Chapter 37

1530 Words

Fiona's POV. Oh goddess. I try my hardest to break out of Savio's hold, I twist and wiggle and buck against him but his arms are like a f*****g vice and I am significantly weaker than him, so it's a futile attempt really. I wasn't sure what I was feeling after what just happened, embarrassment or anger, or maybe it was satisfaction. But somewhere, pulling all these feelings together was making me feel so much disgust at myself for actually allowing myself to orgasm, in his damn hands for that matter. But my entire body lit up the moment his fingers had brushed my p***y, at first I wanted to scream at him to get his hands away from me but then they'd grazed my clit and I'd moaned so loudly and I'd reacted so violently, thinking about it right now is making me feel exactly mortified. I

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