breathing, each of these a testament to her suffering. A suffering that I've caused, after years of suffering because of this girl and her wretched family of course she deserved it. After all it was barely a fraction of what my brothers and I went through. I shove my hands into my pockets and merely watch her dragging the bucket around, scrub at the bloodstains on that pedestal, the one her parents had been beheaded on. From here I could easily see the tears sliding down her cheek as she scrubbed hard at the rough tiled floor, she looked absolutely miserable as she cleaned off her own parents' blood. I bite back a sadistic smile at her sadness. This was nothing, it was just the beginning really, the things Kane, Nino and I had planned to do to her surpassed merely scrubbing the floors for hours. I push away from the railings and make my way down to the meeting room at the other end of the hall. My brother's and I were meeting for this first time since everything unraveled and even though we'd ensured it didn't seem like it things had become a little complicated when we'd found out she was our mate, a part of me had ached to hold her, to forgive everything her family had done, but one look up at the pedestal, at the man I'd once considered an uncle, the man I'd my father had treated as his best friend had me regaining my bearing easily, she and her wretched parents deserved everything she'd got and no f*****g mate bond could make me think otherwise. I finally stopped in front of the room. Taking a deep breath I push open the large door to our meeting room and walk in, to the sight of my brother's hunched over some documents, poring over them eagerly and quickly. I can tell they notice my presence but we've all passed the stage where greetings are necessary and instead walk over where they are to assess the same documents that they are currently looking over. Mostly files on the pack and the handover of duties, we would be appointing new officials, replacing each and every one of them with the people that had fought with us for the acquisition of this pack, it was the least we could do after they poured their blood, sweat and tears into this coup. "This is a whole lot of s**t," Nino says, dropping the papers on the table and walking off to his chair, he plops down on it, spreading his legs as far as they would go and huffing exasperatedly. "You wanted to rule a pack, brother," Kane says, in that gruff voice of his. He waves the documents around and glares at the youngest of us three. "This is what it takes to rule a pack." "I thought I'd be ordering people around, not signing papers and reading hundreds of documents. This is boring as f**k," he says and waves his arm towards the table. "Well that's reality for you Nino," I tell him as I picked up the folder he scattered about, arranging each as neatly as possible. "You could leave it to us and go back to f*****g everything that walks around in a skirt, you know…" "Hey! That was one year! Of course I want to rule but this is so boring," he complains again, folding his large arms and huffing again. Kane and I both stare at him unsurprised at the utter laziness he was displaying. He was always the most playful among us, preferring the more violent aspects of getting this pack than the actual reality of ruling it. He was whiny, stubborn and constantly had something to say, worst of all he loved partying, before we began the real planning for our coup, he spent most of his time drinking or buried between some she-wolf's legs. In short he was annoying, but we still loved him. "Deal with it," Kane retorts and walks over to hand him his own pile of papers. "Life isn't always fun and games Nino, get used to it." He groans loudly and lets the paper flutter to the ground. "Beginning to question if this revenge was worth it." We both glance at him and when Kane opens his mouth to say something he smirks coldly and nods. "For the shocked look on that b***h's face, definitely." I laugh and so does Kane, even though he has this thoughtful expression on his face, he tucks a strand of long black hair behind his ears and goes back to his files. "But are we going to ignore the fact that she's our mate?" I ask this time, thumbing through the lists of removed officials. Neither of them say anything and I lift and eyebrow at them. "Sure she's getting what she needs to get, but we can't very well ignore it. It takes sixty days for a rejection to be finalised so the mate bond is well and truly there." Kane scoffs. "Being our mate doesn't change anything. We proceed as planned, torture her for as long as possible then kill her or maybe she'll die in the process, either way she only exists to be f****d with at this point." "So we can't f**k her?" Nino asks innocently… We both glare at him and he shrugs, lifting his hands in surrender. "Fine fine, I won't f**k my mate… but come on…" "No Nino, f*****g her will make us a lot weaker to her charms," I say, knowing fully well that if I do listen to Nino the pitying feeling in my chest will grow and in no way do I want to feel bad for Fiona. "But that doesn't mean we can't have fun with her," Kane says smirking and we both eye him cautiously. Where Nino was playful and thoughtless to a fault, Kane was the exact opposite, cunning and ruthless in the execution of his twisted thoughts, only the goddess knew what was going on in that head of his. "Tell them to bring the b***h in."
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